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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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tod_1 - try adding a few more angled brushes to those rock cliffs
tod_2 - looks cool, but the slight lack of symmetry does not sit well with my OCD :D
tod_3 - I'd break the floor up a bit, maybe cut a rectangle 6 or 8 tiles wide (and however long) and lower it by 16 units so you have a sunken section, helps distract from the repetitive tile texture
tod_4 - that wall texture is normally used for floors, looks a bit odd

I like it, reminds me of old maps I used to download from ~18 years ago in a cute, nostalgic way. 
Thanks For First Feedback 
Thanks for the first feedback!

@Qmaster: Thats a great idea because I'm still fighting with the big spaces and need more live in it.

@DaZ: Yes you're right. I created them in an early stage and tested them to late. I've implemented in my idear of loosen up the gameplay, means shooting, adventure, shooting, jump'n run, shooting. I know that this is totally breaking with the original concept but hoping that it works.
About the way(s) to the goal. :) You have three, at least four with falling down. 1.)Youse an elevator and get into the action. 2.) find a way over the platforms, find weapons and ammunition, clean up the hords. 3.) Use a platform kind of stairway to get down, clean up the enemys one by one and finish.There is also a oldsch. J'n'R way back up and you will need it. (see tod_7) You're right about the frustrating thing and I'm working on keeping it on a minimum.
The barrels will be minimized.

@rj: Yeah the brushes. :) Now that I found out how to break the Noodlimitation I do. The symmetry first was a problem for me to change bacause of the limitations. I try to fix this with lights and shadows. The walltexture.. damm. Haven't recognized. Is changed.

Have added some better Screenshots with lightning. 
Simplex B2 
Got a new beta of Simplex with a lot of changes from the feedback :)
The encounters should be more interesting now, and I decided to take the more ruined aesthetic throughout the level.


Simplex B2 
It's coming along and feels much more cohesive than beta 1. Me being lame on skill 1.

I got got turned around a few times and felt lost more that once but your encounters are way more fun now! I'd say a touch more health in the first two rooms. Don't be afraid to put a couple of arrows in your level to tell the player where to go next.

I really like the look of the level. You have some really striking geometry throughout.

What do the generators do? Is that element still under development? Or did I miss something?

Overall it's really a huge improvement. I might play again and send some more feedback about little texture things. It's the end of a long day. 
Those shots are looking pretty epic. I'm intrigued. 
Thanks for the demo! The idea with the generators is for them to power up the mechanisms nearby (the tram and platforms). I'll need to do more audio and visual work there to sell that idea though. 
Thanks! With your tutorials in mind, maping is real fun! In one or two weeks I should have a first playable version uploaded. I'm curious about your opinion. 
Galiduse Point 
That looks unreal. I love arctic themed stuff and that's better than anything that I could've imagined. 
Is that a goddamn aurora borealis? 
At This Time Of Year? 
I made a playthrough of the new version of Simplex \o/

Man, what a great adventure! It's like a totally new and different map! o_O

In this run i couldn't grab the nailgun in the beginning of the map, couldn't take the red armor and neither the supernailgun (i didn't noticed that one side of the cage was open, i must be blind) and i was so frustrated XD (i played the map three times now, so i could find all the secrets and take all the weapons)

One secret that i didn't understand was that door that opens behind the ogre (at 05:00). In my third run i nocliped to see where it leads, and found out that i had to shoot a wall in the corridor to go up there, but how can a player know that? there's no visual hint for me to shoot the wall :/

Anyway, back to the map... the design, the textures, the details, the monster's placement, the gameplay! I love it all!! XD

Congratulations! What a good job you did here =D 
@Tribal, thanks for giving it another playthrough! Definitely still some rough edges, especially around secrets and some visual bugs. Maybe by next weekend I'll have it in a spot where I'm ready to call it done :)

@KenChennar, dang that looks cool! I also hope that audio is an in game music track, because it gives the map a totally surreal feeling 
Localised Entirely Within Your Kitchen?? 
Orl, you are insane :) that looks awesome! 
Simplex Demo 
I love the look of it and the small platform puzzles. I really liked how the scrags filled that room in the beginning where the nailgun is. I'm sure I missed a bunch of stuff. Here's a demo: 
Holy crap that looks awesome!! Quite the reveal. Liked the roots in the cave too. 
Hi everybody. I've added some new screenshots of work in progress. Thanks for all your feedback. Have changed the textures where they were wrong and some map logics that had been asked for. 
Update 1.01 
Update 1.01. Missing 
Yeah. And still forgot to descibe the last screenshot. There are now three ways to finish. As I told before, it is your choice how to get down. You have to pass each zone, but the order of clean out is yours. 
As I told before, it is your choice how to get down

What happens if the player just steps off a platform and falls to the ground? 
Poorchop, Spud, Mclogenog, distrans, Qmaster. Thank you for the kind words and expressions of shock. With just some detailing and smoothing out the rough edges left, the map construction itself is pretty much done. Problem now is how to make it fun.

I've come to accept that I can't do Quake gameplay very good as it always ends up being too difficult or disjointed and unfair. And a map with this much space, well it just wouldn't work out at all. Not really sure what to do at this point. 
If you fall down, you are in one of three zones wich have to been passed anyway. The only thing that changes is that maybe you wake some monsters to early. :) 
Still looks really busy and unclear. I really can't tell what the flow is supposed to be when looking at the screenshots. The one with annotations isn't any more helpful in this regard sadly.

Crate mazes are not fun. Definitely reconsider!

A lot of the structural stuff looks really fiddly to get around, lots of stuff sticking out to snag the player etc. 
In Defense Of Crate Mazes 
Doom 1: e2m2: Containment Area 
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