Reached Occupant But No Leak?
Hey everyone, I'm doing some BSP2 mapping for hexen 2 and I ran into a little snag that's driving me crazy.
I have a fairly decent sized level, and the amount of detail requires I use bsp2, but I'm getting "reached occupant at <coords>" whenever I try to add this new area
There's nothing different about it construction wise, it's not off grid, it's connected to this main area here:
The cliff wall on the left, I cut the brush in two and started making a hallway.
Now it throws reached occupant and points to an entity on the other side of the level, and loading the pointfile it does not draw a line to any hole.
At first i thought i was just missing the hole, but if i move the new room away from there and section it off and put the wall back together, it compiles fine!
I tried making a smaller cave-type entrance in the same spot with there being more wall, and that compiles fine too!
It's literally if i just connect the path using the same sky, and I'm really confused as to why this is happening