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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Go map. 
Everybody should go map instead of blaming Phait not to... ;) and me as well I go map, I know, I know.... 
Every Time Someone Says "go Map" 
I kill a kitten.

so please, think of the guy that has to clean my carpets 
Go m....oh nevermind =/ 
Go map. 
Grunt ! 
Shub-Niggerath winks at that! 
That is pretty disturbing lol. 
...grunts and enforcers that suddenly morph into fiends and shamblers! There's an idea for QuakeV 
Posted 4 shots of another test map. 
You might want to add a bit of color too all these doom3 shots, too much black and white in my opinion. 
and more detail too

Shub-Niggurath: go map! 
for some reason, i really like the look of the second last shot in there... the white on grey... reminds me a lot of system shock 2. hm... that could be a good theme for a d3 map... 
Well, here are some screenshots of my last map. It's currently build by 40% 5it remains me the main castle to start...), but I would like your opinion about it.
It was previously started for DKT3/Winter Pack, but due to many reasons, I was not able to finish at time...
My main idea is to have a night/foggy map, so it will be a little bit dark, so close the lights around you !!
The fourth screenies have black fog effect.. the last one have no fog, just to show as far as possible the overall layout of the map, and the terrain around 5built with NTG).. 
Well, judging from the few non-pure-black pixels in those shots, i'd say it's looking rather tasty so far :D 
What Kinn said. Also looks a little blocky in places, but good in others, nice arches and stuff. 
Hey Guys 
This is a shot of a character model I did for Doom3: 
That Is Very 
Low BROW humour, even coming from THE BROW 
doesn't look the real Floyd to me.

A good old medieval castle, I see.
Reminds me to the mist brush the Virtus wad had. Only strange to leave the mist with water sounds.

Black fog, my poor screen.
But yeah, map on! 
Lunaran: Hey !! It's me just at the end of a big party, the last huge one before I got married !!! BTW this photos is 7 years old, so just add few white hairs on side, and it's me today, not drunk any more ;P

Kinn, MadFox, Shambler: I'm glad the dark fog effect didn't hurt you. I was afraid the low level of brightness of the shots will not let show anything about the map..
I'm still trying to find a good trade-off between sunlight level, minlightlevel, and fog density/color.. And I'm still trying some stuff... Thanks for the feedback.. 
Nice werk mate. You've got some good specular going on with that skin. Perhaps the look of the character is a tad "cartoony" for D3, but otherwise, yah, looking groovy :D 
Yeah, Not Bad Lun 
I like the HDR above the ravening daemon's head. Qualitay.

Model's a bit ugly though. 
Don't Be Mean 
it's an NPC you guys 
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