Caulk, NoDraw, Lightmaps, Splitting Faces & Negative Space
Ok, I have a series of questions pertaining to Q3map2 and what is considered correct brushwork. I know this post might be better suited for Quake3World, but I think I need to give that a break lest I verge on pestering :/ Also, I'm pretty sure there are a number of people here that are experienced with Q3Map2.
It occurred to me recently that there
may be number of things I should be doing/not doing:
1. Use caulk as the base texture then only apply art/diffuse textures to visible faces
2. Faces with non-caulk/diffuse textures should not be covered by other brushes. If this happens, cut the bush up so any non-viewable surface is caulk instead of diffuse
3. Use detail brushes more liberally. If it's not simple and doesn't have vis blocking utility make it detail. (this is a generalization and may be overall incorrect, I don't know)
So, in theory this all sounds very nice. Even in practice with simple geometry adhering to these standards is very doable. I did a small test with slightly more complex geometry to see the impact this would have on time, brush count, tri count and light maps.
Brushwork Comparison &
Lightmap Comparison
"Sloppy" is simply laying down enough brushes to get the job done and disregarding the techniques listed above (aside from non-viewable surfaces being caulk). "Clean" is the result of using said techniques and is what I am currently presuming is the correct way to do things.
From my observation, these are the pros and cons of doing things "correctly":
The lightmap more is accurate and simply prettier, particularly along the concave seam of perpendicular faces. The lightmap data itself is smaller and able to be more efficiently packed. This could be meaningful with a large map.
Requires more brushes, which requires more time and produces more tris. I should note that I went ahead and split most faces into tris manually as the compiler wasn't spitting stuff out that was as pretty. However, the compiler might know what's better and perhaps I shouldn't meddle with it.
Ok! Questions:
1. Is the described "correct" way of doing things truly correct?
2. It's my understanding that brush count really only affects compile time, but once compiled it's irrelevant (aside from any axtra tris that may be produced).
3. If collision and sealing aren't necessary in a particular instance, is NoDraw preferred over Caulk? I ask this because I don't understand how collision works and want to avoid creating needles collision data.
4. Is a pocket of empty space surrounded by caulk brushes bad? In my test, the ceiling is flat, between the flat ceiling and the arched roof is a pocket of empty space. This could be filled with extra brushes, but is it necessary?
5. Is manually splitting faces advantageous such that it's worth the time?
6. Did this post need to be so fucking wordy? (thanks for getting this far)
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!