Wow, I Don't Understand That At All
#1656 posted by starbuck on 2006/05/01 06:16:07
how does lighting a brush you've put partly inside a skybrush do anything to lighting values in the void? Maybe I've misunderstood, but I don't get why any of those steps was done (heh, apart from upscaling the textures on the black textured brushes)
#1657 posted by Kell on 2006/05/01 16:20:15
Models in quake are lit by reading the lightmap value on the first solid ( non-entity ) surface directly below them.
Flying monsters can therefore be floating very far above the ground, yet are lit not by the light level in the air around them but by the light level on the ground far far below. While it isn't a problem for non-flying monsters, for flying monster this can create a visual discrepency, the most marked difference being in void/space maps.
Usually, a mapper will want the lighting on the architecture to fade to black down the sides towards the void, disguising the black brush at the bottom. This bottom brush has very little or no light hitting it. Preferably, as in "He Falls Like Lucifer", an actual skybrush will be used for the bottom of the void, which is even worse since sky texture has no lightmap at all.
In either case, monsters flying out over the void will be lit with a lightmap value of zero, making them appear as solid black silhouettes. This looks bad if the surrounding higher-up architecture where the monster actually is has light sources here and there, and is really noticeable when a flying monster will move from above a lit surface out over the void. For example: in "Lucifer" the scrags might appear appropriately lit while hovering over one of the wooden walkways, but then drift slightly so they're now above the void; a drift of perhaps a few units but enough to change them to black silhouettes.
As well as looking crap, it makes them a bastard to shoot.
Placing a blackbrush inside the skybrush means that:
1. there is a lightmap under flying monsters even when they're out over the void
2. the brightness on that lightmap can be controlled by the mapper without affecting any other surface in the map
3. that lightmap will not be visible; a black void will remain black
4. the sky texture will remain visible, and will swallow projectiles that are fired down into the void
 Dunno How Feasible This Is
#1658 posted by scar3crow on 2006/05/01 17:15:20
but one thing I would love to see, be it turtle or speedmapping... Are maps with an emphasis on cooperative gameplay. Larger packs of monsters where you need two players, or puzzles that involve two players to complete feasibly.
I just think it would shake up the layouts and the processes one thinks through in designing a level.
#1659 posted by Drew on 2006/05/05 20:42:20
Is anyone doing the countdown theme? Or is it just Neg!ke?
 Thanks Kell
#1660 posted by starbuck on 2006/05/06 17:04:22
i understand the concept now i think. I learnt a few things there.
#1661 posted by generic on 2006/05/07 08:10:25
I'll be travelling all day today but, if Neg!ke will give me my usual grace period (*nudge *nudge *wink *wink), I'll have something by mid-week :)
#1662 posted by negke on 2006/05/08 00:23:25
do i have a choice?
#1663 posted by generic on 2006/05/10 07:12:23
don't shoot, but I am not going to be able to do any mapping until this weekend :{
 Why? Oh Why?
#1664 posted by negke on 2006/05/10 11:39:48
what have i done to you (other great speedmappers of the past, feel addressed, too) to deserve this? :/
i already added deathmatch settings to my map to occupy myself, but still...
or do you do these things on purpose to have me make two maps each week?
 I Would Map
#1665 posted by Zwiffle on 2006/05/10 13:48:00
But I got finals next week. Once summer hits, I should be free to participate in speedmapping, say after May 18th.
#1666 posted by Trinca on 2006/05/11 01:20:09
neg!ke guess people are to much ocupied in there own projects :| dont make two speedmaps a week make a break on speedmap and go make a single player we run speedmap again after 22 july :)
 Yeah That Is The Case
#1667 posted by HeadThump on 2006/05/11 14:35:41
I have to meet certain targets each week, or there is no way I'll finish the Qexpo thingie, so sorry
#1668 posted by Drew on 2006/05/11 21:56:05
Obviously I don't need an excuse. Not that I would need one anyway, since I'm above all that nonsense ( excuses, grovelling, apologizing etc.)
But you know that. Does this mean you don't think I'm great?
Whatever... I'm still the prettiest.
#1669 posted by HeadThump on 2006/05/11 23:50:50
that makes you a very special lad indeed.
 Hrhr, Yes! Go Testify, Await Your Sentence!
#1670 posted by negke on 2006/05/12 00:05:17
qexpo projects are a valid reason that i fully support, of course.
drew, however, can't talk himself out of it that easily, because i don't regard being driven around in rickshas all day and chilling out with da ladyboys very productive. so i guess it's really time for a sequel of my infamous 'drew simpson deformography' series! muhahah >:D
#1671 posted by Zwiffle on 2006/05/12 06:51:26
If given a topic/theme, I might be persuaded to dust off my old GtK. I don't have anything to do until Monday, other than study for final exams, which I mean I prolly won't do. So, I've got some time.
#1672 posted by Drew on 2006/05/12 23:15:25
I'm in Australia now. And I'm totally over the LB's.
But go ahead with the deformographic series and the evil laughter - it sounds like it's right up your alley.
#1673 posted by Drew on 2006/05/12 23:17:29
Before you ask - I don't know what the hell that means. If I were you, I'd take it as a compliment. Although if I were you... I'd be preturnaturally attracted to Zwiffle.
#1674 posted by negke on 2006/05/13 01:57:42
still the timelimit theme (#1646).
neglecting school for mapping is way to go! :P
drew: i don't understand, so i take it as a... RECURSIVE ERROR!!
 Next Theme?
#1675 posted by Drew on 2006/05/19 18:58:46
What are you guys thinking?
My ideas are:
-western / desert
-miniature ( like those DM maps in a big kitchen, etc.)
and I still think my "classics tribute" idea would be a good one. Maybe for the anniversary celebrations.
Actually, I think we should start brainstorming for Quakecon SM theme ideas now.
 I Mean
#1676 posted by Drew on 2006/05/19 19:33:52
#1677 posted by Drew on 2006/05/28 00:46:34
you know what was a truly unmapped for SM theme?
That one where you had to go through the level twice. Only one map for it. I think that would be one to re-do. In fact, it would be a great idea to re-do a bunch of old themes. How do you feel about that?
#1678 posted by negke on 2006/05/28 02:15:08
while there were some pretty nice themes in the past, re-doing them would probably be kind of lame. and if done, then at least with some modifications.
has the play-it-twice theme really never been done after it was suggested?
so why not, might be nice.
 Play It Twice
#1679 posted by than on 2006/05/28 21:54:14
is an awesome idea, esp. as you can make the player start at a new location using the episodegate (or whatever) ent and start2. Coupled with having weapons from the first time around, it could be really interesting.
Maybe a good idea for turtlemaps to really get the best out of it though.
 Play It Twice
#1680 posted by metlslime on 2006/05/30 00:18:29
we did it, but nobody actually followed the theme except me.