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3 More New Reviews At My Site 
In Reply To #1792 

P.S. Cool map, it's like one of those shitty but mad experimental '97 maps but done but someone who actually has a clue about mapping... 
Speedrun kthx! :D

Or just a demo anyway, I quite like the map and may clean it up and release it "properly" with some more areas etc... 
I Wonder... 
exactly how many pants are shat into over at id every time a new half-life 2 video surfaces.

thing is - steam looks like it will be alot more attractive for licensing. otoh, carmack probably just wanna get done coding and start blowing himself sky-high in a fucking rocket.

he who lives will see... 
Probably Not News 
I just redesigned my website using/abusing php. Yay.

I also just made a map pack for Alex 4, a platform game. Does anyone else out there design levels for non-fps games? 
Wrath - I Guess You Mean Source And Not Steam....? 
because afaik steam is valve's file distribution thingy and source their 3d engine. 
My initial demo would be extremely boring. Lots of quick saving in case I fell off the platforms, a fair amount of falling off the lifts, and lots of shooting all the unwakened scrags from miles away... 
Elite Force II 
halfway through this now and it's very cool. Ritual's done an excellent job with this, it's an extremely polished game. Levels are stunning with lots of detail and some of them are huge with some very creative architecture and themes (ie the alien ruins planet). Artwork and models are also quite exceptional, looks like the heavy recruiting's paid off for Ritual. I wish I had a system that could run this with everything turned up.

Gameplay wise, I like it. Lots of horde combat without becoming as monotonous as the first game, interesting puzzles and so far decent boss challenges. Major complaint is that somes times there's too much crap in between missions with cutscenes and story etc.

Excellent job by the team though, well worth getting. 
Has anyone played this, heard it mentioned recently as being quite good?? The first one was decent but not memorable....what about the sequel?? 
I Only Played The Demo 
but i was very impressed; i was expecting a game up to the usual standards of titles with such a licensing deal, but EF2 is a lot higher quality than that. The engine is excellent, I read that it was based on the Q3 engine but I didnt recognise it, to be honest. It looked to me as if it was based on the Unreal II engine at first, actually. I'm not sure if you have broadband or not, but if you do, it's certainly worth getting the demo. I'll be getting the full game once i can muster the energy to go to GAME and spare the cash to pay the register-biscuit. 
did you read my post or were you asking for a better opinion :) 
he's saying that you're a noone 
I completed it about a month ago then un-installed it :)

Fun while it lasts, but no replay value. Some good ideas thrown in (the stealth mission where you get genetically altered to look like a romulan is great) but ultimately its very shallow I did find it a little boring in parts, especially between missions on the enterprise.

Graphics/maps/enemies are all reasonably good but its missing something that would make it a keeper... 
Is it worth buying a Gamecube soley for the new versions of the Resident Evil games? 
thought so, just making sure though.


IMHO 'reasonably good' is a bit harsh on graphics and maps, I thought it was stunning considering it's the q3 engine and how well it runs. and yeah, the between missions crap should have been trimmed more. 
2 New Reviews At My Site 
R.P.G - GameCube 
Its well worth getting a gamecube just to play Zelda... if you have other games you want on that console, go for it. The price is pretty decent at the moment. 
Just teasing :P.

Did you like the game then?? 
just finished it today shambler.

On the whole, I'd go for it especially if you have a system that's medium spec. It looks beautiful on my p3-733 +gf2 combo so I can only imagine what it would look like on something slightly better. Easily the best looking q3 engine game.

The last few missions (klingon, romulan and attriscan) I played today continued the excellent level design and I'm with Daz on the Romulan mission, that was fantastic in both design and gameplay. I swear Rorshach's Vendetta textures wouldnt look out of place in some of these missions.

Gameplay wise, it's nothing spectacular but it does its job and keeps things varied enough. It's a very solid FPS IMHO, with just the in between mission stuff being very tedious and unnecessary. Luckily, you can skip most of the cutscenes if you want but it can still get annoying.

Comparatively, it's much better than the first one so if you like that, definitely pick this up. 
I Also Have A New Website In The Works...

So what if only a couple of the links work! 
If You Can Find The Links, That Is! 
Also, While We're Speaking Of Websites... 
PQ kicked poor ol' Bal off! But never fear, Scampie was there to catch the young lad and help him back onto his feet at
I'm considering buying a GameCube. I don't want to spend money on an XBox because there's still nothing on there that interests me. Maybe when Dino Crisis 3 and some others come out...

In the mean time, my PS2 has served me well enough. 
ROFL Nitin =) 
You didn't get it did you?? Nevermind =) 
ditto what Nitin said, except for the inbetween levels and cutscenes...

really, you have to be sort of into star trek to really like them. i liked the star trek movie First Contact, so it was kinda fun going around in the ship itself... but near the end it was annoying because i really wanted to get back into the action.

also, awesome textures, but sometimes there are textures that are of lower quality (ie: almost all of them are scaled 0.5 but you'll see a 1 scale texture somewhere and it really sticks out)

and that industrial mission got annoying at the end...

and personally, i think my favourite level is the very first one on the enterprise, the one where you explore the busted ship. that was so fun and reminded me a lot of avp2 (especially when the aliens started bleeding yellow goo! i swear, i kept jumping over the yellow splats.)

while we're on EF2, anyone know and resources for level editing? i really want to try that one out... 
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