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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Thanks Pritchard 
Seriously, insisting that incorporating one of the coolest, most iconic unintentional mechanics in a game is off-limits to people making maps for this game *as a hobby* because it *encourages bad behavior* in the playerbase is pretty silly. Like Pritchard said above, its pretty widely known about, and I would add not even hard to learn, pretending it doesn't exist is silly especially given the rich opportunities to make cool shut that exist.

This is way off topic though. 
Skill Select Room 
I tried looking at some source files from maps, but i cant figure it out. Someone please walk me thru the process.

I want to set a skill select area in my map without changing the map. 
As far as I know you have to change or restart the level after the difficulty has been set, because what difficulty it is on (0,1,2,3*) can change which monsters are spawned or not.

*3 is nightmare and normally doesn't change anything from hard but I think there are some hacks to make it behave differently to hard as well... 
Have you considered mapping for something like Q3 or Warsow ****as a hobby****? 
I can't find an exact link for a tutorial for this but I know it involves using runes and an info_player_start2

Take a look at the source for sock's Fallen From Grace:

I have not tried this but it's probably fairly simple. 
Skill Select Room 
The issue has been resolved. thanks. 
Kinda Off Topic? 
I justed wanted to fart in here and say that Discord is *amazing* for working on maps with a small team. You can drag and drop pics, demos, map files, wads etc into the chat window and it'll upload them for everyone else with no fuss etc. You can pin useful messages and files for everyone to see. It even has full voice chat if you want to use that. And all from a web interface! (Or an app)

I've been digging it. 
i think we should migrate from irc to discord at some point ;) 
Good Idea 
I made a start on it

I don't expect it to take over irc, but we can give it a shot perhaps 
Writing New Lines In Messages? 
I've been trying to figure out how to set a new line of text in a message lately but can't seem to get it to work. It appears that in id's maps they use a backslash followed by the letter n to do just this, but whenever I try it it doesn't work, and it just shows the command being written in the message in game. What gives? 
Ah Damn 
you're using TrenchBroom 2 RC3 right?

It's a bug in TrenchBroom. Not much you can do at the moment because they get converted to \\n whenever you save, though I guess you can open the .map in a text editor and find/replace \\n with \n before compiling. 
Yup, TB2 RC3. I didn't know it was a bug, thanks for shedding some light on this issue though. I'll try what you suggested. 
Anyone know of a good 'pile-of-skulls/bones' texture? 
skulls2 from februus 
Maybe also floorskull1 as used in ad_necrokeep (don't know where it's from originally). 
If A Monster Can't Teleport... 
Here's something that wakes up a grunt, e1m3-style.

Quaketastic download: 
Note: Hcmnstertest 
However, you can't play the level until info_player_start is in it. 
Hcmnstertest (wtih Info_player_start) 
Alternatively, you could try this.

Quaketastic download: 
But Still... 
...You get the "no info_player_start" nonetheless until it's fixed. 
I'm guilty of commenting too many times in any single thread within the span of 1 hour, but thankfully hcmnstertestips is fixed. 
Is there any way to deal with the double line of mortar that occurs if you use brick textures on large walls due to the edges of each 64*64 texture meeting? The only thing that comes to mind is clipping one row of pixels from the texture but I was hoping there was an option in-editor for this at seems like it would be a common problem 
Absolutely not. Quake's wad texture art cannot be procedurally modified like that, either in editor, at compile, or in-game. You'll simply have to make a new texture that just has a 1 pixel mortar line. 
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