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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Compiling In TrenchBroom 
So, I have this sample level i've made in TrenchBroom. I'm new to Quake, leveled for Doom/TF/CS for years, just wondering how I go about compiling what compilers to use / sourceports to use.

I downloaded Darkplaces and a QBSP.exe file, and used them in Trench to compile and run. But when I run the map, it gives me this.

I'm assuming it's some compiling issue. I was under the impression Trenchbroom did not suffer from leaks, so I boxed it up and it still gave me that.

As for other things, I downloaded a QUAKE1.wad to get the textures, and i'm not sure if that changes things.

Thanks for your help in advance. 
Do you have an info_player_start in your map? All maps must have this entity and I didn't notice it in your screenshot. That would cause your compiler to not finish bsp.

As far as compiling in general. I would use tyrutils-ericw found here:

Since I have not tried to compile directly from TB I cannot answer questions about that. However you may want to try Necros' compiling GUI as an alternative if the above info_player_start fix doesn't work. It's very straightforward.

Welcome to func! 
Do you have an info_player_start in your map? All maps must have this entity and I didn't notice it in your screenshot. That would cause your compiler to not finish bsp.

As far as compiling in general. I would use tyrutils-ericw found here:

Since I have not tried to compile directly from TB I cannot answer questions about that. However you may want to try Necros' compiling GUI as an alternative if the above info_player_start fix doesn't work. It's very straightforward.

Welcome to func! 
Forgot to add that TB doesn't prevent maps from leaking. It just has a pretty good tool for finding them.

All maps must be "sealed" just as you had to in your TF/CS days. 
@lain Part 3 
Sorry for the triple post. I just woke up and keep forgetting things. If you just run qbsp.exe on your map you can have leaks in your maps. But later you will want to fix them as your maps will not be able to run vis.exe

See the bottom half of this page for info: 
I spent a couple of hours deliberating on the issue, and I finally found out what was causing the issue. My map wasn't in /id1/maps it was just in /maps..

Oh well, at least that shouldn't happen again. Thanks for your help either way, i'll stop boxing my map like an idiot and do up an actual skybox now. 
Remove Slime Mid-game 
I have a map which contains a couple of drains filled with slime, which mid-game I want to remove the slime and allow access to the now empty drains.
I'm using QuArk and the problem I have is I can only kill the slime by putting it in a func_wall, if I do this the 'wall' can be killed, but the slime is a solid rather than a liquid. If I just add the slime to a group and assign a targetname and try and kill it nothing happens. Is there a way I can do what I want? 
Moving liquids are impossible to do in vanilla Quake. The best option for you is to use Arcane Dimensions and a combination of trigger_touchsound and trigger_hurt. 
Re:Sorry Re:Remove Slime Mid-game 
I'll look into that. I had tried a combination of func_wall and trigger_hurt it sort of worked, but wasn't exactly what I wanted. 
If you don't care about making the slime visibly rise and sink, you may want a func_illusionary in id1. 
The "pox extras" mod has moving water. You could try using that if you don't already need another mod for other reasons. 
I tried func_illusionary but you just drop straight through it without choking/dying. I'll have a look at pox extras, though I don't need the slime to move I just need to be able to remove it all at some point. 
Pox Extras = Extrasr4 
+1 For Extras R4 
Don't think stock ID1 with any number of func_whatever will work as he desires.

func_wall is solid and func_illusionary is non-solid/non-liquid. The new variants of func_detail _wall, _illusionary and _fence are of the correct "liquidness" of the brush but are not killtargetable.

As long as you don't mind including a "progs" with your map Extras r4 was super easy to setup.

I used JACK and simply renamed my func_wall to func_water and set a few simple key/value pairs.

watertype = -4(slime)
height = -128(negative down)
targetname = slime(it will bob if no targetname)

Then create your button/trigger with a target = "slime".

Then you can either trigger it to drain or killtarget it like you wanted.

Draining would be cooler imo, if visible, and since you are now tied to using a custom progs ;) 
Forgot To Add... 
Your func_water also needs a key/value pair of [ wait = -1 ] IF you trigger the water to drain versus just killing it. Otherwise it will return to it's original position.

Two things to note, since this is now an entity it will not take your r_wateralpha settings. You can add an alpha key to it though.

Secondly, I know you are using slime but the players view if under the surface(water, slime, lava) will not show the surface textured.

There's a docs folder in the download, explains it all. As well as example maps.

Footsteps are on by default. 
Secondly, I know you are using slime but the players view if under the surface(water, slime, lava) will not show the surface textured.
This is an easy fix in qbsp, actually I just added an entity key for it (_mirrorinside 1). 
home of the pox extras mod: 
In the example both transparency and inside surface texturing works just fine, grrrr :( 
The docs at the top of extras_water.qc mention that some qbsp's had func_water support (eQBSP v1.0b for MacOS) and would keep the inside faces, so I imagine the example map was compiled with that 
ericw continues to be awesome. 
Thanks Ericw 
Lots to look into there, I could be a while trying to understand it all, but it seems like you know what I'm trying to do and it could be the answer. I did get a draining effect when I was trying various things, I used func_door to lower the level of the slime, looked great but it was still a solid. 
extras r4 will be included in my uber mod. 
Thanks Ericw Again Two Steps Forward One Step Back 
That works brilliantly. I couldn't get anywhere with JACK, couldn't find how to add extras to trenchbroom so persevered with Quark and it finally all fell into place. The drains now drain. Thanks very much for your help.

However... If I compile the map in Quark it plays perfectly well, but once I move it to it's own folder in /Quake/ it fails immediately with error AllocBlock Full. Progs.dat is also in this folder

Also when playing the map after compiling in Quark, it won't reload a saved game and fails with a list of items and values and a host_error:pr_executeprogram null function any ideas. I recompiled an earlier map in Quark now it has the link to progs.dat and that too won't load a saved file. 
If I compile the map in Quark it plays perfectly well, but once I move it to it's own folder in /Quake/ it fails immediately with error AllocBlock Full.
"AllocBlock Full" means the map exceeds the engine's limit for lightmapped faces. If you only get the error when launching quake directly, and not via quark, it sounds like you are using different engines?

Hmm, I can reproduce the error when loading a save with the extras r4 mod (at least the water.bsp sample map) in winquake, quakespasm, darkplaces. It seems like a bug in the mod :-( 
That's A Show Stopper! 
The small map I created also fails to reload a save.

The mod was inconsistent across various engines I tested. I think I'd just create a new progs with the features I like. 
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