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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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There's A Way To Take Weapons 
Preach might remember better but I believe a trigger hack with negative items might do the trick to act as a weaponstrip.

think InitTrigger
nextthink 0.2
touch weapon_touch
items -2048 (add weapon numbers here) 
Actually I don't think that would work, not sure how bitwise | treats negatives. 
Hmm interesting, thanks guys. We will probably use the rune method unless we can work out a hack (this is for QUMP) 
Try looking at DecodeLevelParms in client.qc. This is entirely a QC controlled thing, you don't need a hack. 
some engines (ie: fte+dp+qss) have startmap_sp and startmap_dm aliases, which can be set eg:
alias startmap_sp "map foo"
which should normally be done in your mod's default.cfg file.

the engine then goes and executes those aliases instead of directly loading the regular start map.
an alias instead of a cvar allows you to reset various other cvars before the map loads (or plays a demo/intro first or whatever).

as far as the engine is concerned, map start isn't otherwise special.

as far as the vanilla qc is concerned, players will always spawn with default weapons on start.bsp, the qc prevents any weapons from other maps from being restored on the new map.
It should be relatively simple to create a trigger to remove items, but it'll still need custom QC.

If you're looking for a hack to remove the player's weapons+ammo+armour without using start.bsp and without custom QC, you might be able to achieve that by killing the player with an insta-gib trigger_hurt overlapping a trigger_changelevel. Both triggers need to be touched within the same touchlinks call - otherwise the player will become non-solid and be unable to trigger the other trigger (teleporting the player into a room containing both triggers should do it reliably enough).
(obviously this requires a map change) 
I need a reminder here.
corps_removal added to the death_frames, and an update to defs.qc.

I forgot how, anyone who can light up my little light? 
Coding Help: Are You Wanting To Remove Corpses? 
You could create a body_fade function and adjust the alpha.

body_fade = {
self.alpha = self.alpha - 0.1;
if (self.alpha < 0.1) {SUB_Remove (self); return; }
self.think = body_fade;
self.nextthink =time + 1.00;

Then in the death function of a monster you could add something like this:

void() madfox_die8 = [89, madfox_die8] {
// Fade slowly
if (cvar("fade_corpse") == TRUE) {
self.think = body_fade;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
} else {
// Just remove after 30s
if (cvar("fade_corpse") == 2) {
self.think = SUB_Remove (self);
self.nextthink = time + 30;
Hey Yeh. 
Thanks for your guesture, qmaster.

After digging deep this came up:

Add to defs.qc
void () CorpseThink =
self.think = SUB_Remove;
self.nextthink = time + 30 + random() * 30;

All death frames monsters

void() sham_death11 =[ $death11, CorpseThink ] {};

I knew it was something simple.
Thanks anyway. 
Issues With QUARK 
Hey everybody,

I'm having issues using Quake Army Knife. It's giving me an error regarding the palette whenever I try to open a WAD for Quake 1, and says that it could not find the palette.lmp file. I don't know exactly how to fix this, but all the textures are unreadable until I do. If anybody could help me figure out how to fix this, that would be great! thanks! 
A Dude 
Sounds like Quark cannot find/read your id1/pak0.pak So check your paths.

Maybe you are using the wrong version of the proggie? IIRC you need a specific version to use it with Quake 1. 
yeah, the only thing you should need to do is set the path for Quake 1. Similar to this screenshot except Q1 instead of Q2:

once the game path is set correctly, the texture browser should automatically load all of the textures from the base game. 
Custom Quake 1 Model Doesn’t Show Up Correctly. 
Custom Quake 1 Model Doesn’t Show Up Correctly. [EDIT]
Posted by Rizzoislandgame [] on 2017/09/23 21:47:56
First post yay!

Anyways, I put a static model into the game and no matter how many times I try to make the texture work it has 1 side that shows up, but the other side is completely black. I used blender, used the Smart UV map creator function, used gimp to make the texture, and exported using a MDL plugin for blender. It just doesn’t want to display correctly! I’m at work right now so I can’t post pics, but if it’s necessary to show them I’ll get them out tomorrow. 1 more thing, I made sure the texture was compatible with the quake palette.

Thank you! 
Flood Fill 
One thing that can ruin your day with skins (especially placeholder skins) is the floor fill feature. Some engines attempt to replace the bright blue background some original Quake models had on their skins, because it looks ugly when seams show. They do this by flood-filling the skin with black, starting from the top left corner of the skin.

This can wipe out actual visible portions of the skin if they are painted with a continuous block of colour which extends to the top-left corner. A reasonable workaround is to paint just the top left pixel in a different colour to the adjacent pixels, so that the flood fill is contained. 
Thanks man! I’ll try that! 
Re:Flood Fill2 
I assume the color has to be on the palette.imp right? 
That's right. Incidentally, what tools are you using to make the model? Most of them enforce that palette thing for you... 
Just Making Sure 
I’m using Blender with the MDL exporter, Gimp to edit textures and I export them to 100% quality, import into TexMex, reverse it for export, export it to TGA, drag it onto the blender model, then export it. I, however, use Pedit to make custom palettes for my maps. I can import the .pal into texmex to convert it. Does the blender MDL exporter also convert textures? 
Not Sure 
I think the blender exporter must at least perform some pallete conversion. I've always used Preach's utility to add skins after the fact since the exporter can only handle one. I thought they needed to be .pcx to work right though. 
Is there a way to do Half-Life style level transitions? Presumably with some specific engine or mod required, of course. 
Sorry, Probably Not Unless You Code It In. 
As far as I know, there are no mods for Half Life style transitions. You might be able to use some QuakeC code to make it yourself, but it would be kinda tricky and require mathematical calculations to compare the previous level to the new Level. 
The blender plugin does some least-squares mapping of RGB colours to the quake palette. For a good quality skin you want to do the conversion beforehand, so you can can consider options like dithering, or even manual pixel pushing. But for just testing out a model it should be fine.

I'd recommend grabbing a copy of QME (Quake Model Editor) - that way you can open up the exported .mdl file without needing to boot up the game, and play around with a native editor if you are having problems with an export. Again I'd recommend using it for development, but not the final version, as it doesn't handle models made by the blender plugin well. It's nice to be able to paint the skin in a 3d view. 
To program this yourself you would need the following:

info_landmark entity present in both maps.
trigger_changelevel, probably with a string .landmark with the targetname of your landmark.

Inside the changelevel use function:
Calculate x,y, and z distance of the player from the info_landmark.

Put all 3 distance values into empty parms in your mod such as parm9, parm10, and parm11.

Set a bit inside one of the parms to 1 to indicate level entry point 1 instead of standard start.

In DecodeLevelParms inside client.qc, check if the bit is 1, if so set the player's starting origin to info_landmark's origin plus the offsets from the landmark stored in parm9, parm8, etc.

You only get so many parms for storing values in between levels such as health, ammo, runes, and weapons. This means that corpse remembrance is impossible. You could set a .deadiflandmark value on monsters set to 1 if you want them to be gone when the player returns to that same level again amd check for the same bit you did in DecodeParms and remove (self). So corpses would be gone then

Coop requires you to add some sort of info_playerstart_coop2, 3, 4 for coop players to start near the right landmark depending on how many different entrances and exits you want. You will of course need selarate bits for landmark1,2,3, etc. to check for in DecodeLevelParms instead of just one. 
Sorry that was for Keiya 
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