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Quoth: Expansion Mod Pack For Q1SP
The intention behind Quoth is to provide a large portion of content in as easily accessible form as possible for both players and mappers. The components are designed to be consistent with each other as well as the original id content. More is under development and updates will be released as and when they are ready. Yes we are mad, but ours is a madness brought on by divining the blasphemous truths of a terrible cosmos. Or something.

More info, download and images:

Direct download ( FilePlanet, sadly ) : (22 meg)

This pack contains several monster/weapon/power-up modificiations, and some test maps. Additional full map releases posted below...
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Re: Screenshake (and Some Other Q's) 
You mentioned in the above post that the info_screenshake needs to be activated directly by the player for it to work. I have this set up and it works fine now, but surely there is a problem with coop. Will other players experience the screenshake?

What about the shake from the Gug?

Is it possible to implement screenshake that emenates from a point in the map and affects all nearby players?

I vaguely remember screenshake being used in Scourge (not sure, since it was a while since I last played it) and it also moved the player around a bit. I don't need this in particular, but were it a spawnflag, I would probably check it :)

Finally, I had a look in the Marcher txt file the other day and noticed Kinn mentioned something about entity grouping. I'm not sure, but I think it was a feature of the qc he was using. He said in the readme that it allowed the map to work on low capacity engines (i.e. not Aguire's GLQuake or DP). Do you know anything about this? Does Quoth use it?

Currently I am about 80% complete of the first large section of my map (basically the size of a fairly large level) and am wondering whether or not to just finish that section and release it as a level, or go ahead and proceed with the next large section (probably the same size again).

Currently I'm only at 6000 brushes (19,000 surfs after compile) so I have a bit more room in that respect, but probably not enough precache slots to add all the funcs I might need if I decide to double the size of the level.

I'm also debating whether or not to split the map up as you originally suggested, so that more people can play it, and it can be played in FitzQuake (as God intended!) It would be cool for the level to be one HUGE environment, and certainly more impressive to walk around, but I wonder if you were right in suggesting that I split it.

Maybe splitting it would allow me to take my mind of Q1 mapping for a while and do something more beneficial for my career :) 
you could try using the seamless level transition. it will carry your kills over across the maps, but other things like secrets and playing times won't, so it's not that greatest solution.

as for screenshake, i didn't really put much thought into it, tbh. it's just a minor atmosphere thing, so i hadn't even considered in coop.

the gug should shake all players though. 
Re: Entity Grouping 
actually, i never really understood what kinn was talking about for that, except for the horde spawn things.

so i don't think quoth does it, but maybe i inadvertantly did it, who knows... o.o 
It Was A Cvar... 
in his readme, Kinn says that... well, here's a quote:

Impulse 152: Toggle Entity Grouping

Entity grouping is ON by default; This enables a form of edict compression that allows the map to be playable in engines without increased MAX_EDICTS. It should have no visible effect on gameplay. If you turn entity grouping OFF, be warned; the map will only be loadable in high-capacity engines, and you will most likely suffer a performance hit. Requires a map restart.

Sounds interesting, whilst at the same time sounds like it won't help with precache ents at all.

I'm guessing that it's related to the monster spawning, as you say. Maybe monsters of the same type that are spawn triggered using the same targetname can be loaded without requiring an edict for each one until they are spawned. 
"v0.90 - Downgraded "not 3 values for color" to a warning for compatability with some QC mods."

Although I fixed that it v0.90, it looks like I fucked it up again in version 0.95. Easy to fix though - I'll see if I can get to it this weekend. 
Good Show! 
nice one, tyrann :) 
Fixed version of TyrLite is on now available on my site. 
While(Tyrann == TheDon) GiveBeer(largeGlass); 
Thanks, Tyrann. I will go back to using your wonderful program now - even though Aguire's light program isn't noticeably and better or worse :) 
Gug!, Plasma Gun 
Top work guys, Thanks. Love the gug, e1m1quoth and kell's test maps. (Haven't played the extra maps yet).

{..get down on my belly and beg mercy, as I have a criticism}

The plasma gun - am I missing something? It's a shitty model, animation and sound, and, umm, it looks like a penis. [[[Ikka's mod would fit in ~more~.. (and it never got overused in the first place)]]] 
I get this error when trying Quoth per the instructions. Quake launches, and then in a dialog box I get:

Quake Error
W_GetLumpinfo: inv_laser not found
Somehow you're not using the Quoth gfx.wad file (inside pak0), make sure that no other gfx file overrides it and that you're using the -hipnotic option. 
I'm Using -hipnotic 
But how do I find whether no other file is overriding it? It's all in it's own directory (Quoth), set up proper as far as I can tell. 
that gfx.wad is inside pak0 in the Quoth dir and that no other paks exist in that dir. What engine and cmd line are you using?

The error occurs when the engine requests a Hipnotic specific object in the gfx file due to the -hipnotic option. The std Q1 gfx doesn't contain that object.

If it still doesn't work, try another engine or make cmd line and cfgs as simple as possible. 
Something Desperately Needed In "Quoth2" 
One of the best things about Quake is the combat with weak enemies.

This is why the early maps are special like E1M1, E1M2, E1M3 and also why Quake takes away all your guns at when you return to the start map.

The WORST problem with multi-map packs is that usually you will have all the heavy weapons and therefore the map is packed with tougher monsters, which are often kind of boring to fight because it is only their hitpoints that makes them a challenge.

Some of the best single player maps use zombies in a very effective way. Even 1 zombie can be a real threat if you don't have a way to kill it.

Maybe something that could make Quoth more useful is having a worse kind of zombie, like a really rotted dark zombie, that is like a regular zombie (just a reskin) except it can't be killed except with Quad damage or has to be killed with the axe (more interesting and annoying, hehe) or it has to be squished with a map element.

Or maybe Quoth should have a way for a map author to remove some/all weapons at intermission somehow maybe with the ability to set an intermission "story" of what happened like ... "As you stared into the void that was this horrible place, you inadvertently knocked your rocket launcher off the ledge ..."

This would allow a subsequent map to not have to be loaded with the tougher monsters for at least a while allowing natural map progression to happen.

Anyway, just a thought. I personally think the later levels in Quake are somewhat repetitive and boring because I don't think the "tough" monsters again and again and again are very interesting to fight. 
Interesting Viewpoint 
I dont really agree because you can have progression with 'tougher' monsters too, although it would come from number and placement.

but interesting viewpoint. 
Rain/Snow ? 
There was a level of Nehahra that had a snow effect, and of course at least one of the Nehahra movie demos had a rain effect.

I'm sure those 2 effects require a engine modification and it's been a long time since so I don't recall if those effects were localized or actually affected the entire map.

Just throwing this out, part of me would really like to see things like localized fog, rain, snow and translucent glass be part of Quake.

/Although I know the argument about how those are standard Quake engine features, but neither is max_edicts > 600 or farclip > 4096. 
Neh Snow/Rain 
doesn't require custom engines, as you'd know if you'd tried playing Nehahra with my WinQuake ...

Just add the -nehahra option and try out e.g. neh3m3 for snow and neh3m4 for rain.

There are of course other things in Nehahra that require custom engines, but not those effects. 
also had rain on the second level. That worked in plain old dosquake :)

Glass can be faked in Quoth using water brushes with solid colour textures and then by using the entity that I forgot the name of that allows you to set console variables like r_wateralpha from within the game. There are a few other things that you need to be aware of, but making glass in this way isn't too bad. 
I guess I knew Zerstorer had rain ;)

I'll have to try -nehahra with Enhanced WinQuake and see what snow looks like in software out of curiosity. 
In Nehahra 
You can use the alpha key as well, which is an engine specific feature, but allows transparent entities - func_walls, enemies, whatever.

AguirRe's Nehahra engine also has an -id1 option to play the game in normal quake but under that engine, to maintain the extra visual effects. I think there's another engine that supports alpha keys as well.

Spose the problem is that anyone playing the map without an alpha supporting engine won't see the glass, just a solid brush. 
Well, Guys... 
I dont think its unreasonable in this day and age for a mapper to demand that players use specific engines to view their work!

I mean my last map used coloured lights, and some of the lights had a coloured source texture, i.e. a red light - people who choose to view the map with an engine which doesnt support coloured lights are silly :-P Especially if they then complain that the lights were crap, or looked silly with white light coming from a red light-source!!

The glass thing - fuck it man!! Make levels with windows, glass ceilings and everything, and honestly, as long as you document your engine choices properly, so that people have no excuses for not knowing that they were supposed to use engine "X" or "Y", then they have no right to complain about it!!! :D

Question: - Can you ad "r_wateralpha" "0.3" to the worldspawn?

Im pretty sure (havent fully experimented yet) that Quoth users can have their "info_player_start" inside a "trigger_once" which targets an "info_command", with "r_wateralpha" "0.3" so as to automatically start the player off in the level with transparent water activated.

Also - panes of glass - this works right?:

"classname" "func_wall"
".alpha" "0.3"

This doesnt require the water hack?

Also you could add the

".alpha" "0.3"

bit to a monster to give a ghostly effect?
(hehe - "effects" "4" would give a translucent glowing monster)

I sended Than's GlasTest by email.
It has a workaround from his use of transparant glass in Quake1. 
Thanks Madfox 
Yeah, I got that!! I'll have a look at it in a bit!! :D 
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