@ Damage_inc
#18858 posted by sceletope on 2017/08/31 00:56:15
Brilliant, works perfectly. Thanks to everyone for their input and help on this one.
You're Welcome
#18859 posted by damage_inc on 2017/08/31 01:13:59
All credit ofc goes to the original author, but I'm glad it worked for you. It's a really cool feature very rich on possibilities to.
Me thinks it should be standard in the mod big daddy's, Quoth and Arcane Dimensions :)
Especially now that ericw got the inside surfaces to show.
I Also Happen
#18860 posted by Mugwump on 2017/08/31 01:28:32
to have an idea that would need this moving liquid feature, so thanks too.
#18861 posted by Qmaster on 2017/08/31 01:43:00
That kind of thinking may end up with some sort of all consuming collective mod...hmmm.
#18862 posted by damage_inc on 2017/08/31 02:06:49
I don't know of any über mod, is there one on the horizon hehe
Disregard #18862 :(
#18863 posted by damage_inc on 2017/08/31 02:19:03
I hit the back button, refreshed and... BAM, there's the über mod!
Last Post About This, I Swear!
#18864 posted by damage_inc on 2017/08/31 18:12:24
While the func_water is super cool, there is a really bad quirk(s) still.
Any "entity" in the water gets drawn in full view unless your r_wateralpha is 1(opaque, duh!)
I posted in the ericw tools thread about it not being "perspective correct" but today I now see it's just that the water texture doesn't get drawn on top of any entities surface. Which looks funky.
That means both point based(armor, health, etc) and brush based(doors, plats, etc) entities are affected.
Renderingwise, Darkplaces and FTE will draw the water surface on "top", but each of those have other issues.
In Darkplaces the ladders do not function at all and in FTE the water current will not let you swim against it.
Obviously, there are mapping work arounds.
Make sure to test your setup with func_water in a small map before becoming heavily invested in it in your full map.
HELP On Darkplaces 2014/05/13 Compatibility
#18865 posted by Redfield on 2017/09/01 02:28:20
Hey there,
So the AD map I'm working on is nearing completion, I've been working hard to get the map working well in Quakespasm, Mark V and the Darkplaces 2014/05/13 build. I know there are newer releases but this is the last one that I ever used and is compatible with AD.
The only problem I have at the moment is that Darkplaces does not seem to interpret door lips the same as a normal engine would. I have a set of descending stairs, and the first step going down will have lip 0 entered as "-0" This is interpreted perfectly in Quakespasm and Mark V, but Darkplaces is no good. The step stays elevated as if with the standard lip (8 units?) and the player cant move over the step in Darkplaces.
This is really aggravating. I've put a lot of work into getting the particle setups to translate into Darkplaces and now this. Is there any solution to this available?
I would recommend Quakespasm-Spiked-Admod and ditch DP. But I am no power-user so perhaps someone has a solution.
Can A MOD Delete My #18864 Post?
#18867 posted by damage_inc on 2017/09/01 03:02:15
As well as this one?
I don't know what changed but what I posted is all wrong, many apologies for this.
Sadly, I really wish I knew what changed but everything looks perfectly normal now.
Again, my apologies.
#18868 posted by Redfield on 2017/09/01 03:04:55
I changed the geometry of the stairs to give the first step a positive lip that all 3 engines interpret the same. I should have done that earlier but I tend to lose my temper far too easily when mapping...
@dumptruck_ds: Believe me a few months ago I may have abandoned Darkplaces, but I've been testing with all 3 engines so many times now its too late to go back. The map is meant for Quakespasm (I would think spiked would run it, but I will look at it) but I know there are people that love Darkplaces. They can now enjoy the map but RTWorld lights MUST be off. Mark V also runs it similar to Quakespasm, but I have some performance issues on my machine.
Hollow Pipes Tutorial
#18869 posted by muk on 2017/09/01 03:24:23
Heres a tutorial for making 45° angles and hollow pipes.
#18870 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/09/01 06:18:58
My solution for hollow pipes is to make two circles, one smaller than the other, and subtract the smaller one from the larger one.
Back in the day this crashed Trenchbroom 😃
(Recent RCs have been better about this, thank god...)
#18871 posted by Spike on 2017/09/01 07:07:12
extras_r4 is a bit shit really. the ladders are framerate dependant and bug out completely if you run at the wrong rate, in ANY engine.
The ladders+water volumes will fuck up prediction regardless, so if you're using FTE you'll probably need to disable that by setting sv_nqplayerphysics 1 otherwise you'll get horrible juddering every single frame when the client realises that the server is doing something different. Obviously that sucks for coop+deathmatch, but for single-player you probably won't care too much.
The alternative is to check for+use the FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS extension - eg set self.skin=CONTENTS_WATER; and FTE will just automatically treat an entire SOLID_BSP entity as a water volume (moving the player if it moves - hurrah for func_doors). -16 can be used to get the engine to treat the entity as a ladder, although for these to be invisible you'll need to use SOLID_BBOX or SOLID_BSP+setmodel+model="" if you're after invisible volumes (or I suppose a vanilla func_wall combined with skip textures would do it).
That extension will leave the engine free to do all the desired physics automatically. It'll even do the underwater warp thing. It won't do anything for other engines though, so DP will still be screwed, and other engines will still need the dodgy qc code.
dp interprets OP_IFNOT differently, treating the operands as floats while every other engine treats them as ints. Basically this means that the -0 hack is broken in DP. You should be okay with 0.000001 though.
(fteqcc can achieve a similar result for all engines, but does not do so by default).
#18872 posted by damage_inc on 2017/09/01 08:21:32
As always, thanks for the detailed information.
In the end I was just trying to help sceletope with that singular desired effect in his map. The draining water.
The ladder code I liked because it worked like Q2, which is more natural than AD's implementation. Even if it is bad ladder code ;)
I kept posting cause I was trying to resolve the inconsistencies. I clipped what you wrote and put it in my FTE folder, in case I ever get back this.
Thnx again.
#18873 posted by Mugwump on 2017/09/01 08:45:43
@Redfield Darkplaces 2014/05/13 build (...) is compatible with AD.</>
Except that DP didn't support fence textures until about one year ago.
@mukor Nice tutorial but this method doesn’t make 8 identical sides, unlike circles.
Oops, Sorry, Screwed The Quote Tags Up
#18874 posted by Mugwump on 2017/09/01 08:47:37
#18875 posted by muk on 2017/09/01 08:47:38
Yeah I noticed my mistake afterwards, the concept remains the same though. Vertex manipulation and the square templates are the core elements that needed to be taught.
#18876 posted by topher on 2017/09/02 05:12:48
that reminds me of the hollow torus that i made in january when i was learning the editor, with all the vertexes in grid
i didn't made anything at all with it
and now i don't remember how i did it lol
#18877 posted by Qmaster on 2017/09/02 05:21:32
Topher, looks like something Orl would have.
Hey, post that map source. I'd be happy to do a low gravity speed map with that!!!!
been a long hot day I am downloading the source. :)
Haunted Elevators And Insane FPS
#18880 posted by Redfield on 2017/09/02 21:08:31
Hey there,
Does anyone know if there is a workaround or solution the mapper can implement to reduce the instances of elevators that randomly hurt the player, or reverse direction.
The map I'm working on has done this to me and a few testers on occasion. It seems to happen in Quakespasm frequently. I've read it is related to the host_maxfps and physics. I tried seting my maxfps to 60 and it seemed to help. I'm just wondering if there is anything I can put in the map to reduce this? The speed of the elevator maybe? I just don't know if telling all players to cap there fps at 72 is a workable solution.
FPS Glitch Workarounds
#18881 posted by Qmaster on 2017/09/02 21:53:21
Try a speed less than 60 perhaps.
But really, we're all handicapped to use lower FPS due to the physics issues inherent to the engines currently. If you want, you could mention that players who want to use higher FPS must use Darkplaces (at the horrible expense of non-twisty water).
For the love of all that is holy, why is there no twisty water in Darkplaces??? Otherwise it would be perfectly serviceable.
#18882 posted by negke on 2017/09/02 23:47:55
If rising the max_fps above 72, problems like that are to be expected. However, it can also happen with standard values under certain circumstances. Some random hiccough in the clipnodes or physics.
I suppose you could try changing the brushwork of the lift and the area surrounding it in an attempt to stop the issue from happening. Or maybe maybe insert the whole thing elsewhere in the brush order (top or bottom of .map file) to influence the way QBSP generates the corresponding data.