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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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I plan to do just that once I take the time to learn how to do just that.

HTML and I are square pegs and round holes. The very fact that I am actaully able to sometimes type intelligibly in my native language still amazes me. Now doing even basic code... YOIKS! 
Cell Shadin In Q1 
Cell Shades 
Ooo, that's nice. How are the red monitor textures done btw? 
nice stuff, speedy.

someone should make a cel-shaded Q1SP level... 
Shame Shame 
red monitor textures..
are stolen from SysShock2 ;)
But it shouldnt be hard to create similar images.
Actually why u asked, I`m sure u know how to make red monitor textures 
I Hope... 
that you also make cel-shaded versions of the models, too.

Well, that might not be possible, but you could at least make FLAT-shaded models with black outlines using the inverted mesh trick. 
yeah, could do the skins it cellshaded style, but dont plan to really 
photoshop just opened up for the png. fuck it takes ages.

anyway, nice polished feel. what is the technique behind it (what kinda process)? 
Very nice. Especially the first screenshot.

I`ve been wondering when I`d see a cell-shaded engine. Are you just doing the bsp, or will we get to see cell-shaded QuakeGuy anytime soon? 
Dranzdm8 - Teardrop 
i really like the melding of q1met and tech lights. it's a very interesting style. plus, sandwiched between the rock looks really nice. 

very unique , go release dat already! 
I would comment, but since u wont change it, its not worth commenting

just kidding, it looks interesting and imaginative. The lines of lights might be too much tho 
Looks Interesting 
Get it done 
so you commented! 
i definitely like the openness of it (lovely with the GL)

DONT make it with ledges into the void. i`m shit at those kind of maps (i suck bad at spaceDM too)

nice work there 
i seem to be misreading posts today. sorry speedy... 
I Like! 
I love the color scheme and openness, it pulls away from the usual dark and dingy and cramped feeling that gets old after a while. The grass is nice too.

It`s got a real nice look to it. The GL is great. Looking forward to download! 
Some downloads on your site aren`t working:


PQ says dl.asp not found:

Page not found!
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Why not give a try?

This is an invalid URL! Either you`re a bad typist, really lost, or we goofed up. There`s nothing we can do about your typing ability (sorry), but we can do something about the other two:

I think I have these already, was downloading just in case, so no worries. 
Curve Map 
looks very good, so does the other one but I take it they`re both fullbright ATM? 
Actually No 
they are not fullbright... they`re not properly lit by any means but i believe in some of the pics shadows are visible... I have used just a couple point sources of light scattered about to light using q1rad so that it doesn`t look like shite (also, to my understanding, q1rad does not become a sweet lighting program until the map is vis-ed, is this true?) 
the shots of bwdm1v2 DO look like shite, thats because the light entities have their brightness turned up way too high 
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