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Speedmapping Thread!
From now on, this thread will be the place to discuss speedmapping issues. This will also be where all speedmapping events will be annouced. This is just an effort to keep General Abuse on it's topic of 'anything' rather than being about speedmapping every weekend.
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u,neg|ke, Spirit, Biff, Ankh, Inertia, Vondur, Kell, Daz, Card0, Vodoo, Generic e.t.c

Sorry, I haven't been on line much lately to chat. I've been recovering from the bite of a tenacious little brown recluse acquired on a recent hiking trip in Georgia (I should have took pics of my leg, it turned a wicked shade of necrotic black). My energy has been sapped for doing much. 
HeadThump sorry :) u have been always great sorry!!! SERIoS!!! 
Scampie Again ?? 
I had some explanations from Trinca, via email, and it seems that Scampie (again ?.. but not the only one) is the source of Trinca's disappointement... I don't know what happened exactely between these 2 guys, but it is not the first time I hear that Scampie is flaming somebody with no particular reasons... just because he is not in a good mod.
I know that the internet is not a place of Heaven, but please guys, would it be possible to be fair this time ? Voodoo already experiment stupid comments on his mother some months ago (maybe more than a year now), and he was about to leave definitively (BTW, we don't see him much more...)
I react because everybody is complaining the Quake community have less and less active members. And when a new guy comes, he is flamed because he is not as good as pro mappers... or because he doesn't speak a perfect english... WTF !! Come on, be serious !! Don't you remember how bad you were when you started mapping.. So please be indulgent, and particularly with interested people that have a self-commitement to Quake mapping as Trinca has.. I don't think he deserve this attitude, and I don't think it is the right attitude to let our community growing... I know it is not a popularity contest, but rather than writing: "your map sucks", it is very negative, I'd rather prefer to write: "well, it's not perfect and you have to improve this and that..." it is much more constructive, and really helps people to improve themself...
If some people want elitism, so they should go to game industry, and let other guys, that take mapping as a hobby, to have fun with their "crappy" maps....
In anyway, I seriously hope that trinca will not leave the forum, because as of today, I think he was the most prolific mappers I saw (with all other speedmappers) from a long time...
I think everybody should think about it. 
Well Said JPL. 
To be honest I don't see flaming or elitism very much in the creative side of the Quake community [possibly because I'm not involved enough, who knows] but whenever I have witnessed it I've noticed it coming from jaded veterans who seem to have lost the passion they once had for mapping and now just sit around jealously slagging people off for the most ridiculous things.

The main thing to remember if you're on the recieving end of such vitriol is that those people don't matter any more. The only reason they're so aggressive is because they have nothing to offer the community any more -- or at least they feel they don't. It doesn't matter how well respected somebody once was -- their opinion will only matter for as long as they take a positive and active part in the community. Because lets face it, no community needs negativity.

Trinca, I really think you should stick around because you produce fun maps and you're a nice bloke as well. I'm sure the same can't be said for a lot of the more negative members of the community, so if anything, they're the ones that should leave. 
Headthrump is another Quaker that dont go to #terrafusion in Quakenet becouse of same kid... but nobody makes anything he ruless... 2 days ago ban inertia and voodo just becouse it feel like...

fucking creap never was a good mapper all the stuff he made for Quake was CRAP and think he is something...

yes is a STUPID KID!

ohhhh sorry John Fitzgibbons u are also a great guy :) sorry 
Stop Irc Drama! 
I totally agree with JPL's and Text_Fish' posts. But Trinca, don't flame here. I know Scampie and you kinda hate each other but don't make a "chick fight"(?). Strife does not work well in messageboards, especially when it comes from a chat. Argueing here will only leads to confusion and bad vibes. Discuss, don't fight.

I saw Scampie say something in #tf maybe 3 times while I was there (and I was quite regularly). I think that the #tf community should not accept someone being non-part anymore and then acting like this in such a high position (owner flag in the channel, no?). 
Bit More To It Than That 
Headthrump is another Quaker that dont go to #terrafusion in Quakenet becouse of same kid...

I've had a few run ins with Scampie here, but nothing I didn't shrug off in a few hours because I don't hold grudges. I'll just leave it at this, Scampie is a complicated individual.

One of the reasons I don't go to #terrafusion is because I can be kicked off. I just wont put myself in any type of vulnerable position.

Another reason is I spent a great deal of time in Mirc back in the nineties and it was effecting the productive side of my lifestyle, so I quit it cold turkey a long time ago.

Having said that though, after a seven year gap, I have started going to the QuakeC channel on occassion because I've noticed some interesting individuals associated with Inside3d have been coming here in recent months. 
ok is over! no more comments about this! i�m decided... i will not go anymore to terrafusion untill scampie leave the channel! 
I Could Have Made At Least 5-6 Maps In The Time I Spent In Irc. 
I think a better solution (at least for me) is to hang out on Func instead and make maps and try to kindle the community here. I became a lot more productive after I stopped going to TF; though that productivity has usually been channeled into non-mapping fronts. I keep up with most of the people that I want to through IM, e-mail, and whatnot. 
talking about normal stuff again i will not make any speedmap 
You took the good decision.. Really... Now go map ;P 
Whoever Put The Asparagus Pee In My Cereals Will Pay! 
also: trinca, don't be a caldera, please. besides, what would you do at work then? ;)

as for speedmaps, so far i have a 1024 one by generic and my building on an animal. looking forward to more... 
Efdat Out 
won't do animal. started working - sucked. got other work to do. grrr! 
There Are Some Fun And Wacky People On Terrafusion 
sometimes also scampie is one of them with all his instant kicking of people but it's kinda gotten old, although I haven't been there for long and not much lately either.
I don't know if there are many here who have not been kickbanned by him or anyone else.
But for the most part people just don't care, it'd be such a chore to move someplace else and mostly the discussions are less than two comments per person and then break into incoherence.

I think we are dealing with "artistic" types here and terrafusion is often the only channel in my list where something remotely stimulating happens, others are just plain boring. Maybe it wouldn't be the same if there wasn't that occasional shit, it's really the only of my channels that has any problems either. It's also rare that such a diverse channel gives ops to practically all people. That and the nature of people tends to add to the unstability. I don't really know if scampie can be seen as a stabilizing or destabilizing force as a whole.

Mostly it's just absurd, although it kinda disturbs. 
nice dissection of tf culture! 
SM theme should be dark at noon, or "defy expectations" where the mapper does something very unpredictable with the map. 
Unpredictable as in "sm129_neg!ke spawns cute bunnies and pink sunflowers after the boss was killed"? :D 
sm129 theme? 
Trap Theme 
.. as there's a thread on this point, why not enlight it by a SM session... ?? 
good idea 
so here we go: sm129 theme - "traps"
all kinds of hazadous environments, spikes, shooters, crushers, and don't forget the WETY TRAPS!!!

deadline (pun anyone?) is sunday 29 oct.
monday if your name is generic ;) 
Whatever do you mean, neg!ke? ;p 
friday i was in a pissy mood and felt like making a map of nothing but nigh inescapable and deadly traps and titling it simply Women.

i really think this is the type of speedmapping session anyone could get into

generic - clearly its some sort of timezone joke, neg!ke would never imply anything of a sort of anything to anyone! 
Theme Suggestion 
now that the original maps are available, i'd like to propose revisiting familiar places as a theme for an upcoming sm event. incorporate a rather small section of an original map into your own. how about that?
and btw: who trapped sm129pack? 
Knot Eye... 
I got trapped at work instead :| 
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