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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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@ SleepwalkR 
Cheers for getting back to me, SleepwalkR,

I was running Quake initially as the Quake 106 shareware version, but upgraded to the official version later, so I do have the official PAK1.PAK.

I have made a backup of the ID1 folder, and all that is in this current I am using are the PAK0.PAk & PAK1.PAK files, no .cfg files in there.

It still just loads the original Quake. 
Did you try negke's suggestion to start the game from the console? Do you still get the condump messages? 
@ Negke: 
It worked!

I bypassed the command line parameters box (leaving it 'blank') and launched the Quakespasm exec, then typed game drake290111 (then pressed the enter key).
The next line in tmap arcstart -hhe console says:
"game" changed to "drake290111"

Then I typed map arcstart (then pressed enter).

So I take it you don't have to use " & - symbols?

When I try placing these symbols into the console, it rejects them.

I tried typing heapsize 128000 on a seperate line, but was told "unknown command".
I tried having it at the end of the map arcstart line (map arcstart -heapsize 128000) , and it seemed to let it past (I assume).

Have I typed this correctly? Can the heapsize command be typed on its own, or does it have to be included as part of another sentence?

For a beginner such as myself, I was getting confused with entering " & - symbols into the console, not realizing that you don't have to type them. 
@ Negke: 
In the 3rd/4th sentence, it should have said "The next line in the console says:" 
QuakeSpasm has a higher heapsize per default, so you should be fine. 
A Misunderstanding On Your Part 
What you tried was to enter command line switches (with - and +) in the console, which of course doesn't work. They are supposed to be used when launching the engine. Gamedir and map can we changed in the console, but heapsize cannot.

I don't know how it works on OSX, but usually you would open an execute prompt in the OS and run the game with the command line "quakespasm.exe -heapsize 128000 -game drake290111 +map arcstart". May not be called .exe there but you'll get the idea. 
oooooh, did you paste to the launcher box including the quotes? that might explain it.

this should work:
-game drake290111 +map arcstart

-game is a special command line parameter. originally you could not select the game (mod) to load when quake was already running. only later some engines added support for using "game xyz" in the console. "map" on the other hand is a command. you can pass commands to an engine on startup with a + while in the console you just type their string.

please never ever use mods/packs that alter your id1. you'll end up with problems and in many cases you will play some fancy bling-bling that does not have much to do with the original game. you might experience maps and mods much different from how they were intended to be. 
Oh Right 
I didn't realize this was about the Quake Injector. 
I think it isn't. But on OS X, QuakeSpasm has a fancy launcher that allows you to enter the command line parameters and set the resolution. 
It is not about the Quake Injector. drake is not installable through it. I should probably fix that but then there would be a mod in the map listing, oh the horrors, oh the possibilities of hatred! 
Hi Hannes,

-game drake290111 +map arcstart has worked like a charm!
it now skips the main Quake screen and takes me straight to the Arcanum intro map.

Many thanks, all!

Sweet! Then it were the quotes. I should have thought of that. Have fun! 
@ Spirit 
I suppose these are are all little things that could be added to the FAQ on the main Quad site, so newcomers don't suffer psychotic breaks trying to figure out things they've never had any experience with! 
Have fun, and if you find any bugs related to QuakeSpasm, post them here! 
Plenty 'o' Fun! 
I'm lovin' it!

Nice intro with the axe wielding zombie stuff, nice touch.

I was discussing having ogg files being triggered by certain maps in Quake, and if I understand correctly, you can have a completely unique track to be mapped for all 32 maps in Quake.

It seems that every map is binded to a certain audio track (10 track, 2 to 11).

e1m1 always triggers "8" in the cdtracks folder
e1m2 always triggers "6".

I have opened up e1m1's .ent file and changed the number from "sounds" "8" to, say, "sounds" "2", but it never triggers the track02 file in the cdtracks folder.

Any ideas? 
Quakespasm does not support .ent files. 
Actually ... 
0.85.5 ..... Added support for loading external entity files, controlled by new cvar 'external_ents' 
My Mistake! 
Sorry Hannes,

I meant to say this is when I am running Quake with DP.

Can Quakespasm handle more than 10 custom audio tracks? 
> Can Quakespasm handle more than 10 custom audio tracks?

I don't think that any engine would have any such limitation. So yes, quakespasm plays map-dictated music, be that track2 or track22 or whatever, as long as your disc possess that track or you have a proper rip of it. 
Cdtracks Folder 

It's just that whenever I have tried to make e1m1's .ent file trigger track02 in the cdtracks folder, it never works. it always triggers track06.
The .ent file is written as "sounds" "6", so I have tried to change the "6" to a "2", so it should trigger track02. but it still keeps triggering track06 ("6").

Is it something to do with my .ent files map files?
I'm finding this really hard to solve. 
Extern_ents Cvar? 
Do you have this set to 1 *BEFORE* you load your map?

If not, Quakespasm will not be loading an external ent file at all. You should change the map name for E1M1 to something like "My Slipgate Complex" to prove to yourself visually that the external ent file you made is being loaded.

I guess I am saying, you are saying the problem is soundtracks but do you have conclusive proof your external ent files are loading at all? 
My Mistake! 
Hey Baker,

I went slightly off-topic (being a Quakespasm forum!).

The .ent file/cdtrack/audio file issue was something that has been plaguing me with Dark Places.

Obviously I don't wish to start a long discussion here about DP, but if you could point me in the right direction of advise me, that would be great!

No Problem But ... 
You'll need to ask in another thread. This is already confusing the hell out of several people including me by posting a DP question in a Quakespasm engine thread. 
Point Taken.. 
Obviously I do not wish to 'confuse the hell' out of anyone, as that would be malicious! lol!

I think it's just a testimony to how confused I'm getting with different "engines"/"mods"/".ent's"/"bsp's"/console commands" etc etc.

We were all "new" to this world, at some stage.

I'm sure i'll get to figure it all out in time!


On A Brighter & Less 'confusing' Note.. 
Quakespasm is working nicely with the quaddicted 'Arcanum' map.
No obvious bugs to report!

With the knowledge I learned from others earlier in this thread, I managed to get the 'Quoth' Quaddicted user map up and running.
I'm happy to say this is working fine so far with my Mac.

These maps will keep me busy for a while.
After that, I will come bck and ask for advice on installing the '5rivers' & 'Nehahra' maps.
I have attempted a quite a few launches with the above user maps using QS, but no dice.
Nehahra looks slightly more complex than 5rivers.

It may sound simple to some, but for newcomers, this world of mods & engines can be quite me! 
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