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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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None of those new defaults has anything directly to do with networking or single player, by the way.

max_edicts was a cvar in FitzQuake dating back to at least 0.80 because in earlier times some people would use GLQuake or another custom engine (there used to be tons of them) and GLQuake had a max_edicts limit of 640.

FitzQuake allowed you to set max_edicts from 2048 to 640 to make sure things worked in standard Quake without using a different engine so a mapper could ensure wide compatibility. 
Site Blocked 
Just as an FYI, I recently installed uBlock Origin as I finally got sick and tired of the increasing amount of ads online and mainly because the latest version of Chrome had a terrible freezing problem. One of the filter lists this plugin uses blocks Sourceforge. It can be disabled, but just thought I would let you guys know. Maybe switch hosting of the site to Github Pages? 
So you have an adblock plug-in that blocks SourceForge ...

And your idea is that to accommodate your adblock plug-in, that the Quakespasm guys should uproot all of their machinery and tools from SourceForge to GitHub because of your plug-in?

Is this a correct way to understand what you are suggesting to the Quakespasm guys? 
I use uBlock Origin too. Just click "Temporarily" olol 
I use FireFox + AdBlock Plus and Quakespasm's SourceForge page works just fine. That's all I'm saying! 
Not telling anyone to move anything. Just letting them know. Sourceforge has bigger problems anyway.

I'm a savvy user so yes I unblocked it. I was just posting an FYI. 
I Use 
Adblock. The original one written by one guy.

I don't really trust the others since I got massive slowdown from Adblock Plus one time and another from uBlock. 
Adblock ... I also installed a YouTube specific ad blocker. 
Called, surprisingly enough ...

"Adblock for Youtube"

I was just saying suggestion sounds a bit extreme. ;-)

And if other adblockers don't have issue, sounds like uBlock needs to get on the ball. 
Adblock seemed to hog resources. uBlock Origin is light as a feather, in my experience (Chrome). All the kool kids seem to use uBlock Origin also. 
I use adblock on its own to block youtube crap as well, seems to work fine.

It does have a problem with more than one ad blocker installed at once though (on chrome) because each becomes a new instance that doesn't play nice with the others. 
I use ABP... seems standard 
Just fyi �block Origin is the best ad-block around, especially in terms of performance.

Pro-neckbeards might like �Matrix. 
my keyboard doesn't have a � key 
alt gr + m 
I don't have any ad blocker specifically, just NoScript and Ghostery. However, my HOSTS file is nearly a megabyte in size and has close to 30,000 entries.

It's extremely rare for me to be blocked from a reputable site, and I almost never see an ad. 
Thanks for the new Quakespasm update. You guys are awesome. 
MD3 For The Shambler In QS Engine? :) 
So yea... this guy has an MD3 version as well... I convert him to MDL afterwards.

I would love to include a more precise version for folks to use in Quake Spasm in the future. If that lovely tech gets added then I would just for joy. 
OK here is my wishlist:

What are the chances of sticking in a simple external file read/write ability, accessed via QuakeC?

Something a bit like this? 
I posted it in the thread for the new Q1SP map, but whenever I try to start a game with this new updated client, the game exits to the desktop. Anybody know what's going on? 
Is this with the "Experimental build" in the oms3 thread (quakespasm-rf6d[...].exe)?

Argh, crash to desktop is the worst. No error message / dialog I assume?
Could be some dll conflicts.
If you don't mind trying a clean setup, this could help: create a empty directory. Extract all files in the QS zip. create an "id1" subdirectory in the same dir, and copy your pak0.pak/pak1.pak files to there. 
Haven't tried with the one in the oms3 thread, just the newest one in this thread and on the quakespasm site, 91 i believe. I'll try a clean install when I get the chance and report back. 
Alright so making a clean install didn't work either. To answer the previous question yep, no error message at all, just exits to desktop. 
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