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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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^ I Need A Job Like This 
Noclip Fun 
You know when you're noclipping and you hit a brush sloped in a certain way, and it takes control away from you and sends you floating vertically upwards until you exit noclip?

I know it's low priority as it only affects developers/cheaters, but I just wondered if it was an easy fix because when developing I seem to spend a lot of time wrestling with this quirk :( 
Never seen that... noclip always, well, doesn't clip with anything no matter what shape it is.

Is it just because I only make boxes? 
I think that's a trigger_monsterjump and the following tutorial I wrote over 3 years back on Inside3D is all you need: 
It's when i noclip into brushes that are sloped in two axes maybe??

But - it's definitely world brushes and happens to me constantly. 
That's weird ... I mean, as was said, noclip shouldn't be colliding with anything. At all. 
just checked - slope in only one axis will do it.

Hmmm..maybe it's only in unsealed maps?

Leave it with me, when I get a second I'll make a test map to demo it. 
I've seen it in id1 maps too. Or maybe there's two problems here and the one I've seen in id1 maps is trigger_monsterjump... 
A Test Map 
Would be cool by the way. It would be possible to trace through the physics code, selectively disabling sections of it, and home in on exactly what's causing it that way. 
it's obviously more complicated than I thought. I made a simple test map with a number of different slopes and noclip worked fine all the time.

I have no idea what's going on now. If I ever find a way of reproducing it in a test map i'll let you know. 
^ Moved To Drunk Thread 
theory: do you press space to strafe up, realize that doesn't work, then press x instead? I do that a lot when noclipping, and that might be setting a stale jumpflag on the player that doesn't evaluate until you're near a surface. 
I Have Had Similar Troubles 
and I think Lunaran is on the right track. I could always remedy the problem by mashing buttons until the player stopped moving again. 
i think the only time i have seen this it was from hitting a waterplane at the same times as a ~16 unit lip above the water. I think it was triggering the "jump out of water" code that lets you get up onto the shoreline. 
which implies that the quakec is responsible rather than the engine. 
Ok, get into waist high water. Go into noclip and fly around. when you hit geometry that would trigger the get-out-of-water-jump, you go on a space adventure!

Thanks metl.

I have so much waist high water in this map, that's why it seemed like it was happening all the time for me. 
i know some of these words. I had similar troubles during testing, a mystic force pushes you up when noclipping. But this also occured for me in maps with yery little water(RRP). 
Nothing more. 
Quakespasm 0.91.0 Released 
Enjoyable Changes 
Raised limits:
Default max_edicts 8192 (was 2048) and no longer saved to config.cfg.
Default heapsize 256 MB (was 64 MB).
Default zone 4 MB (was 384 KB).
Raised MAX_SFX to 1024 (was 512).
default zone is nice. it's a mostly unknown setting, and most people don't notice it like they would -heapsize, but it causes crashes if not set high enough. thanks for that! 
Someone should add a "-singleplayer" command line or something that just jacks everything to the max. I'm not networking, I don't care ... I just want to play this level without crashing. :) 
That's not actually necessary: the engine should be able to detect when a single player game is being played (if ( && !dedicated && svs.maxclients == 1) or something similar, and automatically tune itself. 
Anything that means people have to write less crud in configs and command line arguments is a positive step. 
mh - That would be awesome. 
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