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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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I always found the lacking textures super annoying, but oGkspAz, you have finally fixed the problem that has annoyed me for so long.

Thank you thank you thank you! 
Help, I Am About To Release My First Map But I Have Some Problems 
Ok, so I am a long-time Doom mapper and have recently taken up Quake mapping as well. I like it a lot and you can expect to see more stuff from me. Forgive me if I come across as a massive noob. I still feel like an outsider.

I have two problems that prevent me from releasing the map:

First, I have a func_door descending lift but whenever I step on it it only goes 48 is driving me nuts.

Second, the surface of the lift and a brush near it are acting very strangely. If I just walk on them then it alright but if I jump, I get instagibbed. I don't get it...

Would someone mind taking a look at the map? I could also use some feedback on the map itself.

Now I don't know how to package the thing. I just use the compiler but when I drag the .bsp file in Quakespasm, it crashes, so I will just upload the .bsp, .map and .WAD files that I used in a RAR. Again, excuse my noobishness.

I hope you will enjoy the map. 
func_door descending lift but whenever I step on it it only goes 48 is driving me nuts.
func_door will move the extent of the bounding box, minus the "lip" value (but if lip is unset or 0, it uses a default value of.. 8, I think?).

Easiest fix is probably to add a "pedestal" to the lift to give the overall func_door the right height.

If I just walk on them then it alright but if I jump, I get instagibbed.
Check that your host_maxfps cvar is not set above 72. If it's too high elevators will hurt the player. 

Yay, that worked. I knew it had something to do with the bounding box!

It is not set above 72. I have an instagib trap in a nearby room but I checked and there are none of the brushes going in the affected room. Really werid. 
You get gibbed when jumping there is because of the way the trigger_hurt is done. The size of trigger volumes is always determined by an (axial) box around all of the brushes it's made of. In this case, the trigger consists of two brushes, a big one and a smaller, but the touchable volume spans across both. Check with r_showbboxes 1. You need to make it two trigger_hurt entities, one for each brush; then the space above the lift will be unaffected. 
Got it!

Now how do I package the whole map so I can share it? 
You'll want to name your .bsp file in all lower case, no spaces or special characters. You will zip up the following in an archive:

1. your .bsp file (the map)
2. a readme.txt file. please name it <yourmapname>_readme.txt This explains what your map is and any specific info you want to share including your email or social media contacts.
3. it's customary but optional to include your .map file (it's considered polite in these circles.)
4. if you have any colored lighting in your map there will be a .lit file with the same name as your bsp. Make sure to include that as well.

Congrats on making a map!! 
Hey dumptruck! Your YouTube videos were very helpful in making this!

What about the .WAD files? Or are they included in the BSP? 
Here is a link to the final map if anyone is interested in playtesting. 
Seems like a good first effort. Though unfortunately it's pretty much unplayable currently. The map is unsealed (leaks) and unvised - this is something you must address before the final release. In addition, there are many issues concerning entity placement: nine items (including a grenade launcher) fall out of the level, and a large number of monsters are being reported as partially stuck in geometry. Check the map with developer 1 and you'll see all the warning messages in the console:

walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '768.0 -80.0 265.0'
walkmonster 'monster_zombie' in wall at '-784.0 -704.0 41.0'
walkmonster 'monster_zombie' in wall at '-352.0 -400.0 41.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '528.0 -1008.0 489.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '296.0 -1072.0 488.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '368.0 -976.0 489.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '296.0 -1240.0 489.0'
walkmonster 'monster_enforcer' in wall at '632.0 -952.0 296.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '224.0 -1288.0 184.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '-2400.0 -1472.0 -424.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '-1704.0 -1880.0 -72.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '-2224.0 -2288.0 -72.0'
walkmonster 'monster_ogre' in wall at '-2528.0 -2032.0 -72.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at ' 32.0 -1808.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at ' 96.0 -1808.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '-32.0 -1808.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '192.0 -1840.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '128.0 -1840.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at ' 64.0 -1840.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at ' -0.0 -1840.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '-64.0 -1840.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '-128.0 -1840.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '-160.0 -1872.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '-96.0 -1872.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '-32.0 -1872.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at ' 32.0 -1872.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at ' 96.0 -1872.0 25.0'
walkmonster 'monster_knight' in wall at '160.0 -1872.0 25.0'

bonus item 'item_shells' fell out of level at '624.0 -48.0 22.0'
bonus item 'item_health' fell out of level at '216.0 -1312.0 166.0'
bonus item 'item_spikes' fell out of level at '-2240.0 -576.0 -410.0'
bonus item 'item_spikes' fell out of level at '-2016.0 -576.0 -410.0'
bonus item 'weapon_grenadelauncher' fell out of level at '-1760.0 -992.0 -378.0'
bonus item 'item_shells' fell out of level at '-1632.0 -1280.0 -658.0'
bonus item 'item_shells' fell out of level at '-2544.0 -1648.0 -202.0'
bonus item 'item_rockets' fell out of level at '-1296.0 80.0 38.0'
bonus item 'item_rockets' fell out of level at '-1264.0 80.0 38.0'

The monster in wall warnings may not be critical in most cases (usually if placed too close to a wall or ceiling - have at least 4 units space between), but it's still a good idea to try to fix it.

Apart from that, it seems there are no difficulty settings whatsoever and a very large enemy count to the point where at least the entire upper (outside) part feels extremely overcrowded and unfair - and especially since most of them seem to wake up all at once.

I didn't play the map properly in light of the aforementioned issues, but my initial thought: I don't really like it when enemies spot you and attack the very moment the map starts, at least if it's without warning and they spawn close by. I would remove all monsters from the start room; maybe put them in the room to the left (partrolling maybe?). This would have the benefit of keeping them from opening the door to the right and making even more enemies wake up right away.
The population in the outside area should be thinned out somewhat, or made to wake up in waves (e.g. "ambush" spawnflag), or the ones on the battlements only appearing at a later point when the player has cleared the majority of enemies in the area (e.g. by having them move up from holes on top of the wall or teleporting in). As it stands, it's pretty messy and bullethell on top of being low on health and ammo at the start. 
Wasn't supposed to come across as bashing the map, just highlighting some things to improve for the next beta. 
I'm Having Problems With My Map (compiling). 
At first my map compiled with no lights at all and in the end it didn't compile at all.

I'm making it in JACK (I'm too used to Hammer and it's like Jackhammer) and compiling in TrenchBroom or Quark (because JACK fails to create .bsp file). TB can't launch the map and Quark gives me the error: «SubdivideFace: didn't split the polygon».

Could anyone, please, take a look at the map and say what's wrong with it?

Link to the .map file:

P.S. It's obviously not finished. BTW, placing buttons made it crash for some reason and triggers don't seem to work. Golden key changes position for some reason and other weird shit only here, only now.

P.P.S. Quark log:

5227 leaffaces 4806 nodefaces ************ ERROR ************ SubdivideFace: didn't split the polygon

!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-! Build failed, because it did not create the (+BSP) file: D:\Steam\SteamApps\comm on\Quake\tmpQuArK.\maps\pipe_dream.BSP Build failed, because it did not create the (+PRT) file: D:\Steam\SteamApps\comm on\Quake\tmpQuArK.\maps\pipe_dream.PRT

_________________________ GO ! (textures+build+Quake) _________________________

D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Quake\tmpQuArK> "E:\Закуток Разраба\GoldSrc Games\J.A. C.K\quake\qbsp.exe" maps\

Quake BSP Compiler (build Oct 8 2015) ----------- qbsp ------------ qdir: D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Quake\ gamedir: D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Quake\tmpQuArK\ outputfile: maps\pipe_dream.bsp --- LoadMapFile --- maps\ 465 brushes 41 entities 48 miptex 233 texinfo building hulls sequentially... --- Brush_LoadEntity --- 445 brushes read ---- CSGFaces ---- 2845 brushfaces 7194 csgfaces 2277 mergedfaces ----- SolidBSP ----- 3247 split nodes 1546 solid leafs 1702 empty leafs 0 water leafs 6231 leaffaces 5777 nodefaces ----- portalize ---- ----- FillOutside ---- 806 outleafs ----- SolidBSP ----- 2480 split nodes 1309 solid leafs 1172 empty leafs 0 water leafs 5227 leaffaces 4806 nodefaces ************ ERROR ************ SubdivideFace: didn't split the polygon

!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-!!-! Build failed, because it did not create the (+BSP) file: D:\Steam\SteamApps\comm on\Quake\tmpQuArK.\maps\pipe_dream.BSP Build failed, because it did not create the (+PRT) file: D:\Steam\SteamApps\comm on\Quake\tmpQuArK.\maps\pipe_dream.PRT 
SubdivideFace: didn't split the polygon typically means that there's a face somewhere on which the texture is scaled too low for QBSP to handle. For example a small face/brush with a texture scale of less than 0.25, or something along these lines.

It seems you use the compilers that come with Quark. I don't even know what those are, but they're definitely outdated. Try some newer ones, e.g. these, and it should either take care of it right away or at least give you some indication of where the problem originates. 
1st thing I did is changed textures to default wall and checked scale, it's 1.0 for everything.

Quark uses the same compilers as JACK and TB. 
JACK log

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake/pipe_dream

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Source: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake\pipe_dream\
** Destination: \

** Executing...
** Command: E:/Закуток Разраба/GoldSrc Games/J.A.C.K./quake/qbsp.exe
** Parameters: "\pipe_dream"
Quake BSP Compiler (build Oct 8 2015)
----------- qbsp ------------
************ ERROR ************
SetQdirFromPath: no 'maps' in \pipe_dream

** Executing...
** Command: E:/Закуток Разраба/GoldSrc Games/J.A.C.K./quake/vis.exe
** Parameters: "\pipe_dream"
Quake VIS Compiler (build Dec 11 2013)
------------ vis ------------
************ ERROR ************
Error opening \pipe_dream.bsp: No such file or directory

** Executing...
** Command: E:/Закуток Разраба/GoldSrc Games/J.A.C.K./quake/light.exe
** Parameters: "\pipe_dream"
Quake LIGHT Compiler (build Oct 6 2015)
----------- light -----------
************ ERROR ************
Error opening \pipe_dream.bsp: No such file or directory

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake

** Executing...
** Command: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake/quakespasm.exe
** Parameters: +map pipe_dream

for some reason it launches the old version, no lights. 
I will look at your map this evening after work. I can load it at work but I can't compile it without a lot of trouble. I'd suggest compiling with ericw tools and using Necro's compiling GUI. It will eliminate any issues that may be arising from switching between editors. Here is a PDF I created with step by step setup instructions on page 2.

I'm not sure if you've seen my TrenchBroom 2 tutorials but this pdf if is specific to the Quickstart tutorial. But it's shouldn't matter.

One thing is I am seeing you have wads in 2 locations on your system. I would move them to a common folder and re-link them in your editor of choice. Try to compile with ericw tools and Necro's GUI.

I'd also recommend you watch my Quickstart video as well. In it I recommend setting up a "dev" folder for Quake and show how to do it. 
it seems that some columns caused "integer" trouble. I deleted 'em. Nothing changed. 
@ Dumptruck_ds 
Oh, thank you for the step by step instruction. I'll try it as soon as possible. 
Common Compiling Errors 
I think if you take Negke's and my suggestion and ensure you use ericw's tools to compile you will be able to supply us with better information overall. Please try that and share the .log files that are generated. 
I found that some portion of errors was tied to the root folder name (сyrillic). After I changed it, EricW made me a .bsp. (Still no lights. And keys dissapear for some reason)

I adjust the archive with logs and .bsp.

It's a middle of a night here, so I'm signing off. Again, thanks for the quick answers, wasn't expecting this. 
Hey we're getting somewhere. I'm assuming ericw found some leaks. I loaded up the map in TB2 and the level in Quakespasm.

First off you want to run Quake with the +developer 1 command line option or type developer 1 in the console and then restart. Either way you will now see much more information in the console. You can dump the console to a txt file by typing condump in the console. Here are your missing keys and items:

Bonus item fell out of level at '1920.0 1856.0 230.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '1700.0 1844.0 6.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '2272.0 1952.0 222.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '2132.0 2144.0 -186.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '1684.0 2144.0 -186.0'

In TrenchBroom in the View menu select Camera > Move Camera to... and type in those coordinates above. You will then be "inside" the entity. In this case your keys and other items are too low to the ground or close to other items so they've fallen out of the level.

There are lights in your level. HOWEVER, you have a light key in the Worldspawn that is making the entire level lit at 200 regardless of your light entities. If you delete that key your lights will work.

The gold key up top I think is being pushed down into the world by the func_plat you are using.

The level is pretty nice. I hope you keep working on it. We're happy to help. 
Hey we're getting somewhere. I'm assuming ericw found some leaks. I loaded up the map in TB2 and the level in Quakespasm.

First off you want to run Quake with the +developer 1 command line option or type developer 1 in the console and then restart. Either way you will now see much more information in the console. You can dump the console to a txt file by typing condump in the console. Here are your missing keys and items:

Bonus item fell out of level at '1920.0 1856.0 230.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '1700.0 1844.0 6.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '2272.0 1952.0 222.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '2132.0 2144.0 -186.0'
Bonus item fell out of level at '1684.0 2144.0 -186.0'

In TrenchBroom in the View menu select Camera > Move Camera to... and type in those coordinates above. You will then be "inside" the entity. In this case your keys and other items are too low to the ground or close to other items so they've fallen out of the level.

There are lights in your level. HOWEVER, you have a light key in the Worldspawn that is making the entire level lit at 200 regardless of your light entities. If you delete that key your lights will work.

The gold key up top I think is being pushed down into the world by the func_plat you are using.

The level is pretty nice. I hope you keep working on it. We're happy to help. 
The map works well on my end but I will keep in mind what you said.

I am still getting used to how Quake feels. I mean AD got me back into it (didn't even know Quake had a mapping community before that!) so I kinda designed my maps like I would design my Doom maps. I am still getting used to tougher individual enemies and the slower speed. 
Mission Accomplished 
Thanks for all your support, it works fine now! Some trouble with the key I so wanted to place under the moving platform, but otherwise – pretty smooth.

I love making levels, but rarely finish them :).

I was so used to leaks and light surfaces overload that I assumed that there's a trouble with the light by the default xD.

P.S. Now the map looks less embarassing :

P.P.S. I must say it's really increadible work you're doing for Quake community. It's hard to belive that the tools are still being made. 
Glad this is working now. I have faith in this level. You should finish it.

SleepwalkR and ericw are doing a great job developing TrenchBroom and keeping us all mapping after 21 years... amazing. 
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