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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Now this would be the perfect basis for a Lara Qroft mod 
Now go map the Soviet Installation from Rise of the Tomb Raider. 
Looking For Beta Testers For A Turok Style Map. 
Hello there.

I would apreciate if someone can playtest this map I made, that is heavely inspired by Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, and give me your opinion about it.
I also included a .ogg file from Turok in the .zip

Here are some screenshots: 
Requires Quoth! 
Sorry, I forgot to mention that. 
I'll Check It Out 
But I have never played Turok. :( 
It Doesnt Matter :) 
I dont think you need to have played Turok to enjoy the map, besides I tried inserting some original ideas of my own into it.

Only things that are directly from Turok are some textures and the .ogg file 
Tried The Map 
Not enough monsters (especially vorelings) in nigthmare mode. Tunels and caves geometry is too simple (too linear, too much old school). The walls aren't feeling very rocky and natural. I suggest that you add more details (rocks, ...).

I played the map with the AD mod (it's my default for every Quake maps), so there was some odd behaviors with walls and buildings firing laser-bullets to me! 
You Are Right About The Tunels 
I did make them purposely simple to emulate the tunels from Turok, thats why they are so simple, and also because I am still not good at making natural looking structures.

Also because I am still new to quake, I dont know how to add monsters on nightmare difficulty.

And, could you tell me which walls were shoothing at you? I dont know how could that happen. 
With normal Quake C, I don't believe you can make nightmare mode have different monsters than hard mode.

Also, IMO it's not useful to "playtest" with a mod that the map is not made to be played with. I mean, play how you want, but bug reports and balance complaints and stuff will be kind of meaningless. 
Should not be considered a tester man. 
Hey Dude 
I watched that cool movie you made but I swapped the audio track with that of “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” so none of the dialogue made much sense which made your film suck so I didn’t enjoy it sorry. I hope this feedback is useful. 
I liked the map. For a newbie, not very bad. There are some points. As mentioned above, slick simple tunnels. And in one more place I noticed a sharp disappearance of fog during the descent into the dungeon.In general, I was pleased with the idea and the scale of what was done. I hope in the future you will grow and make better maps 
Here's a cool trick you can do to keep morons like Barnak out of screwing up your map: 
@otp [] 
Thanks for the idea!

I now updated the file to implement something similar to that using func_wall 
Then The Moron Was Useful To Improve Things, Heh!? 
Gang of shitbags! 
The map is now improved meaning that nobody will play it in AD and break it! 
Barnack Spotted During His Latest Beta-testing Marathon: 
@16023 Of course you can change monsters with regular QuakeC in nightmare mode. Just check for the "skill" value and set your monster type accordingly, before you place them on the map.
Just like they are removed in multiplayer.
The code is already there. Just use it.
If you still have problems, look at how Ogres are handled in Mission Pack 2. ;-) 
By "regular QuakeC" I mean unmodified progs. AFAIK you can only set monster entities to be flagged as "Not on Easy", "Not on Normal", and "Not on Hard". But when it comes to Q1SP mapping I'm just a spectator so I could easily be wrong. 
correct, nightmare uses the same flags as hard. 
Nolcoz, Re: Turok Map 
Very atmospheric. I didn't think the relatively simplistic brushwork mattered: to me it added to the retro charm and I found the tunnels perfectly convincing. The inside of the pyramid is a little ugly, though -- but I really like the implementation of breakables here.

Two (three) issues:

One: It's possible to exit the level early by accident. If you stand on the ledge on either side of the exit bridge and jump, the level ends. I did this by accident first, as I thought the ledge might lead to a secret. I would suggest actually putting a secret on that ledge and I guess moving the trigger_changelevel up and out of the way so it's not triggered by accident.

Two: The yellow armour secret in the arena-style fight near the end is far too obvious. You just go up the ladder and onto the pyramid-like structure and there it is. It's neither hidden nor hard to get to; it's just there, like a regular pickup. In my opinion it should not count as a secret. I haven't found the other secrets, so I can't comment on them.

Three: This may or may not be a problem, but it's really easy to kill the Gug at the end from a distance, without its ever having a chance to hurt you. Personally I don't mind as I don't really like boss fights and prefer overly easy combat to hard combat, but it might be something to consider. 
Second Release With Minor Changes. 
Good day, mate

I made some minor changes to the map considering what you told me. Hopefully this solves some of the problems with the map. 
Cool. I'll try and play through the new version within the next couple of days. I'm a bit busy with work etc. at the moment, so my apologies in advance if it takes a while. Or maybe someone else will have a look in the mean time. 
My Demo Of Nolcoz's 2nd Beta 
Link below:

You can read most of my commentary in the demos, but in general, I like the fresh theme compared to the standard Quake fare.

I played in nightmare, so it's supposed to be hard, and not sure if I was just being clumsy, but I would've liked more health.

I'm also not a big fan of the Quoth monsters, even though they fit the theme extremely well looks-wise. The spawn-like floating monsters are just annoying and the sentinels have too high reactions for my liking. I think I died something like 8 times in the map due to the combination of having low health and fighting those annoying monsters I don't have much experience with.

Also, I think you might want to make a gate that prevents the player from just running away from the boss. It'd be kind of funny being Turok the Dinosaur Hunter and then not hunting the final monster. xD

Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed playing through the map, but it was just that one arena fight with droles and sentinels and ogres that I wasn't having a good time with. Perhaps give the player a bit more health before entering that fight? o: (Perhaps you did in a secret, but I didn't find any.) 
Forgot To Mention 
I think some of the ambushes felt a bit cheap; especially this one sudden vore ambush. The spider pit ambush was also sudden, but I guess I had enough health at that time, because I survived it without dying. So, if you're planning to make ambushes that could be considered cheap/unfair, perhaps you could at least ensure that the player has enough health to survive the initial cheap shots he or she receives. 
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