#1856 posted by
negke on 2006/11/25 00:34:09
the first speedmopping (
speedmodding meets speedmapping) event takes places in the first week of december, starting at 12pm EST.
teams will be random; the theme is announced once the event starts.
if you like to participate (you better do!), give word here or in this thread:
Re: Speedmopping
#1857 posted by
Text_Fish on 2006/11/25 03:34:57
Personally I'll be busy with my Base map for some time, but wouldn't it be more sensible to do it a little later in December [or early in January] when people are more likely to have some time off work/education for the holiday season?
I'm not a member of inside3D, so just figured I'd post that here incase one of the event organisers sees it and thinks it makes sense. :)
#1858 posted by
Zwiffle on 2006/11/25 07:57:29
Yeah the first week is NOT going to work for me. That's like crunch time for school for me. After the week of the 17th I'll be done with school and I'll have plenty of time (ie, exams + paper next week, 2 programs due after that, homework, + finals.)If there is anyway to push it back later, I'd totally love to do a Lolo mod with Asaki.
Speedmopping Date Change
#1859 posted by
negke on 2006/11/28 05:20:56
There's been a slight change of plan. The event will be held on DECEMBER 10th thru the 16th, to help get past the college finals and before the Winter holidays.
Thank you everyone. Please, come into #speedqc on any time from the beginning of December to get some teams created and to get to know your team mates if you don't already.
#1860 posted by
Spirit on 2006/11/28 06:32:46
You guys suck.
Let's extend sm130 2 weeks and then there will be three maps by me...
#1861 posted by
Zwiffle on 2006/11/28 07:10:09
My finals start December 15th and end on December 19th. :(
...priorities, Dude...
#1862 posted by drew on 2006/12/02 19:33:05
#1863 posted by
Zwiffle on 2006/12/14 09:11:13
The new theme? I have a couple hours between procrastinating studying and my last programming assignment to try and do some speedmapping.
It Has Been A While
#1865 posted by
HeadThump on 2006/12/14 09:26:39
since we have put together a chain mapping event.
#1866 posted by
Zwiffle on 2006/12/14 09:36:41
Chainmapping sounds swell. Count me in!
SM131 Theme
#1867 posted by
negke on 2006/12/14 09:42:22
"elder world train station" - courtesy of Zwiffle
i'd like to have some chainmapping too, but i haven't thought about a theme/date yet. maybe early january or something...
#1868 posted by
Trinca on 2006/12/15 03:28:36
that give to much trouble... extract episode4 textures... brrrrrrr
#1869 posted by
negke on 2006/12/18 11:53:51
generic was so kind as to compile an episode4 wad for you lazy gits.
zwiffle, you better have a map ready next sunday!
I'm In Too,
#1870 posted by
HeadThump on 2006/12/18 13:20:03
originaly, I was going to wait til finishing the base map, but elder world train station is too good a theme to pass up.
I'm Hitting Base Map
#1873 posted by
HeadThump on 2007/01/05 10:41:29
hard this weekend, so EWT is not in the cards. Trinca do you still map at work? Lucky bahstid ;)
#1874 posted by
Trinca on 2007/01/05 10:54:59
yes but just a few minuts in end of year :( is not good for a accounter :( to much fucking work :|
#1875 posted by
Trinca on 2007/01/07 03:27:39
[11:20] <czgAway> go do sm132 then
[11:20] <czgAway> theme: homophobia
I Thought Sm132 Theme Was Supposed To Be Cowboy Office?
#1876 posted by
negke on 2007/01/07 09:12:39
#1878 posted by
Spirit on 2007/01/07 11:54:59
I'm in with a stupid map. Got some temparature and sooooo much boredom.
#1880 posted by
Trinca on 2007/01/07 12:54:33
errr neg|ke i prefer czg theme more :p