Update 1.01
Update 1.01. Missing
Yeah. And still forgot to descibe the last screenshot. There are now three ways to finish. As I told before, it is your choice how to get down. You have to pass each zone, but the order of clean out is yours.
#15677 posted by Kinn on 2018/05/06 01:14:25
As I told before, it is your choice how to get down
What happens if the player just steps off a platform and falls to the ground?
#15678 posted by KenChennar on 2018/05/06 02:32:01
Poorchop, Spud, Mclogenog, distrans, Qmaster. Thank you for the kind words and expressions of shock. With just some detailing and smoothing out the rough edges left, the map construction itself is pretty much done. Problem now is how to make it fun.
I've come to accept that I can't do Quake gameplay very good as it always ends up being too difficult or disjointed and unfair. And a map with this much space, well it just wouldn't work out at all. Not really sure what to do at this point.
If you fall down, you are in one of three zones wich have to been passed anyway. The only thing that changes is that maybe you wake some monsters to early. :)
#15680 posted by DaZ on 2018/05/11 22:16:31
Still looks really busy and unclear. I really can't tell what the flow is supposed to be when looking at the screenshots. The one with annotations isn't any more helpful in this regard sadly.
Crate mazes are not fun. Definitely reconsider!
A lot of the structural stuff looks really fiddly to get around, lots of stuff sticking out to snag the player etc.
In Defense Of Crate Mazes
#15681 posted by Tronyn on 2018/05/12 03:47:15
Doom 1: e2m2: Containment Area
In Opposition Of Crate Mazes
#15682 posted by Spud on 2018/05/12 04:51:31
Doom has some pieces of far worse level design than people like to remember, i.e. E2M2. Also, this isn't Doom so we have a third dimension to fuck around in.
Thanks for the input. Pleas remember this is my first map. I'm working on it to get it as professional as I can. Some of my solutions now will not be the smartest in the world but they work at this stage of my leveldesign-learning.
Hopefully my first beta will give a better look!
About crate mazes. :) Every Doom, Quake, Jedi Knight, Tomb Raider,... I think every game since Commander Keen has crate mazes. There were so many that I dream of them since when I was a boy. So hopefully some day, somebody will write a "I've no idea how to fill this space in short time so bubbles would be a nice idea."- routine and free our minds from them. But till this day someone will run through crate mazes. :D
#15684 posted by lpowell on 2018/05/13 02:15:20
I wanna throw in my WOW to you as well. I'm a huge admirer of your previous work, even if I was more forgiving of aspects of oms3's gameplay than some others. I'm sure I will have fun with it when you're finished, however it turns out.
#15685 posted by Qmaster on 2018/05/14 13:54:22
Crate maze? Bring it on! That sort of thing has a nice charm evn if it is a well used trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ContainerMaze
Hey RJ!
#15686 posted by Drew on 2018/05/18 01:45:41
How goes the 5 map episode?
You're dam right! Right now I'm creating the passage from zone blue to green with some cave stuff. But it now will have a bigger crate maze thing. Think I have to play some more Doom sessions for inspiration but will become funny. :)
#15688 posted by rj on 2018/05/21 14:23:35
Soon! Had a lot on this past few weeks (as has Newhouse I believe) but it's on the home stretch.
Maybe if I publicise my self-imposed deadline of 28 May on here (ie. right now, in this post) it might spur me on...
28th It Is!
#15689 posted by Drew on 2018/05/21 23:09:40
send a couple more screenshots to gain more attention/extrinsic motivation!
Sure Thing
#15690 posted by rj on 2018/05/23 00:16:25
#15691 posted by Joel B on 2018/05/23 06:54:28
One word: Amazing!!
Fuck Yeah
#15693 posted by Drew on 2018/05/24 00:36:14
assuming lighting is cranked up to avoid people on func spazzing out?
This looks very cool!
Must Play Blue One Now!
#15694 posted by Qmaster on 2018/05/24 01:51:36
#15695 posted by Poorchop on 2018/05/24 08:05:10
Your game play is spot on bro. Ter Shib was a masterpiece not just in design but also in terms of game play. The environment is a factor in my opinion and you managed to perfectly intertwine it with fights. Shib2 is a great example of this.
From what I remember, my only issue with Ter Shib was being severely ammo starved at some points. However, that was largely because I started from scratch at shib3 after losing my save files upon completion of shib2.
Pushing these old games like Doom and Quake to the limit presents new challenges because enemies weren't designed with these new, more elaborate, and substantially larger spaces in mind. However, you still made it work. Looking forward to your map (and maybe some day expanding on the arctic concept myself since I love the setting and theme).
#15696 posted by Shambler on 2018/05/24 12:03:05
Shots a tiny bit dark, bot looks really cool, proper quakey :)
#15697 posted by spy on 2018/05/24 18:42:45
Looking forward for your upcomimg release(s)
#15698 posted by spy on 2018/05/24 18:43:16
#15699 posted by jcr on 2018/05/24 18:52:26
Well don't keep us waiting much longer! :D