It's The Same AI Code For Little Guys And Big Bads
#19758 posted by
Qmaster on 2018/07/15 05:04:30
Ai J Ai
#19759 posted by
madfox on 2018/07/15 23:34:53
Will find myself in Gulliver once I reach Hull.
I have to tag that movement code better.:P
#19761 posted by anonymous user on 2018/07/18 21:16:38
Which tool do you guys use to create sprites for Q2? How can i create an sp2?
Anony Mouse
#19762 posted by
madfox on 2018/07/19 03:02:50
Quake1 uses FirmG to handel sprites. It has a lot of output extentions. Don't know if you can view q2 sprites with it. Quaketastic has a Firmg 0.2 under tools.
I'm not familiar with q2 sprites. It seems there's a program called:
Quake 2 Sprite Builder, but I couldn't find it.
#19763 posted by anonymous user on 2018/07/19 17:11:42
I could really use a cli tool for that. Can't find anything, though. :(
#19764 posted by Spike on 2018/07/19 20:32:16
if all else fails, just use a hex editor.
the format is basically trivial.
{magic="IDS2", version=2, numframes, {width, height, xoffset, yoffset, char pcxname[64] }[numframes] }
Yeah, sort enough to be able to commit to hunam memory, apparently.
Its the kind of format that should have just been a text file all along - hence .shaders being used for sprites in q3.
(q1 sprites are more complicated and also directly embed the pixel data. I don't recommend trying to hex-edit those...)
Floating Powerups
#19765 posted by dudebro56 on 2018/07/22 19:42:14
Anyone know how to make floating powerups in Quake 2? maybe there is some sort of brush I can set to collide with the powerup but not the player? Thanks
#19766 posted by
digs on 2018/07/25 07:26:13
I have a problem with path_corner.
Can not use the "event" property. I set the "event" in the patch_corner, but when the func_trian leaves this point, there is no event. Is this the right name for the property?
#19767 posted by
Qmaster on 2018/07/26 06:07:45
Make sure you have the full Quoth 2.2.patch from here
#19769 posted by anonymous user on 2018/07/26 16:03:01
If you have latest 2.2 patch or full then it should work. Make sure the event has a unique targetname. Wait key will also work on newest version
#19770 posted by
digs on 2018/07/26 16:33:22
Yes, the event has a unique targetname. But still does not work
#19771 posted by anonymous user on 2018/07/26 17:39:30
Event Bug
#19772 posted by
Preach on 2018/07/27 21:09:15
Do you have "wait" set on the path_corner? The page you linked says that event isn't compatible with that (it's really more an acknowledgement of a bug than a design decision, but still).
#19773 posted by
lpowell on 2018/07/27 23:53:03
Maybe a silly question, but how do people get it so that textures on faces that aren't parallel to the grid don't stretch?
#19774 posted by
Poorchop on 2018/07/27 23:54:21
I use Valve mode to prevent that. You can convert to Valve format by using Eric's tools and you can also choose the format when creating a new map in Trenchbroom (drop down menu on bottom right when selecting the game for which you want to make maps).
#19775 posted by
lpowell on 2018/07/27 23:58:47
Ah, the map format thingie. Thanks. Guess Valve is useful for something these days.
See The Map
#19777 posted by
Preach on 2018/07/28 11:22:01
Hard to say what's going wrong without seeing the map itself then, email it over to me and I'll take a look...
#19778 posted by
digs on 2018/07/28 11:59:48
Pardon me! I use my own utility for select a portion of the map and this utility changes "target" to other name.
I try simple compile and it works correctly.
Sorry once again!
Trigger Problems
Got a real bad trigger problem in my first map.
When I come to the middle of the game and have passed some triggers the others are all fired. Doors are opend things are working without activation?
Any idea to this?
Trigger Problems
Got a real bad trigger problem in my first map.
When I come to the middle of the game and have passed some triggers the others are all fired. Doors are opend things are working without activation?
Any idea to this?