Hacks on doors tend to be very hard to pull off. Some of the reasons:
� The door spawn function overrides almost all of the functions that you can use for hacks. Not just
touch, but also
blocked and
� Every class of SOLID_BSP type has a
use function specified in its spawn function, putting up barriers to the idea of creating a SOLID_BSP info_notnull which can be activated like a door
� The function LinkDoors requires all of your doors to have the same classname, so a door made from a hacked func_wall cannot link to regular doors.
� Entities which go through the func_door spawn function get their classname changed to
"door", which prevents masquerading of classnames
Nevertheless, I think I still have some tricks up my sleeve, so I'll persist. If I come up with something it'll be posted in the
Teaching Old Progs New Tricks thread, but I'll try to post the bad news here if it fails.