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Speedmapping Thread!
From now on, this thread will be the place to discuss speedmapping issues. This will also be where all speedmapping events will be annouced. This is just an effort to keep General Abuse on it's topic of 'anything' rather than being about speedmapping every weekend.
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I tried something similar with sm122 but attempted to hide the subject matter due to a guilty conscience and fear of potential blindness ;) 
bah ok, generic already sent a map in. i'm going to do one as well today. so everybody else, go map, as the deadline now has to be next sunday (13th) evening gmt! 


All 90 degree angles. see sm23_jay.
No 90 degree angles. aard made a dm like this once. 
Time To Fix It ! 
Official speedmapping site: ??? 
Has anyone made a doom 3 tex'd speedmap yet? I remember there were some problems with the textures being huge, right? were they scaled back down? 
so "doom3 textures" then? zwiffle once said he started one..

anyone working on a map for sm126 - if so, tell me. otherwise i will release the pack in the evening.

drew, when will you be back finally? (or did your repeated "prison break" theme suggestions have deeper meaning in this retrospective?) ;) 
haha... nah, I've kept one step ahead of the law so far... Still gonna be quite a while till I get back home. I'm thinking I might do up a small sub-standard "real" map when I do arrive. maybe. 
so... d3 theme, huh?
who's mapping for it? 
Hello - Hello - Ello - Llo - Lo - O? 
Anyone home?
Anyways - theme suggestion...
UNlinnear - really wide open, many different paths, or perhaps whole sections that need not be seen? Obviously not very SM friendly in all regards, but if one focused on content over quality it could be nice and doomy. not saying doomy lacked quality. sorry. forgive me. 
bacl from holidays!

guess is everybody in vacacion!!! i might have time for a speedmap!!!

so whats the theme??? 
But Trinca, you live at the beach, everyday is a holiday ;) 
true but the water in the south of Portugal is much warm... :)i was at Algarve 
Speedmapping Please! 
ok, nobody really felt like doing something with the doom3 textures (me neither), but there has to be some sm'ing again - as a break from other projects or whatever.

so let's just try the following themes:
"1024�" - inspired by a recent competition at doomworld. make a map within a 1024*1024*1024 boundary (not a simple box with 50 shamblers!). there can be areas outside of this limit, but the player must not reach them. it's not as easy as it sounds (1024 is nothing), but it should be somewhat easier than in doom. mind the bboxes though!

"a strange building on a snail" or any other strange animal. inspired by this . zwiffle mentioned it might be too difficult for a speedmap, but i guess he only wanted me to shut up/fuck off/die.

i'd say sm127=1024� (deadline sunday, 1 oct) - unless it hasn't been done already - and sm128=snailbuilding (deadline sunday, 7 oct). let's go? 
I Am In 
for the 1024�! 
olololll didn�t understand nothing of team explain me in mirc later on :p, Spirit since u not making a base map!!! u can�t miss any speedmap session :) 
Il Duece... 
What the heck, I'll take a stab at both :) 
It's About Time... 
It's ok if the outside walls are just at the limit so the player can "almost" reach the limit?
I made a 1024x1024x1024 brush and the outer walls are outside that space. Is that ok? 
From Neg!ke's Discription 
you can use the brush work out of the 1024-xyz zone for decorations and the like, so long as the player is confined
within the inner area. 
It's only a theme. We're not going to draw and quarter you and spread your parts all across Britain if the player can get outside the 1024 boundary. :) 
i hate the theme and neg|ke :+) i will pass this one! and keep working in my base map :\ still have to loose many hours... 
This theme rocks and I am making a nice map (compared to my previous attempts of speedmapping). It's using much more time though (3 hours so far) :D 
nobody will be beheaded if the play area exceeds 1024, but think of it as a challenge to try not to. not sure if it isn't too easy because of the height, since multiple stories were out of question for doom, which made it somewhat tricky...

trinca: ok. add slopes. SLOPES! 
wtf is slopes? ~:p 
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