#1655 posted by necros on 2008/03/19 16:55:57
when you 'level' up your character, is it only for that game or all games you join?
Its Persistant
#1656 posted by DaZ on 2008/03/19 18:21:12
Its saves your character info/unlocks/level etc with your character profile.
CoD4 Leveling / Hellgate
#1657 posted by bal on 2008/03/19 22:36:54
It doesn't really give you a huge advantage over others though, just a wider range of options/weapons to chose from. I had no problem being the guy with the highest score on servers filled with lvl 55s, while I was still under lvl 10 (I'd already been playing it for a while at work obviously).
The achievements and all are quite fun to do really.
Hellgate London, yeah I'm somewhere between Speeds and Fribs on it. I think it got alot more bashing than it deserved, it's not a bad game, but it's definately not the succesor to Diablo. I'll probably get a one month subscription for it in a few months, to try out the new content.
Hoshi Saga 2
#1658 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/22 09:36:47
mostly cool and fun, a couple annoying or dumb.
Flash Game With Moving Stuff And A Thing You Control
#1659 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/30 11:42:10
#1660 posted by Jago on 2008/03/30 14:09:24
is 4,95$ on STEAM right now.
Gothic 3
#1661 posted by Shambler on 2008/03/30 21:05:46
Got back into playing this almost a year after I slacked off it.
As before it is a Marmite game i.e. love it or hate it. I'm quite like Marmite in an indifferent sort of way, but I think I love Gothic 3.
Yes it's still buggy, slow loading, sometimes slow running, and the combat is a button mashing mess.
BUT the world is as capivating a portrayal of a fantasy world I've seen in any game. The sense of "being there" in a fairly classic fantasy setting is particularly appealing to me. The details that go into this - and pretty good graphics - it really does come across as a genuine world. The houses you can go in and see everything that seems natural to live in. The people with their lives and homes. I'm in the desert at the moment and the atmosphere is as strong as ever. The Hashashin crack me up with their greed and pompous malice, calling you "Son of ill-judgement" or "Father of patience" or similar all the time.
Plus in the grand RPG tradition there is a hell of a lot to do. I've focused on combat and exploration and haven't really scratched the surface of thieving... or magic... or smithing... or alchemy... or exploring the political factions of the back story...
Ummm yeah rambling a bit. It's satisfying my fantasy needs once more, anyway.
Same Here
#1662 posted by neg|ke on 2008/03/30 22:43:39
And I'm in the desert too. Clearing the temples - such pitoresque, cunningly contstructed and neatly lit interiors. :P
Patch 1.6 (including all community patches) has been released few weeks ago btw. Probably not usuable for you though (savegame incompatibility or whatever).
#1663 posted by gone on 2008/03/31 00:12:47
did they fix much? cause out of the box it was unplayable with zero balance. great let down for me :( and the horizon clipping on the medium shader setting... such a mess instead of a good RPG it should`v been
#1664 posted by Shambler on 2008/03/31 10:37:53
I have...
Earnt the trust of the Mora Sul Hashishin, and opened that temple there (I have a tendency, so far, to support the Orcs, thus was helping them mostly, although when I tried to deliver the keys to the Orc leader, it would only let me fight him for his key).
Liberated Braga in favour of the Nomads
Liberated Ben Erai in favour of the Nomads
Done as much as I can in Lago and left it alone for the time being (this is an example of how vibey the game is - a little coastal village full of stoners, it just cracked me up).
Tried to get in to Ishatar and been unable to.
Explored a lot of random shit but no other towns.
I'm uneasy about the Hashishin - they amuse me quite a lot but basically they are greedy, grasping, amoral, slave-trading scum with no higher principles other than looking after themselves. Hence why I've helped the nomads. On the other hand, I'm tending to support the Orcs who are allied to the Hashishin so I don't want to cause too much trouble there...
(Speeds: I dunno what's been fixed, combat balance is okay even tho melee combat is a bit gash. Horizon clipping is a bit b0rky but to be honest given how lush the detailing is I can put up with that)
#1665 posted by gone on 2008/03/31 16:29:34
I mean WTF, is this shit fixed? (set to highest qulity everything except DoF, geforce 7600)
Wa-hahahahaha ! ! !
#1666 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/03/31 16:49:43
Well I dont know about Gothic 3, but since I finished Slave, I've been bashing on with Crysis.
I understand why some people say the gameplay is a bit borked, its annoying when you die-die-die, and it says
"the difficulty settings can be altered from the main menu"
but the graphics are so fucking sexy I just cant believe it!! Im running on XP32, with the Vista-very-high hack, in 1280x1024 (on a 15" cr8, which is just about the highest pixel density you can get I think), with AA off.
Cryengine 2 would make one hell of an Oblivion style game! The bit inside the mountain, the bit with the snow, the mental detail of the earth stuff is just incredible.
Someone should make a fantasy crysis mod?
#1667 posted by Shambler on 2008/03/31 16:56:01
I never saw that in the first place, although I've had occasional glitches with terrain going. (Make that very occasional). Whether it's fixed or not I dunno, but I didn't have that problem.
Lol - "did They Fix Much?"
#1668 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/03/31 17:26:59
LOL Crysis
#1669 posted by Sielwolf on 2008/03/31 21:19:10
#1670 posted by negke on 2008/03/31 22:05:36
#1671 posted by Shambler on 2008/03/31 22:39:53
How fucking gay do you look in those robes?!?! I thought the crown was bad enough....
But yeah that's a lot more what mine looks like.
Did I mention how much the day/night cycle and weather in this game rocks??
#1672 posted by spd on 2008/03/31 23:42:27
I installed the patch ... http://www.speeds.quaddicted.com/goathic4.jpg
neg|ilke yeah same shit, just more blur with the DoF
I cat help but notice such things
(and lame shoddy UVs allover the place and much more stuff that shouldnt be present in a retail product)
#1673 posted by negke on 2008/04/01 08:23:19
Shambler: yeah indeed, but their stats are a few points higher than the fire magician robe I had before. Need to kiss-up the rebels a bit more (bore slaying them all) so I can finally buy the Paladin armor which seems to be the best armor in the game. Kind of silly really, I haven't even been to Nordmar.
Speeds: I agree it looks bad but there are more than enough areas that make up for it (where it isn't noticable). If one buggy view is enough to ruin a game for you, well... just go map Bitterman.
#1674 posted by Shambler on 2008/04/01 11:32:51
I haven't been too. Winter stuff tends to be my favourite atmosphere in a game, so I'm saving it until last.
This Seems Like A Pretty Cool Golf Game...
#1675 posted by bear on 2008/04/04 12:45:47
#1676 posted by Kell on 2008/04/04 21:46:40
Yeah, saw that on RPS few weeks back.
It is good, but it's also unfinished :(
The physics are very intuitive, and the visual style is cool, if a little rough in spots. The only thing that annoyed me was the physics properties of the vehicle - too damn light to stay upright.
If You Want To Smile
#1677 posted by Spirit on 2008/04/05 12:11:48
I Completed It!!!
#1678 posted by starbuck on 2008/04/05 12:54:32
Beat It...
#1679 posted by metlslime on 2008/04/05 21:36:56
now, what am i going to to with the rest of my day?