Posted by metlslime on 2002/12/23 18:27:46 |
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.
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#15840 posted by Redfield on 2018/09/21 09:29:25
It looks kind of like the Angler Fish from Rayman Legends, and it would light the way in the dark.
Also there is a trick you can use to keep the environment dark, but light up your models: Since the model adopts the light value of the floor, you can make the floor a func_illusionary (with clip/skip brushes for collision). Beneath the func_illusionary place a func_group brush with _minlight set on it.
This method will allow you to keep the environment very dark, but also light up your models. I used this trick to light up my seahorses and mermaid splash in this dark cave of water:
#15841 posted by madfox on 2018/09/24 01:50:57
For my clear understanding,
I made a map with the lampoonfish, but in dark I see no sign of fullbrights.
So I made a tex brush of quakepal to see if the lower range would glow in the dark, but they don't.
Do I have my settings wrong?
r_fullbright 1
r_fullbright 0
Sounds interesting, Redfield. Also a bit complicated, I remember I had to do such a thing to make the startrek model have a good lightning.
#15842 posted by Tribal on 2018/09/24 02:11:48
some models in quake have a glowing attribute, like the lasers from Enforcers (newmis.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT;). Maybe you can copy that attribute and adapt it to your fish code, this way he will really glow in the dark, it doesn't matter the skin color.
#15843 posted by madfox on 2018/09/24 13:59:02
Thanks, Tribal. That could work, I was thinking of the moving_light code also. But after working with new models for so long deleting fullbright's, I just can'you see why they won'the appear now as in the example.
#15844 posted by metlslime on 2018/09/24 15:31:10
Madfox: do you seen fullbrights on models created by other people?
If not, make sure gl_fullbrights is 1
#15845 posted by madfox on 2018/09/24 17:36:12
It works as soon as I made a subdirectory.
It seems my TmpQuark has got a bit diluted.
 Quark Is Best
#15846 posted by mfx on 2018/09/24 19:21:02
Madfox, Keep on!
#15847 posted by madfox on 2018/09/25 03:04:29
I remember how I got this idea. I lowered the triangles untill qmle could load it. My texturing is bad, when I had a good UV skin file I spent a week and now the midle ridge is meshed up.
A bit dark, but that's what this baracuda needs.
 New Multiplayer Map
#15848 posted by moko on 2018/09/28 23:43:28
I have created small multiplayer map for duel.
Anyone would like to take a look on it and let me know what might be improved?
Thanks folks
I didn't play a match but I did load it up and looked around.
Things I liked:
I has a very solid old school feed to it.
Very nice lighting overall. The shadows from the skylights look great.
Looks like a fun layout for a duel map for sure.
You have some nice brushwork, particularly the Red Amor area.
Some of the areas are a bit bland looking. And monochromatic. Try a darker floor color in different areas maybe? You also may want to add some simple trim here and there. Or add some accents like torches or light fixtures. This would help to differentiate the areas.
There's an area with a pool of water and room behind the bars it is very dark. Might be a good area for a secret or a strobing or pulsing light. Right now it's just dark.
I would consider one more connection between your play areas. The layout seems like a loop and maybe you could add one passageway somewhere to open up the flow a bit.
Overall you have a very nice level - keep mapping!
I forgot something important in my last post. Use -soft and -extra4 when you light your map. You have a lot of "jaggy" shadows at the moment in your map. These settings will look way better.
More info here: https://ericwa.github.io/ericw-tools/doc/light.html
#15851 posted by adib on 2018/09/30 03:47:40
Played against the Reaperbot and had a lot of fun. It can improve on the looks for sure. I'm not talking about brush sculpting, only common sense design like: door frames, variation of color and light/dark on the textures, etc.
I frequently got stuck on teleport frames. Also, I couldn't see a point in that water volume. Am I missing something?
 Follow Up
#15852 posted by moko on 2018/09/30 09:34:30
Hi guys,
thanks for comments so far!!!!
Yeah, I've needed it. Answers to you comments are below.
I admit maps is not finished yet.
- Teleportes stuck me frequently when I am playing. I plan to correct it. I will move it into wall
- Some areas are "bland looking", I have paused work on on great look and testing playability.
- I am plannig to retuxturize it. Maybe I will give up for brick texture and try dm4 texture.
- I am planning to add frames and details at the end.
Regarding dark area, there was passage to the GL room but I have close it. It was not used when we have played with my friend.
Water... My plan was to use it to set up trap to kill player who dominates at the moment (it is all about keeping red armor). So you could jump into water and discharge :)
Aparently no one has used it so far when playing. It might be removed.
I have to admin i have got various comments on the level.
First. my own opinion is that level is bit small for duel, as you can run around level within few seconds (yes, strafe jumping!). Then I got feeedback that level is to big and is better for FFA. And another, that it shuld be more open map, not so many corridors as in maze :)
At the end I think each plays differently and expect different motions, like more shooting, more sniffing and setting traps.
Anyway, thanks again for feedback and yes, I am going to continues mapping as this gives me fun!
 I Always Wanted To Make A Map Inspired By The Giant's Causeway
#15853 posted by Ubiquitous on 2018/09/30 22:18:42
So I wrote a script to generate arbitrarily-sized stepped terrain from a height map.
#15854 posted by Qmaster on 2018/10/01 04:30:58
Ooh! Can you do hexagons?
Could use OBJ2MAP to do that
That's very cool. Feel free to share!
#15857 posted by Ubiquitous on 2018/10/01 21:11:27
Happy to share, but I wrote the script in Mathematica which is not the most mainstream of languages!
 Mathematica Rules!
#15858 posted by Barnak on 2018/10/02 03:34:30
Hey Ubiq, I'm a Mathematica user too!
Mma is the best math package out there, and fuck Maple.
I didn't tried your code though.
 Loving This
#15859 posted by negke on 2018/10/02 11:52:28
 That Looks Ace.
#15860 posted by Shambler on 2018/10/02 12:42:38
#15861 posted by Qmaster on 2018/10/02 22:21:12
That's a Doom map? The verticality is strong with this one.
 New Map, Need Advice
#15862 posted by Sir_Random on 2018/10/03 02:04:18
Hi guys,
I've been working on my first map for 6 weeks and it's almost ready for release but I'm not sure about the ammo/health distribution and number of monsters. If anyone wants to test it and let me know if it's too easy/hard I'd really appreciate it. Also, any general criticism or advice is always welcome, as it will help me plan future maps better.
I intended to just test some ideas and learn the basics of TrenchBroom (thanks dumptruck for the great tutorials) but it got out of hand very quickly so I combined it all into a playable level. There are some puzzle experiments which I decided to leave in, but I made them easy to avoid frustration.
I limited myself to just using start.wad, so there isn't much texture variety, but I tried to compensate with geometry
The map is based on an ancient Dwarven Forge, infested with monsters. There's a small back story in the readme.txt
map & screenshots here:
 Sir, More Monsters In Nightmare Mode!
#15863 posted by Barnak on 2018/10/03 02:48:59
I didn't tested the map yet, but I feel it is for sissies again.
In nightmare mode, there should be 500 monsters, at the very least.
 I Agree
#15864 posted by Sir_Random on 2018/10/03 03:13:53
People play Nightmare because they want a real challenge, so I'll add plenty of pain for the release.
For now, I'd just like to get it balanced for Normal/Hard and then I can remove some for Easy and add loads for Nightmare.
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