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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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As I said, I already tried both options, from the command line and through worldspawn, and the result is the same. 
If you have entered compile settings in your editor options, they may be overriding your map's worldspawn parameters. 
Alright, Okay 
Thank you Eric for explaining that, I see now what I have been doing wrong. It's not a lighting tool bug, it was entirely me. You would think having been mapping all these years I should have caught on to this from the start.

My embarrassing mistake was, the pitch angle was positive, not negative, so it was always shining straight up.

This is what happens when you become overly frustrated, you start to make little mistakes and begin to think its something huge.

Anyways, thank you again madfox and Eric, all is well. 
'Artificial' Item Pickup Messages 
Is there a way in vanilla Quake to change where a message is printed to the player? The 'message' field on an entity normally prints to the middle of the screen, which is great for information about locked doors and things like that, but I'm looking for a way to make it print to the console/top left corner instead, like the ammo/armor/powerup messages. 
#18588 'Artificial' Item Pickup Messages 
Not without a custom progs.dat (QuakeC, probably items.qc) unless I am mistaken. 99% sure. 
Well That's Disappointing 
Somewhat surprising as well given the amount of things that are apparently possible through various entity hacks. Thanks for the quick reply, though. 
What do you need this for, anyway? Centerprints don't exactly hinder view and Quakespasm also prints centerprints to the console. 
There is a hack. Using the ammo_touch</a> as touch function in a custom info_notnull trigger, it will print "You get the" + whatever is in the netname field in the top left corner of the screen. This will not override the pickup message of the original item, so you'd have to make sure the trigger fires after picking up the item. Additional steps may be possible to hide the original message entirely. 
Better Than Whole Milk! 
I'd had a couple ideas for making a map somewhat unique without needing its own -game switch; just small things like alternate item pickups outside of the standard gold/silver keys and ammo boxes through either stationary brush entities that are killed upon touching it or fancier, rotating brushes (cloned from a func_wall using this fantastic hack) to imitate the actual spinning keys.

That's fantastic, exactly what I was looking for! Getting rid of the 'You get the X' part of the message isn't a priority, as I would have ended up typing it in anyway; using ammo_touch as the touch field on a DIY-brush-entity makes a one-time trigger that not only gives you the message with your choice of 'X', but also plays the ammo pickup sound and screen flash. A little bit of fiddling shows that if you use key_touch instead, it allows you to use the noise field to play any (precached) sound you want instead, including the various key/armor pickup noises. 
GTKRadiant 1.6.5 
It says Radiant now has Quake support (I know Eric made is, I tested it) but when I download it, I can't configure it for Quake. It doesn't show up in the list of supported games and there's no separate gamepack to download because the site claims it's built in.

What gives? 
I fail to see how centerprints moved to the top/console would relate to alternate item pickups.

As for alt keys and rotating brushes, AD can do that so you could make your map for AD instead of vanilla. 
Map Fails To Compile 
So, I've been making my first map in Trenchbroom and Necro's Compiling GUI refuses to compile the map now. It gives an error message:

*** WARNING 01: No valid WAD filenames in worldmodel
Processing hull 0...
---- Brush_LoadEntity ----
371 brushes
---- CSGFaces ----
2249 brushfaces
1974 csgfaces
1791 mergedfaces
---- SolidBSP ----
126%************ ERROR ************
Didn't split the polygon (SubdivideFace)
---- vis / TyrUtils v0.15 ----
running with 4 threads
testlevel = 4
************ ERROR ************
Error opening eldertemple.bsp: No such file or directory
---- light / TyrUtils v0.15 ----
running with 4 threads
************ ERROR ************
Error opening eldertemple.bsp: No such file or directory
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
1 file(s) copied.

Any ideas? 
Oh, and textures show up fine in the editor, plus the .map file does exist.
Supposedly there's a weird brush somewhere or something but how would I find it? Is that even the problem? 
For Quake1 it's better to use the earlier versions of GtkRadiant.
Version 1.4 supports Valve half life and Quake.
Version 1.5 also supports Quake.

I can only create maps in it, as the links are rather queer to make. Texture files give possibility to 2 wad files, Quakewad101 and one of your own.

It's a bit stubborn installing, but a very accurate editor. 
Thank you!

Who did that custom build? 
I dropped the ball a bit, the 1.6.5 release shipped without the Q1 gamepack.
This was the game pack I prepared, just extract it in the "installs" directory with the other gamepacks and Q1 should work. 
Oh, and textures show up fine in the editor, plus the .map file does exist.
Supposedly there's a weird brush somewhere or something but how would I find it? Is that even the problem?

I think you may have spaces in the path to your wad that TB can handle but QBSP.exe cannot. I'm guessing here... but the wad error at the top of the log is what you should correct and then see if there are further errors. 
I solved this (well, someone on QuakeOne did...) just now. It was because one of my brushes was weird. I can only conclude that it was something to do with the fact that I messed about with the texture scale in the wrong way. 
I have three more questions. :D

First question: How would I go about building composite lifts - I.E. lifts made up of multiple brushes (such as a main platform, a thinner pillar brush below and a CLIP brush the same width and length of the platform but lower)? Because when I tried doing it normally with multiple func_doors, some of them raised back up at different times + other oddities, presumably because of their differing volumes.

The second question is: Is there a "block light" brush? Yeah, that's it.

The third one is: how would I go about making teleporter traps? (Where enemies teleport into the level) 
le niger from q3df updates it. He added lots of q1 stuff a few months back. Pretty much good to go once if you have tyrutils-ericw compiler stuff 
1. do all your brushwork then make it a func_door or a plat - you can even go in and edit the brushes later in TB2 anyway. Not sure if clip brushes can be part of a func_door. Never tried that and not sure why you'd need to.

2. I don't think so but there may be some kind of hack I am unaware of. I know that ericw is actively working on his compile tools. There may be something there to query.

3. AD and Quoth have ways to spawn in monsters but this is for id1:

First make a room outside of your main map and place your monsters there. For each monster you place them in a trigger_teleport. I do mine like a little box intersecting their midsection. Make sure you leave some space (4 units minimum) between each monster and that the triggers never overlap. All of these triggers touching the monsters will have the SAME "targetname."

Now enter a unique "target" in each teleport_trigger.

Next you need teleport_destinations for each monster's trigger_teleport. In the "targetname" field of each destination enter the "target" from each unique trigger_teleport above.

Last you need a way to trigger the monster's trigger_teleport brushes. Let's just call it a trigger_once as your player enters a room. Remember above all the trigger_teleport brushes have the SAME targetname? Make that name your "target" in this trigger_once.

I know it sounds confusing but ask if I can clarify. It's harder to read than to do trust me. :) It's very easy to confuse target with targetname so just double check each step. And try to do one monster as a test first so you get the method down.

Also download the original map sources from id here at Quaddicated. Load up a map you know well and then check out how id did it. E1M3 has the above "monster traps" method. 
Best .DEF? 
negke, you mentioned a while ago that the .def I used in the gamepack in #18601 was not great, does anyone have a better .def for vanilla quake handy? 
yeah clip brushes can be part of func_door. I've used it to 'simplify' floor of my elevator. I initially built it with two metal beams crossing main platform slightly rising above it. Then I found out that player is getting stuck on those. I solved it by encompassing the entire thing in one clip brush)) 
Hah! I never knew that. Guess my plats are too boring and simple. :) 
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