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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Those Look Really Cool! 
The only thing I would change really is the floor texture in the upright brush/door frame in mfm2. It just screams 'floor!' to me, if you know what I mean?

But yeah - good stuff! 
Just For Fun 
But the damn thing ate my quarter! 
My website has gone outdated.

Q1 walruz 
Map Testers Needed 
Hi everyone!
I am currently creating a Quake map as a university project, and I would really need some experienced players to test it and help me steer the development of the map

Here you can find some screenshots and all the necessary files to run the map:

Thanks to everyone willing to help! Let me know any feedback you have on it and your suggestions to make it better, everything is more than welcome 
My First Map So Far

My first map so far... A lot of textures still have to get fixed after reseting them all from 0,5 scaling. Let me know what you think, thanks.

Running on Kex engine
Made using PD300 
At Work 
I only watched the first couple of minutes but it's really a unique setting. Thanks for using pd300. I'll watch the rest and give more comments. Looks really moody. I like. 
Wow that was overwhelming to watch. Tons of action and interactivity. The level of detail is pretty insane. I'd be lost the whole time although it seems pretty linear (which is not a bad thing IMO). You've used all the pd3 features well. Can't wait to see the final product. The coffin "doors" were really cool.

My only suggestion would to be to vary the metal and wood sounds a bit on the breakables and if you feel up to it, combine some of the smaller metal bars into larger "sets" of breakables. For example, 3 bars per breakable as opposed to one each. IMO breakables should not impede the action for too long or it might become tedious.

Still, amazing work. 
Flocking Birds 
Thank you very much for your feedback. It is very linear at the moment, but it is on purpose - it is supposed to be a horror-themed level, based on a reoccurring childhood nightmare. That is the same reasoning behind rather tight spaces, but once there are high-tier enemies, it will get more spacious.

I really enjoy using PD3, as it makes a lot of things much easier. Also without your YT tutorial series, I would have been lost and would have never started in the first place!

This is my first mapping attempt ever, not just for Quake and as a lifelong fan of the series and Q1 especially, there was no way for me to half-ass it.

Thank you for your suggestions, I was becoming self-conscious about the breakables, not wanting to overuse them. As far as the sounds, at the moment I am only using what was included in the mod folder and planning on adding more sounds.

It is still very much a work in progress, I am still learning and implementing new things as I discover all the possibilities along the way. 
First Map For Any Game? 
WOW. Super impressive in that case. Glad to hear you are going to expand it. And I am really happy the tuts help and pd3 is working well for you.

One thing I didn't mention above is that I laughed a little when I read the centerprint in-game about it being a nightmare (or was it dream? gotta re-watch)

Anyway, I laughed because I have a lot of strange dreams that feature bizarre architecture. So for just one example, driving through a really tall, skinning parking structure next to a hotel that is round with maze-like hallways that lead up and down every few feet. And usually the spaces I dream about are very narrow and tight - like many of the spaces in your map!!!

It kind of freaked me out a little. The dreams are usually full of anxiety but not exactly nightmares. I had one last night that was a place with low ceilings and thick steel walls painted over like something out of Chernobyl.

Anyway enjoy mapping and stay in touch for sure. 
Nightmare Theme 
Yeah, it said that I recognized the place because I had been there many times before in a nightmare that kept on coming back when I was like 8 or 9 years old.

It was definitely influenced by playing Doom and Quake (I had another dream where I was in E3M6) at the time. One other feature that got into this dream was an entrance to an old-time shelter near my granny's house. It always kept me wondering what could be hiding inside, when I was a kid.

After "visiting" the bunker several times in the dream, I was able to control what I was doing.

In the dream, once I entered the bunker it seemed there was nobody inside, other than the old equipment and supplies but seemed to be work. Further inside I discovered a deep, large shaft with a cargo lift (not yet functional in the video below) and a ladder. At the bottom, there were two doorways, one small with pipes and cables, the other looked like the main tunnel, but with the view obstructed by a sharp corner. There was a flashing light coming from the main tunnel.
As I got closer to it, a shadow of a giant humanoid figure appeared in the flashes from around the corner, followed by grunting, growling, and monster-like screams.

Most of the times, this was the moment I got scared and ran back to the lift or climbed the ladder. But sometimes I just waited, or went through the small corridor. One time I tried to see the monster but as soon as I turned the corner, I woke up. I was the monster all along, I guess. :D

I've skipped the making of the actual start of the nightmare - entering the shelter - until recently and recorded it: It is still a work in process, but the main mechanics are there. I've added some "extra features" to make it more pleasant for the player to enjoy a visit to my subconscious.
Let me know what you think about it.

Fun fact: the video title says "a nightmare" in Czech, pronounced something like "notshnee moora". 
I Was The Monster All Along 
Very poetic. :) 
Brutic - My First Quake Map 
Looks Great! 
For a first map it is quiet an archivement.
Love the blue theme. Curves are straight.
Comes in as a real surrounding.
Only thing is that it looks a bit bland without detail, but I haven't play it. 
Nice Map, Daivuk! 
Not bad even for experienced mapper! I like it. 
Planetside - My First Map! 
Here are some screenshots of my first map, Planetside:

It's based on an idea I had of a tech-base being built around some arcane structure for the purpose of researching it.

Feel free to share any feedback, can't wait to show it once it's complete! 
Those screenshots looks like a time past. 
Not Bad 
for a first map. I'm a bit dazzled by the texture use/placement. It helps to give the rooms a kind of unity in correspondence of each other.
A blue texture beneath a brown gives a weary effect.
Also provide entrence's a ranged interior, so they are more outstanding.

Keep on tinkering. 
@Hipshot - I had to decompress the screenshots so they could fit the quaketastic file size.

@madfox - Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. 
Giger Model 
I found a Giger model on Turbosquid.
Fuzzed it up to a Quake1 model.
The result reminds me of the Indian God Ghanesha. 
Static Entity 
I had some inspiration from Archimedes.
And made some poor zombies do the work for me.
Crazy Stuff 
Love it madfox. I see the rotation is baked into the model - wonder if it might work better with the zombies running on the spot and the rotation handled in the QuakeC instead? It would minimize wobble on the solid parts of the model. 
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