#17642 posted by muk on 2016/11/30 09:14:31
Try and older version maybe. :shrug:
V1.2 is on Quaddicted.
Open up WinBSPC and go to Help > Help.
Read through the Help section. Namely Section 1. I believe No CSG would help if the issue is complex geometry.
#17643 posted by muk on 2016/11/30 09:34:26
also, what error are you getting when you decompile?
I just tried to decompile ad_swampy and got an error for the map being in BSP29 mode.
Me Too
#17644 posted by JPL on 2016/11/30 10:27:02
Got this message also.. tool is expecting a bsp v30, while the map is v29....
Need to retry in anyway.
#17645 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/11/30 17:49:32
is there a way to find leaks in hte map? or do i just have to manually find them?
In TrenchBroom
#17646 posted by mjb on 2016/11/30 17:54:02
When a leak is encountered from a compile, you can go to File > Load Point file and select your map.
Here a line will display and if you follow that line it should lead you to the leak. Of course a leak can happen for other reasons.
#17647 posted by khreathor on 2016/11/30 17:56:57
First thing you want to do is to load point file. You can do this in editor or in game. It will show you where the leak come from.
#17648 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/11/30 18:00:21
Thanks Bloughsburgh! i would have never found that leak on my own.
#17649 posted by Newhouse on 2016/11/30 19:42:07
Finally some good answers*
#17650 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/11/30 21:40:58
Hey, Can i compile 2 maps at the same time?
Im compiling my main practice project at the moment and it will take me another 3 hours to compile.(i've been compiling for 4 hours now)
#17651 posted by madfox on 2016/11/30 21:45:36
Send the bsp to me, I can easily decompile it in seconds,
if the map is a clear bsp.
Use winbspc12 on winXP!
#17652 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/11/30 21:46:12
The huge one?
#17653 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/11/30 21:46:55
ups sorry
#17654 posted by JPL on 2016/12/01 09:57:31
Thanks, but it is not needed anymore: I found by luck an old CD-ROM archive on which I put the complete QuArK project of the map I have been trying to decompile... :)
#17655 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/01 11:50:06
Thanks to someone how send me this link first time :
(btw one of the hardest things to google)
#17656 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/12/01 12:41:39
Last evening i tried to compile my map and woke up this morning and it had compiled the map. it took 10 hours. I opened the map and at one point there seemed to be an invisible line that would push me into the void letting me see the whole map from a distance. Why did this happen?
#17657 posted by muk on 2016/12/01 12:59:03
What tools are you using to compile?
It really shouldnt be taking hours to compile.
#17658 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/12/01 13:10:23
ericw's compiler
#17659 posted by mjb on 2016/12/01 13:17:59
Do you have a very large open area of your map? Is the map entirely boxed in by a large cube brush?
Another thing to try is to select detail brushes (Like decorative columns, wall detailing, decorations in general) and make them into func_detail brushes.
This might help compiler time as well as 10 hours is very abnormal for what I presume to be a normal sized map.
#17660 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/12/01 13:23:08
i have a huge outdoor area, i dont box my map and i do have some detail.
what about the void bug?
#17661 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/01 13:25:05
It really shouldnt be taking hours to compile.
If his computer is antediluvian, it might. What system are you working on, Naite?
#17662 posted by mjb on 2016/12/01 13:25:50
I am not sure about your issue with the void but that outdoor area may be the cause or at least a large factor of your compile times. Try to find more non-essential brushes to make into func_detail brushes. Depending on how huge, you may have to consider closing in that outdoor section or deal with the large compile.
#17663 posted by Naitelveni on 2016/12/01 13:40:09
I have a 2013 imac 2.9 ghz with 8gb ram.
Os is Windows 8.
i have to make my outdoor area smaller. :/
its too bad that big areas affect the compiling time so dramatically.
Func Details?
#17664 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/01 13:48:55
#17665 posted by mjb on 2016/12/01 13:49:59
Are you using -level 4 for your VIS? You could try just a normal VIS just to see.
You could also share your .map file for others to analyze and see what could be done.
That's entirely up to you though!
#17666 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/01 13:51:15
Or if you can cope with long compiling times, you might want to consider going with it: it's not often that we can enjoy large outdoors in Quake. I sure would like to see more of these.