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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Dear friends, a.k.a fucking morons.
Please learn to upload your files to the right folder instead of cluttering the main page with your shit, forcing people to scoll down endlessly for the login button.
I'm Probably Guilty Of This 
Any way of just moving the files? I know it would break some hyperlinks but the files would still be retained 
Delete Them All 
quake skill 3 with respawning monsters and items/powerups is it ok thing ?

and skill 2 behaves as skill 3 
Also Neg Can Press The ‘end’ Key? 
I'm late on this one, but I finally got around to playing it and I just love it! Of course whenever I see a map that isn't the conventional Quake theme of castle or base gets my attention. (Not that that's a bad thing) You did a stellar job of creating a farmhouse, at least that's what I think it is. Everything looks good from the decrepit interiors and the windows letting you see the inside, to the vegetation outside. My only suggestion would have been to make the spinning part of the windmill more visible to the player throughout the map, as I think it makes an excellent set piece.

As far as gameplay, it wasn't too bad on hard skill. Almost died at the end but I always have trouble with those gugs.

I think you did an excellent job with this one, certainly well enough to be fully released.

First run demo, hard skill: 
Thanks a lot! I already thought that no one would record a demo for me. I liked that you managed to pass the map from the first time. The last hall is difficult for me, but I think it should be so. 

As for the mill ... Her blades and so big. And they have no physical collision with objects. I calculated its length so that it was not noticeable.

For the release, I will add a few monsters on a hard level, otherwise it is not much different from the normal level. And the last room due to the large delays between the waves of monsters will be a little easier.

I am also glad that the map is like. In the coming days I will post a release 
hi, here's my attempt to beat the map on skill 3

lasted 'til the gugs

reminded me of hexen2/blood combo 
Thank you very much for the game. When you killed the vorelings, I also thought about monster_jump. In the release I will add it. Thanks again! 
Inspired By Lunaran 
@digs (if It's Possible) 
i would advise you to increase the secret count on your map, for a such big map the number of the secrets is to low 
Too Low 
Tempel Of Doom-Beta; Testing 
Hallo friends. six months have been gone till I started with mapping for quake. Now I think this thing is going for finish.
Right now I'm checking out the failures in compiling.

I would ask you guys now for help.
Are there bugs? Graphic problems? or other issues.
Please tell me!

best wishes

My Thoughts On Temple Of Doom 
An interesting map you have in the making here, GunSgtHighway. :) I like its oldschool looks. It's really rough around the edges, but there are elements that are nicely detailed, like individual decorations and I like the brushwork in the cave areas, especially in the Shambler/Scrag room.

One thing about the map's filename: It's called tod.bsp, but there is already a map called tod in Quaddicted, Tower of Death, so when I tried to extract your map to my maps directory, it was trying overwrite the older tod map. You might want to change your map's filename. People often name their maps after themselves, like in my case I could name my map esrael01.bsp, for example.

To spare the older map from being overwritten, I renamed your map files to and recorded a demo of my playthrough in Quakespasm. You can download my demo from the link below:

You may have to rename your own tod.bsp and tod.lit to GSH_tod.bsp and GSH_tod.lit, so my demo would work on your computer.

Most of my comments are in the demo, but my main gripes about the map would be the low difficulty and the lack of guidance. Combat could be made more difficult by adding more tough monsters like ogres, fiends and scrags. The map is mostly populated by lowly grunts and knights, which makes the map quite easy. I'd also recommend mixing monsters together. You could combine Scrags to attack from above while other monsters keep you occupied below.

I couldn't also find the Thunderbolt anywhere, even though you added cells in the map. Is it hidden in some secret? If it is, you could also add secret markers in the map.

The biggest problem would be the lack of guidance. Doors aren't marked with the symbols of the corresponding keys, especially the gold key door I found completely by accident.

All in all, it's clearly a beginner map with its flaws, but it was really interesting to explore. I was really interested to see what I was going to see in the next room. I'm looking forward to seeing the map finished and your future maps! :) 
Thanks for your thoughts on the map Esrael. I will rename it and rethink the guidance and monsters. Will take a week or more.

A stupid question. How can I open the demofile? :D 
Instructions For Playing Demos 
1. Place the dem file to your id1 folder
2. Start up your Quake engine
3. Open the console and type

playdemo <demoname>

That's it! :) In this case you'd type

playdemo tod_esrael01

If it doesn't work, rename your map files to GSH_tod.bsp and GSH_tod.lit, because that's what I renamed them to when I extracted your files to my maps directory. 
Ok. I Finaly got it. :)
Yes you're definitly right with the guidance. Will place the keylogos on the doors and maybe some signs on the way too. The clipping is a big thing too. Hmm a little of work to do. :) 
Almost There! 
If you want to fix the clipping issues without affecting the looks of the map, you can prevent the player from going to forbidden places with invisible walls. Just make a brush with the clip texture.

Glad I could help you out by testing the map. It's easy to become blind to flaws when creating stuff, so having someone else inspect your creations with a set of fresh eyes can be really beneficial.

Anyway, don't give up! Doing the final touches to a map can be tedious, but reaching the point where you're happy with the end result can be very rewarding! 
Baddies Keep Coming.., 
Made a new ogre model (with some glitches) bow_ogre
Hoo boy, like the concept but the QME jitters are strong with this one. 
With a glitch, I know.

I use a bone model to animate and it measures normal lengths (1m70). The Quake models are in this standard just 40cm.
When converting from this scale a lot of adjustments get lost, because the modelgrid is 512x512. Importing a giant in Qmle and scaling down is not the way to do it.

I'm convering down the bone-model, as it produces finer details in the movements. 
QME Jitters 
errrmm...aka "fundamental unavoidable artifact when using the mdl model format, irrespective of tools" jitters you mean?

I've often banged on about a hypothetical "mdl2" format that just uses higher precision for vert coords. This is what I'm going on about. 
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