CPQ - Dynamic Map Logic Dev Kit V0.1a
Hello there!
I've uploaded the first alpha version of my new dev kit CPQ and am very much looking for some feedback on it. CPQ is all about storing values into "registers" and then using them to impact the game (changing player health, door speed, etc) as well as boolean expressions (greater than, less than...) that can trigger different things when true/false, as well as mathematical operations (multiplying enemy health by difficulty level, for example).
I've included a map that shows off some features, as well as PDFs that give a quick tutorial and list all new entity definitions.
Google Drive
Feel free to reply me here or PM on Discord (Qalten #6722) with feedback/errors/suggestions/neat maps!
Why CPQ?
Because it sounds like CPU but with a Q! (a CPU being more or less what I'm trying to emulate here).