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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Its Coming Together... 
Thanks for the tips everyone. I did make some adjustments to the func_movewalls and now there is less of them and it works more fluidly. The problem was they weren't square brushes along the axis of rotation and so were being displaced in one direction or the other. I made them the same length and width and now they move more fluidly with the rotate_object.

I made a cheesy video of it that can be seen here: The movewalls are made visible in the video. If anyone wants to take a look and give some suggestions I'd appreciate it.

I did try adding a solid key with value 4. It had no effect I could see. The brushes were non solid and I couldn't walk on the bridge. I could also try negke's suggestion and simply have some func_walls that are invisible and toggle based on the switch, but as it is the movewalls are doing an ok job.

This was a real puzzle. I initially had the func_movewalls as a grouped entity and nothing worked. It drove me nuts trying to figure out what was wrong. 
I was picturing a drawbridge but that is even better. 
It's Kind Of Like The End Of Episode 2. 
Shifted Clip Hull On Train? 
I seem to have two trains here that have a shifted cliphull (or draw surfaces?)

any idea on that? 
See if you accidentally gave them an angle field. 
Mission Packs 
Maybe I'm missing something, but why don't more people use weapons/monsters from the mission packs? I almost never see them used; even Quoth is way more common to use for variety. I do sometimes see mission pack textures used in packs for jams, but that's about it. 
I've wondered the same thing. I have planned on doing multiple versions of the same map for a while to give players alternative playthroughs. My Deathmatch map Lividus release added support for both mission packs but I've only just started SP mapping a while back. My current map will be released for vanilla and maybe a Zerstorer version later. I think it's a good idea to take a bit of extra time and give people more than just one version. Maybe a "remix" version for Hipnotic or Rogue or both with all new secrets. I think that would be a fun approach and entice people to replay maps.

I believe I saw a project a few months back here that combines everything from the mission packs and other mods into one giant progs.dat/pak but not sure of the status.

More info on my Lividus map here: 
Oh Awesome 
i probably did. what does that do? 
What do you mean that you "added support" for both mission packs? As in the weapons from the packs are included in the your DM map? And your current map being released for vanilla and Zerstorer? You just mean the theme? Like the Zerstorer version will use Zer textures or something? 
Well "added support" is a clumsy way of saying I made additional bsps with those entities added to the map. In the zip file I provided 3 separate versions of the map for id1, hipnotic and rogue.

I'm not sure how far I will go beyond textures for the Zerstorer version of my current map. I played the original when it came out (1997?) so I need to read the the dev notes and see how much work making a specific version for that mod would take. IIRC there are only new weapons, sound code and cinematic tools. It's funny because someone said on QuakeOne "reminds me of Zerstorer" so I thought what the heck? Let me "re-skin" the level and add a few entities as I did before. Not sure if it's gonna be a mess or worthwhile. 
And by entities you just mean you added the weapon entities for each version of the game as some variety for the deathmatch?

Yeah, I suppose the defining elements of Zer were the cutscenes and textures. Just wanted to clarify what you meant.

It's kind of a shame about the mission packs, it just seems really odd to me that they are barely even mentioned on Func. I don't think I've ever played a release with mission pack content outside of textures used for a retrojam or something. 
There are a lot of mods out there that borrow enemies and gameplay (rotating brushes etc.) from the packs...
As to why there are so few maps made for the packs themselves, perhaps it's an accessibility thing? I have no idea where I'd go to find editor .fgd or .def files for them, nor documentation in general for that matter...

Not that I've really looked, but still... 
My Map 
Terracity uses gremlins. #shamelessplug

But my uber mod will make accessing using mission pack content easy...someday #shamelessplug2omg

There is a link for mispack fgds zip on this site: 
And Example Maps At The Bottom Of That Page 
3rd Post Sorry Sorry 
Just wanted to say that you struck a cord with me because being able to use both mision packs was the original impetus for my uber mod. And I couldn't leave out AD, and so on. 
What's your uber mod? You got a thread about it yet? 
Still In Development 
Combines totality of features from ID1, Hipnotic, Rogue, Quoth (not latest version), Kinn, and several other mods all under and including AD latest version along with my additions such as my programmable syncronizing robot (megasuper func_train).

Close to feature complete, working on documentation, readme, example map, and finishing at least one of my sprawling maps that uses the mod before releasing it. 
So it's going to be an amalgamation of entities from official Id content and big mods? Lots of different monsters/weapons/textures etc.? 
Re: Mission Packs 
I suppose they aren't used much, because they were never freely available and easily accessible like mods and aren't as versatile. Even now, I'd imagine many players only own the main game, not the mission packs.

Personally, I don't really think it's worthwhile making or re-playing a map a second time in the missonpacks just for some additional monsters or items - only if the experience was substantially different. 
When were they added to Steam? Both the packs are $6 total, easily accessible.

I'm not saying maps should be remixed to be used with entities in mission packs - or other mods for that matter - but it just seems strange that base maps aren't made with a mixture of the guns/monsters that the mission packs include. After all, it's official content. Why miss out on that variety? 
Are Their Any Mapping Tools 
...that allow you to "mirror" brushes? e.g. Make a "flipped" copy of a room or level?

I tend to recall this but it may have been a dream or something from Doom editors. 
QuArK Has Mirror Duplicators. 

To mis-quote Indiana Jones: "Quarks, it had to be Quarks."

I appreciate all the Quark has to offer -- but the UI is so baffling to me I've never used it to even build a box room. 
Tb Has Flip 
Netradiant can do it. You just make a copy, then you can flip or rotate on any axis 
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