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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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I didn't really want to just plop the gun on a moving pillar, but I may end up doing something like that.

I appreciate the offers for help, but this map is right at the edge of exceeding the normal map limits and I intend to finish it without doing that. I only have about 4 models left to play with and the marksurfaces are over 32000 and at an unstable point.

On top of that, it's actually pretty complex. If I leave it alone for more than a few weeks I tend to forget how everything works. 
Split the map into 5 maps, MAPNAME_1, MAPNAME_2, MAPNAME_3, MAPNAME_4 and MAPNAME_5. Then it won't be large, I hope. 
Almost Forgot 
You can also accept the map as is and put the exit right away. :) 
Those of you that have been supporting me with learning how to map: I'm a bit in the weeds. I am in highschool, and right now, mapping is not top priority. Even on my spring break, I have tons of school assignments. Some of you may remember that I said that I would "light vertig for the fourth time," I haven't actually been able to do that. Almost the next day after I posted that, I got all of this crud to do. Because of this, if I say I'm going to do something, I might not be able to do it for a while. I haven't been mapping, but I'll get right back onto it as soon as I can. I can't promise it, but I'm pretty sure I will have time to do all of the stuff I want after spring break. Wish me straight A's. 
SpecialBomb, you're not required to do mapping :)

Also, how do I make so monsters teleport into some area after a trigger activation? 
Yeah, I understand that.
It's just that I have decided to be a continuation of this subculture, and I feel that it is pretty important to be criticized by the people know what they are doing, so that way I can get to their level in the future. I know, it's a bit overkill.

Also, I think I know how to help you.
Do you want the monsters to suddenly jump from one place to another, or do you want the monster to suddenly exist? 
There are no excuses! Forget food and sleep and go map!
Just kidding, good luck with those A's.

Link trigger/button to trigger_teleport and that trigger_teleport to info_teleport_destination.
Put monster so he is inside/touching trigger_teleport.
You may wish to have all this stuff in a separate room "outside" the main map. 
Nevermind, I guess I can just do a func_door with a clip texture and a func_illusionary brush in the floor the monster will appear. The monster will be lifted by the func_door to the func_illusionary brush.

What kind of brush is there that only monsters can clip through? 
Here's A Doc On Teleporting Monsters (I Still Don't Really Get It...)

I recommend going to this site when you need to figure something out. It's SUPER OLD though, so one of my projects in the future is to remake these tutorials for a more user friendly (vids, docs, map examples, etc.) 
School Is More Important Than Mapping. 
Okay, Here Is What I Think It Means... 
What you are supposed to do is make an empty room where you will "store" your monsters. This room is supposed to be separate from your main map. Put your monsters in that room, and then put some teleport entities right on them. Then you go to the main room, and put a teleport destination info entity where you want a monster to teleport. Link the teleport destination entity to the teleport entity, and then you link the teleport entity to a trigger once in your main map. And you are done. Sucks that you can't just make a monster start disabled, and then trigger it to re-enable it.

Note: I have no idea how you are supposed to link the teleport and teleport destination together, so you may need to google a bit. 
Delayed Spawn 
Some modifications allow for spawnflags to be set to not spawn a monster upon start. Then you need only target the monster in question for them appear.

Two popular ones that can do this would be Quoth and Arcane Dimensions. 
If you knew how long some people take for their maps... Relax! :-) 
To be honest, I have no idea.

Also, your run Quaddicted, right? 
Why not try making a map without relying on teleporting monsters? I try to avoid it.

It's actually a kind of worn out mechanic.

A bit like Doom 3 monster closets, now that I think about it. 
It's because there is little space for other closet. Please check the Revision 1: Play the map. Either side is occupied by something, be it a door, a mechanism, a closet, or whatever. No space for a Vore trap after pressing the button, except I make a teleporting monster. Well, it's the best I can do. 
Slopes Or Stairs? 
Should I use slopes or stairs while making a deathmatch map? 
Figured it out myself 
How To Make Map Overviews? 
Like the ones in CS, but for other games like all the Quake engine games and UT (but especially Quake 1).


I try to noclip out of the level and take a screenshot, but there's usually a Hall of Mirrors effect or having some parts of the map disappear. 
Add command "gl_clear 1" (without quotes) to you autoexec.bat to get rid of HoM.

If there's a lot of sky, that will get in the way also. Too bad there's not an option to turn off drawing of the sky.

Hit the + (plus) key a few times to hide the staus bar, and type the command "r_drawviewmodel 0" to hide the player weapon. 
Also, if you have fog enabled it might look better in an overview screenshot if it's turned off. Like I didn't do here: 
Red Lettering For Messages 
Something I can't figure out:

How do you achieve the Red/Bold lettering on messages?

At the very least, in ad_swampy the textbook used to start the tome of power quest has an example.

I see that the message key has a value with/b The Rune Quest/b/ <--(Backslashes) but when I attempt that on my map it does not work which also uses AD by the way.

I have even directly copied MFX's textbook and it still does not display the lettering which leads me to believe I am missing an element here. Any help is appreciated!

While we are at it, are there other fancy lettering you can do? 
The colored lettering only works for server names and user names. I'm very sure messages are not affected by this. 
Speaking Of Color... 
How do you color lights? Is it in hexadecimal or something? 
It's a light entity key. I use 0-255 RGB

_color rrr ggg bbb

I don't know if it does hex, but I think you can use 0 to 1 if you want. 
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