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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Quake 4 Ericw Tools FGD 
Dropbox updated their sharing / linking of public files and broke the old link, gg

That is the latest fgd, supports phong shading and all the new sky stuff / bounce lights in the last *official* release. 
For Quake, Or Quake4? 
Did Anyone Expirement 
with randomized monster spawns yet? 
Quonquer, mapjam 5.

It has the option for waves of different (randomized) monsters. 

so I'm new to mapping and I've got questions :)

- is there any way to block sounds? like teleporter ambience behind the wall? I can't hear it, but I shouldn't.

- is there any way to block lights from lighting your gun. For example my gun is being lit by colored light from behind the closed door, I don't want that to happen.

- is it possible to make brushes passable for projectiles, but still appear as solid geo?

I meant 'I can hear it' regarding teleporter sounds 
for #3, func_illusionary will look solid but let everything pass through (players monsters projectiles). adding a clip brush will block players and monsters. (add a brush to the world and give it the texture "clip") 
you can('t) hear it, but you shouldn't?

You can dimm your shotgun light, but then tou'll need to alter the weapon.qc

You can use teleporting /players only, or /silent. 
thanks guys! editing quake c files beyond my level of expertise, but 2 out of 3 will do :) thanks 
I can hear it but I shouldn't (...) my gun is being lit from behind the closed door
Would thickening the walls and doors solve the issue? Is there any doc on minimum thickness to prevent that? 
You basically have to light around doors so that it looks good whether the door is open or closed. Alternate: for one-time doors, toggle the light on when the door opens. 
Oh and since you might not know this -- guns (and other models) are lit based on the floor below them. So the problem you actually want to solve is what light is casting onto the floor in front of the closed door. 
@metlslime dude! thanks :) worked like a charm. I made lights 'initially dark' and then linked them with the door switch. great stuff!

@Mugwump idk. google isn't very helpful when it comes to 20 yo tech with misleading terminology :) 
Heh, I was actually asking to the knowledgeable guys around here.

metl, great tips! 
Cannot Set Sunlight Angle 
This has been happening for awhile, and I found ways around it. Now, I need it more then ever, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why this suddenly is refusing to work.

No matter what I set -sunlight_mangle to from the command line, or from the world map properties, tyrqbsp always outputs:"sunlight_mangle" was set to -0.126998 -0.720243 0.6681998 from commandline" and I get no sunlight in game. No matter what I try, that always happens. tyrlight just flat out refuses to set the sunlight angle to what I want, and it happens on every single map I compile, and I can't figure it out. I've used the latest tyrlight, the previous version, and the previous version before that, and its always the same thing. I've even used aguiRe's jury-rigged light tool and it too is giving me weird sunlight angle problems.

Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening? Ask me any additional information that you may need, I'll answer it. 
Make Me A Knowledgeable Guy 
Volume is pretty obvious – the volume of the sound, on a scale of 0 to 1. Attenuation basically means whether or not you want the sound to be played across the whole map, or to fade out over distance from where the sound is based.

float ATTN_NONE = 0; //no sound.
float ATTN_NORM = 1; //throughout the whole level.
float ATTN_IDLE = 2; //monster idle, pain.
float ATTN_STATIC = 3; //diminish very rapidly with distance. 
put it in worldspawn.


"_sunlight" "100" //light intension
"light" "15" //minlight
"_sun_mangle" "227 -57 0" //surround height 0 
watch examples of ericw! 
Sorry, the diagnostic message is misleading ("sunlight_mangle" was set to -0.126998 -0.720243 0.6681998 from commandline").. it's printing out an internal version of the mangle vector, that's different than the format it expects from the worldspawn / commandline.

Here are is the proper format from:

"_sunlight_mangle" "yaw pitch roll"
"_sun_mangle" "yaw pitch roll"

Yaw specifies the angle around the Z-axis from 0 to 359 degrees and pitch specifies the angle from 90 (shining straight up) to -90 (shining straight down from above). Roll has no effect, so use any value (e.g. 0). Default is straight down ("0 -90 0").
Hope that fixes it! 
Ericw Is Quake's 2017 MVP! 
Compiling tools and TB2 coding!

Can I get an Amen? 
As I said, I already tried both options, from the command line and through worldspawn, and the result is the same. 
If you have entered compile settings in your editor options, they may be overriding your map's worldspawn parameters. 
Alright, Okay 
Thank you Eric for explaining that, I see now what I have been doing wrong. It's not a lighting tool bug, it was entirely me. You would think having been mapping all these years I should have caught on to this from the start.

My embarrassing mistake was, the pitch angle was positive, not negative, so it was always shining straight up.

This is what happens when you become overly frustrated, you start to make little mistakes and begin to think its something huge.

Anyways, thank you again madfox and Eric, all is well. 
'Artificial' Item Pickup Messages 
Is there a way in vanilla Quake to change where a message is printed to the player? The 'message' field on an entity normally prints to the middle of the screen, which is great for information about locked doors and things like that, but I'm looking for a way to make it print to the console/top left corner instead, like the ammo/armor/powerup messages. 
#18588 'Artificial' Item Pickup Messages 
Not without a custom progs.dat (QuakeC, probably items.qc) unless I am mistaken. 99% sure. 
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