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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Ummm Wow 
This looks pretty epic. 
Bal Posted This On Twitter 
Looks Interesting 
I am eager to see what the storyboard is about and how it will be done. 
Yeah... sounds like it's part of a big AD update that sock and gang are preparing. 
also those conveyor belts .... maybe it's time to add either smooth scrolling textures, or high-framerate animated textures, to quakespasm/etc. 
An AD Update? 
I thought sock had written that AD was now a "complete project". I sure hope I got this wrong --- and if there's an update in the works, that it'll not feature only base maps. I can't wait to see another work in the vein of Foggy Bogbottom, Firetop Mountain, Leptis Magna or The Forgotten Sepulcher. 
AD 1.8 Is In The Works 
Lots of bug fixes and some new features (and monsters?) coming. But that's all I know second hand. 
i think they are adding Floyds 
"i Think They Are Adding Floyds" 
Finally, Quake is complete and life is perfect. 
Oh my. 2020 is going to be a wonderful year. 
Have I Ever Told You... 
New Deathmatch Map With Bot Support 
Hi, in case anyone's interested, I finished a large Q1 map with a slightly different flavor. It's deathmatch, but it's also designed so the Omicron bots can use it. So for those who want single player against bots, or playing against humans, or both bots and humans together, it's great. There was a time when just a few friends could have a closed multiplayer game, without somebody like Thresh showing up. Using this map, with DirectQ as the server, a small group can have a great time. To fill in the 16 person quota, you just add the correct number of bots. Some may remember the Omicron bot problems with original Q1 maps. I also had a few, and spent a lot of time ironing out the bugs, and getting a very enjoyable bot experience, for those who want this. I also didn't want anyone to be in the dark, as far as how the map works. It's very complex, so I am preparing a youtube instructional video.
Here's the video intro I intend to use at this point. I may change the music. Go to the following link:

Find the file "Intro.mp4" Turn up the volume and double left click the file. :) 
I need a 2 minute intro video with lift muzak for a 1996 quality DM map like I need my arse being filled with molten iron and then a magnet attached to the bottom of the ocean. Perhaps the time spent on the video and music and somehow not even posting a direct link, would have been better spent polishing and refining the map??

Still if you want more feedback and beta-testing feel free to post it on here too when it's ready: 
That's the beauty of opinions. Everyone has one. The map has already been thoroughly beta and bot tested. Quakespasm, which supports the Omicrons and large maps, seems to be stable across all Windows platforms. About the only thing Quakespasm isn't good at is packet handling. This makes bad as a server, but okay when connecting to a DirectQ server in DM. DirectQ is a question with regards to Windows 10. I know it works fine in Windows 7 Pro, and doesn't work well in XP Pro. Since development stopped before 10 was released, and that's what most use I would think, I don't know if it's 10 compatible as a server. So if one wanted to beta test, this would be the best task. 
Inky Scratchy 
Not sure if it fits quake's bestuarium, but it just creeped out my mind. Something with a vanishing sprite fog.

I love it!! =D 
Cthulhu Approves 
so it certainly fits Quakes bestiarium.
And a real beauty it is, at that! 
Same Species I Suspect 
I've read that they have a brainpart for each tentacle and seem to be highly intelligent. Apart from that they have eyes with the seize of a bowling ball, and have extra uv sight like cats.
That a terrible animal can be so hiddious. 
Unreal 1/Gold Map Work In Progress. 
Skaarj base themed level.

Screen 1
Screen 2 
Marvelous ! 
Help me get up if you made that with the UnrealrEd v01. Never understood the crashes it caused.

Top notched screenies! 
Some Old Teasers, Warmed Up 
4 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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