#1706 posted by negke on 2006/07/11 09:37:05
my only fear is that everbody doing a turtlemap will not participate in the sm events. :/
than's daily update idea is nice, but again depends on how many people would be in - surely wouldn't make much sense for only two maps (unless integrated into sm booth).
"classic quake" theme is very appropriate regarding the situation (10y), open.
i kind of wanted the sm themes to be related the anniversary thing. then again "mini-marcher" sounds cute, so it should definately be considered if there are no other suggestions.
#1707 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/11 09:48:50
my map is finish so i got time to start something :) u guys decide!
#1708 posted by R.P.G. on 2006/07/11 11:48:30
I'd say keep both the SM and TM open themes, but provide a short (2-3) list of optional themes to give ideas.
I'd Also Say
#1709 posted by R.P.G. on 2006/07/11 11:51:13
Classic Quake should definitely be a theme.
#1710 posted by negke on 2006/07/11 12:24:10
afaik, sm themes have always been optional. just that it's more fun if the majority follows them.
at any rate, i will mention that people are of course free not do follow them stricly.
#1711 posted by R.P.G. on 2006/07/11 13:02:56
i will mention that people are of course free not do follow them stricly.
Yeah, that's good. I know they're optional, but you're probably going to get people participating who are not familiar with speed maps, and might get turned off about the idea of themes, not knowing that they're totally optional.
#1712 posted by Ankh on 2006/07/11 13:29:52
After reading those last 15 posts I'm tempted very much to make an small speedmap. I'm on holidays between 17th and 30th of July. On the other hand my laptop crashed 3 days ago and I'm not used to map on my pc. Time will show.
Turtle Map
#1713 posted by than on 2006/07/11 20:37:50
I say we set an id classic quake theme (basically just set it to an ep 1,2,3 or 4 theme using id textures or modifications to fit you map) and start it this weekend so that everyone has a couple of weekends to get their maps done. I'm fairly sure I won't be able to get my large map finished (AND tested) before QExpo is over, so I would like to work on something new for a couple of weeks so I have two maps for release instead of just one.
an sm session is just an hour or two, so there should still be plenty of participants if the time is open for those not in GMT/EST/whatever.
I am SO going to make an id metal (e1m6, ep3...) map.
#1714 posted by bambuz on 2006/07/12 05:15:15
I'm fairly confident you can get your large map (if it's the one I know of ;) ) ready in a week?
For SP.
I didn't spot a single misaligned tex.
#1715 posted by than on 2006/07/12 21:40:11
there are no misalignments I know of, but there were a few visual errors in that version (3 at least).
I still have to fix the fucking gameplay though :/
#1716 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/13 02:59:10
already start my speed idbase map :p
Speed Or Turtle?
#1717 posted by than on 2006/07/13 03:35:29
anyone else starting a turtle map? I hope to get mine started tonight if my existing map* doesn't take up all my time.
*and my job :(
#1718 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/13 05:15:01
i never did a turtle map so i dont have any idear about how it works...
#1719 posted by bambuz on 2006/07/13 06:10:52
It lives in the ocean. It's rigid in the middle and flappy in the ends and slow-moving and lives long, can hold breath and dive. Lays eggs in the sand.
It's a map done in one week's time.
#1720 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/13 06:22:42
bambuz yes is real hot here :p today is 40� :)
P.S-> thks :p i will make a turtle map then...
Turtlemap - I'll Try To Make One.
#1721 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2006/07/13 06:51:43
But, as than, I have another big map that I would like to get out at QExpo.
#1722 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/13 07:16:41
:p :) thks god i finish mine 10 days after... :)
#1723 posted by Zwiffle on 2006/07/13 08:19:57
I'm making an Elderworld turtlemap. Are we linking them together anyhow, or just releasing a pack of turtlemaps?
#1724 posted by than on 2006/07/13 21:54:05
It's like a speedmap, but you get a week or so. I think the timelimit for QExpo is likely to be 10 days. This means that turtlemaps can be much more elaborate than speedmaps. More like a regular map I guess.
#1725 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/14 01:21:41
o.k already start one :)
Speed Tortoise
#1726 posted by generic on 2006/07/14 09:57:42
Will the turtlemap deadline be the same as the second speedmap?
I will try to enter all 3 events but I really haven't had time for anything fun as of late :(
I am thinking that the second speedmap could be a "redux" of the first (sort of like the re-released "Apocalypse Now" movie).
I Was Thinking
#1727 posted by bambuz on 2006/07/14 11:29:41
episode 1 in one speedmap. Maybe have three or four rooms or whatever you think you choose is something worth reminiscing / remembering / tributing / improvising from your memories of quake from 10 years beyond. :)
And still of course some gameplay & progression, and u don't need cthon.
Everybody could play those. :)
#1728 posted by Trinca on 2006/07/14 16:15:52
:p my turtle map that is in progress in full metal id base, speedmap will try make a ztndm3 texture stile with idbase textures...
#1729 posted by negke on 2006/07/14 16:30:16
tentative deadline for the turtlemap is the 27th, 12pm gmt. that would still give us some time to decide if it will be released just then or maybe turned into a mini-episode, hub or anything. not sure if that date/time is useful - we can change it if needed of course.
redux theme doesn't sound that good to me. doing the same again, only longer? i was forced to watch apocalypse redux several times and while it's a good movie, it was soo exhausting each time... ;)
bambuz' idea might work, but i'd suggest expanding it to all episodes (e1 offers the greatest textural variety though)?
i set up the speedmapping/turtlemapping booth today, you will be able to comment on it on monday btw.
You Know Who I'd Like To See Do Some TM/SM?
#1730 posted by Drew on 2006/07/14 20:37:55
Where is he?