My Thoughts On Temple Of Doom
An interesting map you have in the making here, GunSgtHighway. :) I like its oldschool looks. It's really rough around the edges, but there are elements that are nicely detailed, like individual decorations and I like the brushwork in the cave areas, especially in the Shambler/Scrag room.
One thing about the map's filename: It's called tod.bsp, but there is already a map called tod in Quaddicted, Tower of Death, so when I tried to extract your map to my maps directory, it was trying overwrite the older tod map. You might want to change your map's filename. People often name their maps after themselves, like in my case I could name my map esrael01.bsp, for example.
To spare the older map from being overwritten, I renamed your map files to GSH_tod.xxx and recorded a demo of my playthrough in Quakespasm. You can download my demo from the link below:
You may have to rename your own tod.bsp and tod.lit to GSH_tod.bsp and GSH_tod.lit, so my demo would work on your computer.
Most of my comments are in the demo, but my main gripes about the map would be the low difficulty and the lack of guidance. Combat could be made more difficult by adding more tough monsters like ogres, fiends and scrags. The map is mostly populated by lowly grunts and knights, which makes the map quite easy. I'd also recommend mixing monsters together. You could combine Scrags to attack from above while other monsters keep you occupied below.
I couldn't also find the Thunderbolt anywhere, even though you added cells in the map. Is it hidden in some secret? If it is, you could also add secret markers in the map.
The biggest problem would be the lack of guidance. Doors aren't marked with the symbols of the corresponding keys, especially the gold key door I found completely by accident.
All in all, it's clearly a beginner map with its flaws, but it was really interesting to explore. I was really interested to see what I was going to see in the next room. I'm looking forward to seeing the map finished and your future maps! :)