#15842 posted by sputnik on 2016/01/23 21:57:38
Ah ok, got it.
#15843 posted by Kinn on 2016/01/23 22:02:38
Annoying though as Darkplaces with hi-res textures made even my unfinished effort look nice!
I spent a while looking for a suitable reaction .gif to respond to this with, but got sidetracked and never did finish my quest.
#15844 posted by sputnik on 2016/01/23 22:10:00
I had no idea that they were frowned upon. My post asking for advice was the first time I'd dipped a toe into these waters.
As an 'outsider', I like to play single-player Quake in Darkplaces with hi-res textures. It's fast and it looks great (to me, anyway).
#15845 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/01/23 22:24:04
Kinn and I (and a few others) are pixelated purists. We can be annoying...
#15846 posted by ijed on 2016/01/23 22:58:25
It's a bit more than that. The general idea is that Quake is too low res in geometry to have hi res textures look good.
Realistic type spaces are hard to do for a similar reason - the player is a really fast dwarf, making it instead suited to cyclopian architecture.
Don't worry though - if you hang around here long enough I'm sure you can grow yourself a fine flowing neckbeard!
#15847 posted by sputnik on 2016/01/23 23:02:47
A neckbeard is one thing but there's no way I'm moving into a basement!
Not The Only Option!
#15848 posted by ijed on 2016/01/23 23:09:21
Soap Box (on top of)
Bridge (under)
Iceberg (if Vondur gives permission)
CZGs Anus (I hear it's nice this time of year)
And, of course, The Moral High Ground
Careful Though
#15849 posted by adib on 2016/01/24 05:44:09
You don't get into the bus and go joking about czg lower parts or sexual preferences. It's hard to unlock this badge.
#15850 posted by adib on 2016/01/24 05:53:37
I like HD textures and Darkplaces can be beautiful, but I had this flickering problem using it. Entities like func_plat or func_wall flicker in some conditions I couldn't figure. Darkplaces also render shadow artifacts I don't see in other engines. If you like GL render and HD textures, have you tried EzQuake?
#15851 posted by sputnik on 2016/01/24 12:20:41
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried EzQuake but it gave me "SV_Error: Programe error" and I was never able to start my map.
I'll try breaking my map down into separate chunks until I can find and fix the errors.
This might be a stupid idea but ... if there are problems with leaks ... would putting the whole map inside a huge box fix the problems?
Boxing A Whole Map
#15852 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/01/24 12:34:28
is a direct way into czg's anus to hell. don't ever do that.
Two Places I Don't Want To Go
#15853 posted by sputnik on 2016/01/24 12:39:47
Thanks for the tip
#15854 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/01/24 12:48:39
"if there are problems with leaks ... would putting the whole map inside a huge box fix the problems? "
No, it would hide them. :)
It's an idle threat. Several of my maps are inside a giant box ;)
Just Fix Da Leex
#15856 posted by Kinn on 2016/01/24 13:02:29
I've never found leaks difficult to fix - just load the pointfile in the editor and follow the line, as you would follow the candy trail to Shambler's false-number-plated white van parked in that abandoned building site.
Follow The Line ...
#15857 posted by sputnik on 2016/01/24 13:37:35
My line is like a spiral drawn by a blind child :(
However, I shall keep working away and look forward to having my finished creation pulled to pieces by all and sundry :)
#15858 posted by mjb on 2016/01/25 12:24:14
Hello again,
Found another obstruction this time in the form of map objects. Quoth shows support for a waterfall map object but I do not see it on the point entity map objects listing. I only see Custom, Grill, Grill 64, and Grill 128.
I tried using a custom map object but I can't find where the waterfall mdl would be...I searched through the Quoth pack files to no avail. Surely I am missing something but if anyone can provide assistance I'd appreciate it.
#15859 posted by necros on 2016/01/25 12:47:17
I think that's preach's waterfall, so it'd be up on his blog for sure.
It Is Indeed Preach's
#15860 posted by mjb on 2016/01/25 13:06:00
Yes you are correct, I am using his Quoth tutorial articles and I must say they are an absolutely wonderful resource. The waterfall sounds perfect for the ideas I have in mind but the first step is to place down a waterfall_map_object which seems to be missing from my point entities list. I am using Trenchbroom if that makes a difference.
As I have said, I tried searching the Quoth pak files via PAK explorer and could not find any indication of a waterfall mdl file or anything similar.
#15861 posted by necros on 2016/01/25 13:23:40
There's a generic model entity you can use. just download the model from the blog.
Need To Search Deeper Next Time
#15862 posted by mjb on 2016/01/25 13:32:13
Ah, so I started digging deep into the models section of Preach's Blog which states he removed it from re-uploads due to enhancing the waterfall object.
Looks like I can just grab the model and go from there.
Only thing that appears to be a caveat at first glance is the missing keys that come staple with the mapobject_waterfall described in the Quoth pack *As seen here: https://tomeofpreach.wordpress.com/quoth/tutorial/mapobject_waterfall/ Or maybe it is there...will check later tonight.
Thanks for the assistance!
Sometimes You Need A Second Pair Of Eyes
#15863 posted by mjb on 2016/01/25 13:56:58
Alrighty, looking deeper into the wonderful Tome of Preach and I find the Quoth2.fgd Now Trenchbroom has that as a default selection but the one on Preach's Quoth page is updated with....
wait for it...
Among other entities I noticed missing.
Pretty certain this will be case closed but thanks again Necros for giving another pair of eyes.
I think the brightside is if someone in the future is having the same issue they can do a search and find these posts. ;)
Waterfall Of Tears
#15864 posted by mjb on 2016/01/25 22:25:36
Okay, back again yay!
Waterfall object is there...I can place one (Blood waterfall is legit!) but no sound comes from the falls.
Tried sounds: 1 but that does not work either.
The PAK2 contains misc/wfstart.wav and wfend.wav so the sound exists. I can play the sounds with a play_sound entity but that's not ideal.
Furthermore, if I want to trigger the fall from starting or stopping I can do that just fine and the animations play but the sounds do not. For that I am using noise and noise1 for start and stop respectively. I don't see any console errors regarding the sounds so I am a bit puzzled.
Triggered Sounds
#15865 posted by Preach on 2016/01/25 23:33:04
All the extra sounds key stuff is really there so you can have an easy to toggle sound for dynamic waterfalls, so the "sounds 1" key only works if you trigger the waterfall. You may want to try again now you've made it trigger. If you have a static waterfall then the play_sound route is the way to go.
Due to an oversight, the sound doesn't being playing until the waterfall is triggered to begin flowing; if it starts the map in flowing mode it will be silent. I'll add this to the fix list but a workaround in the meantime is to start the waterfall "dry" and then instantly trigger it when the level starts.
#15866 posted by Preach on 2016/01/25 23:35:30
...the sound doesn't begin playing...