#15942 posted by DeeDoubleU on 2016/02/14 00:51:22
Thanks for the link, Kinn, gonna check it out tomorrow.
#15943 posted by negke on 2016/02/14 08:58:30
Small button with "health" "1" next to the box, so the exposion damage triggers it. See bbin1 for reference, at the end of the second level part.
Button That Works Only After A Trigger Fires
#15944 posted by Ubiquitous on 2016/02/15 19:05:32
I'm possibly missing something obvious, but is there a way to do the following two related things?
(1) make a button that activates when the player touches it but that cannot be activated until after a particular trigger is fired.
(2) make a door that opens when the player approaches it but not until a particular trigger is fired.
#15945 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/02/15 19:19:38
Could it be as simple as an invisible func_wall in front of the button that you killtarget later?
Yes, That Works
#15946 posted by Ubiquitous on 2016/02/15 19:57:59
Yes, that works. Actually, I had thought of something like this but for some reason convinced myself that func_wall wasn't implemented in Quake.
Thanks for putting me right.
UE3 Question
#15947 posted by DaZ on 2016/02/15 21:49:19
This should be something really simple but it is driving me insane :/
Ok, so I have a prop properties page open in UE3 editor and in this prop I can assign other props to die when this prop dies, all I have to do is input the name of the props I want.
One of the buttons says "use current selection item in the content browser" but if I select the thing I want in the content browser it brings up the properties for that item and I can no longer enter it into the ui.
I can see no way to copy the name of the item either.
So, it seems the only option is to type out an insanely long reference name which I will inevitably fuck up somewhere and create bugs.
What gives?!
#15948 posted by mfx on 2016/02/15 22:42:36
#15949 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/02/15 23:44:59
Did my tweet not help? Locking the property window will stop it from changing the window when you click another actor.
And typing in the name won't fuck anything up because it won't take a bad name ... the name will have to exist or it won't accept it.
Since When Do Tweets Help?
#15950 posted by mfx on 2016/02/16 00:26:48
wait a second..
#15951 posted by DaZ on 2016/02/16 04:21:19
Thanks Warren you are a life saver. That was driving me mental!
btw : I accidentally a xcom 2 map pack http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625430712
Will probably work on it some more tomorrow.
#15952 posted by Ubiquitous on 2016/02/16 19:23:41
Thanks. Building a logic gate in that way is definitely something I hadn't thought of, but makes a lot of sense now.
#15953 posted by anonymous user on 2016/02/16 23:07:23
my jam2 map used one of those, exactly for the stuff you described(open a door when an event has fired/happened). Glad to help!
Simple Things
#15954 posted by Preach on 2016/02/16 23:15:24
(2) make a door that opens when the player approaches it but not until a particular trigger is fired.
While it's cool that my logic gate got another outing so soon after the last one, there's an easier way to do what you need here. Create the door with a targetname, then add a trigger_multiple around the door to define the area you enter to open in. Once you're happy with that trigger, use the trick from...
...to make it a spawnable trigger_multiple. Before you've spawned it there's no way to trigger the door to open, afterwards it opens as soon as you go near.
Of course, if you need the ability to rescind and reactivate the proximity trigger repeatedly, then the logic gate is the way to go. In the case you described, I think you only need the transition from off to on to happen once, so I'd recommend this way as being easier to build.
#15955 posted by Rick on 2016/02/17 04:58:53
A button that doesn't work is counter intuitive to me. I would at first be inclined to think that the mapper messed something up.
It seems better to me that access to the button simply be physically blocked.
I suppose it might work if there was an extremely obvious reason for the button to do nothing.
You Could...
#15956 posted by Qmaster on 2016/02/17 05:09:23
Use a trigger_multiple to give you a message saying "button inoperable, power disabled" and then killtarget it later.
#15957 posted by Rick on 2016/02/17 08:49:19
Yep, that's the kind of obvious I was talking about.
Falling Through Sloping Floors?
So I've been cutting up a large flat horizontal brush and than cutting away at the constituent pieces at all sorts of angles to create a floor that looks naturally uneven. When I tested it in-engine just to see how it looked, I fell right through one part of the floor, as if the brush were a func_illusionary. Then I remember having seen this in a few other maps too (I think one was a speedmap by FifthElephant and one was one of Tronyn's Unforgiven maps).
Does anyone know why this happens and/or how to avoid it?
#15960 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/02/17 17:06:23
Welcome to Quake mapping. :)
#15961 posted by DeeDoubleU on 2016/02/17 17:21:46
Cover it with clip brush.
Sloped Quakes
#15962 posted by mjb on 2016/02/17 18:19:53
Quake and slopes sometimes get into little arguments with each other. Clip brushes try to keep the peace and let everyone live in harmony.
Hull Problems
#15963 posted by ijed on 2016/02/17 19:14:12
This can happen for two reasons;
1. Depending on the method of construction and editor used you'll get tiny misalignments. This is the reason for most if not all corrupt brushes.
2. The engine just doesn't like a specific brush configuration.
1. Make sure everything is on grid - don't use carve, be clever with vertex manipulations (no concaves, make everything either wedges or pyramids if you want terrain). If you're clipping then clip across the entire brush, from grid point to grid point.
You may need to delete and rebuild bad brushes.
You can also get sticky brushes, where a tiny (invisible) overhang is in the floor - you run into it and get stuck.
2. Move stuff around. This isn't a common problem unless your geometry is very simple and pretty big.
Clip Brushes
#15964 posted by ijed on 2016/02/17 19:18:37
These will solve hull problems, but they're a kind of 'ah fuck it' solution that can cause other headaches.
The floor / wall can still leaks for example, or end up requiring a lot more lightmap that you won't even see. Or produce isolated pockets of space outside your level which won't break anything but is better avoided.
Sock's tuts on terrain: http://www.simonoc.com/pages/articles/terrain1_1.htm
#15965 posted by ijed on 2016/02/17 19:25:34
And another problem - many people assume that terrain requires much longer vis times, the truth is both yes and no.
Typically there are these misalignment issues in places where the player won't notice, like in the walls or ceiling.
The other thing these cause is unnecessary vis calculating.
Not a big deal with multicore compilers, but it can be the difference between it taking 5 or 10 minutes, and if you're compiling frequently (as you should be to avoid it exploding in your face after adding new stuff) then this can slow you down a lot.
Thanks, Ijed!
That was the kind of explanation I was hoping for.
I had a look at Sock's tut but am finding it a little hard to understand in terms of TB and Quake, as it seems to be more about later brush-based games and things I can't do when mapping for Quake ... unless I've misunderstood something. Maybe it just assumes more prior knowledge than I have.
DeeDoubleU, Bloughsburgh -- I had also actually thought of just plonking a clip brush down in the offending spot, but I wanted a better understanding of what was actually happening. Thanks for responding, though!