#terrafusion Is Really Not Mapping Help Though.
#16618 posted by necros on 2016/07/02 03:34:42
It'll link doors if their bounding boxes touch.
Thing is, it is not smart enough to recognize anything other than doors that open in opposite directions and it 'fixes' doors it thinks are not opening in the right direction.
whenever you're working with doors in close proximity, just put door_dont_link on anyway. in some ways, it's better even for doors that would normally link because then both doors will emit a sound instead of just one.
Can I Find A Source For Scor.qc, Grem.qc, Etc?
I Need to make a new progs.dat with DOE & SOA features...
#16620 posted by Kinn on 2016/07/03 09:56:55
Doors, Doors Doors...
#16621 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/07/03 15:58:35
At this point I think it's safe to say that func_door is my favorite func_... except for func_msgboard!
This question's probably been asked before, but searching this thread is a real pain. It's also really short:
How do I suppress/replace the message that a door that requires a key shows?
Hopefully this is possible...
Changing A Cvar Using A Trigger.
I want to have a low gravity map like Ziggurat Vertigo, but unlike that map, I want it to be self contained. How do I change sv_gravity using a trigger?
Only With A Mod
Like hipnotic, Quoth or AD.
#16624 posted by madfox on 2016/07/03 22:46:07
Func_door has a message code that you can fill in as soon as the player reaches the door. It goes something like:
"classname" "func_door"
"message" "stop calling that key funtion"
.qc Files
Can I put the .qc files directly to the progs.scr for combine mods in a progs.dat?
example: I add hipscor.qc and wrath.qc to a same progs.scr.
Also in monsters.qc is need to add their respective info?
#16626 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/07/04 02:16:37
I have already tried that, all it seems to achieve is that both messages are sent to the player, with the custom one only visible in the console. :(
#16627 posted by Rick on 2016/07/04 03:27:06
The message key/string works for any door that requires external activation. However, you probably can't remove the default message for doors that require a key. It's part of doors.qc
It would be easy enough to change if you didn't mind having a custom progs.dat
#16628 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/07/04 06:26:54
Oh, how I love hardcoded messages like that. I guess i'll just ditch keys and trigger the doors instead. Pity, really...
Qc Files
#16629 posted by madfox on 2016/07/04 08:49:50
you can add several qc files to the prog.scr but chance will be there are strings that relay on eachother that prohibit the outcome of a progs.dat.
the compiler will send an error.txt or maybe in case if you're lucky not.
the missin pack qc are rather complex, I allready stumble in the usual one.
Problem With Corrupted .MAP File In Trenchbrook
#16630 posted by nthrilla on 2016/07/04 22:05:50
I was building a house in Trenchbroom, and it became corrupted somehow. I'm wondering if there is a way to recover it? I've tried running the file in other map programs to no avail. Link to the map file is here:
#16631 posted by Kinn on 2016/07/04 22:16:40
yeah you got a bunch of "nans" on some texcoords for some reason - grab a fixed file here (i've just zeroed the nans, so you have to redo the texcoords on the affected brushes)
I'm pretty sure SleepwalkR would be grateful if you reported it as an issue on the TrenchBroom github page: https://github.com/kduske/TrenchBroom/issues
By the way, were you using Valve format (I can't tell from the map file you uploaded)? I ran into an issue with "nan" unexpectedly appearing in my texture coordinates; sounds like it may be the same issue:
Ok, I get try to do it with careful.
In my case I using kurok, The files for the Progs.scr Needs to be in the same directory? Adding for example duck.qc to qc directory.
Re: Problem With Corrupted Map File
#16634 posted by nthrilla on 2016/07/05 01:05:45
Thank you! SleepwalkR also provided me with a clean file. The problems seem to have occurred when I duplicated some brushes. I'll have to do some experiments to see why it did that.
Qc 's
#16635 posted by madfox on 2016/07/05 02:06:06
The simplest way would be to add things like objects before the misc.qc and monsters after the ogre.qc. That's for the compiler you're using. Not had much trouble with it as long as the objects you're placing are standalone.
As soon as they become related to eachother, let's say the monster needs a weapon.qc tribute that isn't there you have to add it seperately.
I'm placing trees so I add a tree.qc just before the misc.qc and make sure ther's a tree.qc with the message for the corresponding tree.mdl.
Then it goes fine.
But I edit the misc and weapons qc's for seperately? Or it creates the defintion in weapons.qc by default?
I lost some ammo, I just need to study about qc?
#16638 posted by madfox on 2016/07/05 16:51:08
I add hipscor.qc and wrath.qc to a same progs.scr.
While doing that there are defs in both qc files that won't fit with eachother.
org duplicate definition ignored
Here you have a def of two shotgun types that can't go along with eachother so you have to hussle wich one does fit.
You can click on the green definition to show you where both definition misargue.
In this case you'll need to define new arguments for the TE_Explosion, ammu_shells1 rockets cells.
It's rather kinky stuff because as soon as you find the string another one starts calling.
I spend months to seek the head type the gremlin uses for the weapon change trick.
Couldn't find it as it is integrated throughout whole the code.
#16639 posted by killpixel on 2016/07/06 01:26:57
which mod is wrath.qc from?
Rogue AKA Shit
Derp :P
#16641 posted by killpixel on 2016/07/06 01:39:46