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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Use "testplayerstart"? 

not a command it seems 
could you do that by relying on an alias with multiple commands and some QC support?

impulse 50; kill; impulse 51

eg: impulse50 encodes player position and angles into temp1, kill restarts the map, impulse 51 uses data in temp1 to reset position? 
well I was hoping there would be a solution that doesn't require the use of a custom mod 
ok I can abuse the save/load system to reload the world whilst preserving the entity state of everything...

that may do for now :} 
It is an entity i place to avoid noclipping 2000 units over and over.
AD doesn't have it, i used the normal "info_player_start" there.

You'll see a warning of multiple start entities in the engine, usually the engine picks the first it finds to place the player. (or was it the last?eric?) 
Right - I have never managed to get region compile to work in netradiant, so I'd have to stick to using one info_player_start and keep moving it around with me, which would be a pain.

Meanwhile, I have stuck this in my config:

bind "F5" "echo Dev Reload...; wait; save devsave; wait; load devsave;"

Of course no entity changes can be viewed with this, but it works a charm for refreshing the world geometry and lighting, which will save me a bunch of pain already. 
Windows Defender Is Detecting Quakespasm As Malware 
Windows Defender is now detecting the latest QuakeSpasm as malware:


It detected it when I tried to run the version already on my computer, and then when I tried to download the engine again, it caught it again on the download. 
Sourceforge Is The Asshole Here 
Lets move this project to github? 
That Were My Two Cents 
Another Image 
This image shows the culprit file when it detected it on my existing installed version:

See that it flags the file quakelibopusfile-0.dll

I'm assuming it's a false positive, but it's stopping me from playing it right now :( 
delete your HDD, throw the screen out the window(just to be sure), and melt your HDDs with thermite(to be super sure). Thanks Sourceforge! 
Note that Windows Defender has only just started doing this - the version I had on my PC has been there for a couple of weeks with no problems. Dunno why Defender is sharting over it now :/ 
I Know The Answer To This 
use tails. 
Windows Defender isn't detecting anything for me. I just updated the definitions now and am running the latest windows 10.

Would you mind uploading that dll somewhere, or the whole .zip that is being flagged? I'd be curious to see if it has been tampered with or is binary identical to what it should be. 
microsoft's virus scanner spuriously detecting false positives in software that uses technology that might be a competitor to their voip product? who'd have thought it!... 
Adware Is As Bad As Cancer. 
Once they started this, they prepared their demise. In my view. 
Windows defender removes it so I don't have it to hand but the file that this link downloads has the "trojan" apparently: 
Re: Sourceforge 
Hey Guys,

Not to sound like a smug a$$hole, but I did mention problems with Sourceforge a month ago here and was treated poorly by Baker.

You should just move the hosting to GitHub Pages. 
We Don't Know It's Sourceforge 
Right now my bet is it's a false positive. Weird no one else is getting this. Windows 8.1 using up-to-date Defender. 
Re: Sourceforge 
Well whether it's a false positive or not, Sourceforge has been caught red handed last year injecting malware into software they host. I wouldn't trust those guys anymore. 
Last year the Direct X version of Mark V was continually flagged as a trojan by Microsoft while 61 other file scanning services say it is not a trojan.

As a result, I now I distribute the Direct X version in a separate zip.

It's somewhere in the Mark V thread around post #732 
What Tamarisk is referring to is this:


Developers must opt in to a new "DevShare" feature.

If you opt in, your project gets embedded in SourceForge's custom installer.

That custom installer may bring crapware along for the ride.

Important thing is that if the developer doesn't opt in, none of this happens.

Personally I think that Tamarisk is scaremongering a bit. 
Scaremongering eh? Did you even read that article mh.

While true that the DevShare is opt-in, SourceForge has been caught red handed doing other not so nice things. Repackaging "abandoned" projects for one. 
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