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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Darkplaces always wreaked havoc 
I See What You Did There ^^^ 
First Two Maps Won't Compile! 
Hey all, I was hoping my first post here wouldn't be an absolute newbie question, but things don't always work out for the best for us in this world.

Anyway, I've been trying to work out the basics of Quake mapping but I've hid a brick wall when it comes to compiling. I've worked through the Trenchbroom tutorial up to that step, and as the tutorial instructs I downloaded TyrUtils and necros's GUI utility and set up necros's utility according to instructions. I'm not sure what exactly is going on but it doesn't seem to do any compiling? There's no .bsp in the output folder, for example, or anywhere else on my computer. I'm not sure what's going wrong after rereading necros's documentation. (I'm hopeless with command lines, btw.)

Possible issues I've eliminated:
- spaces in the .map filename.
- overlapping brushes
- unsealed areas (although if I understand the tutorial correctly, this shouldn't be a problem if I'm not doing vis yet?)

I've included the output from the "compile" file from the working folder below. Can't say it says much to me, maybe it does to you. Also here's a link to my latest "map" I tried to compile (a small room with a monster and bad texturing):

@echo off

cd C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuakemapping

echo Copying Files...
copy C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuakemapping

echo Converting map...

echo --------------QBSP--------------
C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuake-mappingtyrutils-0.15-win32qbsp.exe second

copy second.bsp C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuakeID1maps
copy second.pts C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuakeID1maps
copy second.lit C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuakeID1maps
There are no slashes in your file paths. For example C:UsersGAMERDesktopQuakemapping should be C:\Users\GAMER\Desktop\Quake\mapping

I haven't used Necros compiler gui so I can't help with that. I'm sure others can! 
Thanks Daz. There are in the original text file, not sure why they weren't copied over. Here's a link:

(hi, btw! Love you maps and Youtube channel!) 
The bat file is looking for tyrutils in a directory called "-mapping", I'm assuming the hyphen there is a typo? 
Ah yes, I fixed it and it worked! Silly mistake on my part--been trying to compile some test maps for a couple days now, all of which didn't work due to some things I ended up figuring out--but in the process I moved/renamed some folders and didn't fix all the settings in the GUI. Now I can see my efforts in all their janky glory.

Thanks ericw! 
Well, now I wanna play your maps. 
Well, now I wanna play your maps. 
Monster Clip? 
Noobish question, but how can I make one?
I can create func_wall covered with skip texture and owner:1, but that would block everything (except player), not only monsters.

I tried to duplicate random texture in wad and rename it with few variations of "monster_clip", "clip_monster". That didn't work. 
I don't know how to put this to you DW. There's no easy way to say it.... so, I'll just say it.

I'm afraid you can't. 
Monsters don't cross holes in the floor. It's usually a bug that needs to be fixed by the mapper by covering it with skipwalls or some other hack, but if you're willing to put in some stylish vents where you want to stop monsters they'll refuse to path over it, which is nearly the same thing. 
Yeah what lunaran said.

Example here: 
That Might Just Work 
Thank you.
I assume everything deeper than stepheight would be enough, correct?

That linked image confuses me a little. Wouldn't monsters try to cross using that thin bridges?
Maybe there is minimum floor size they can use for navigation? 
Infinity Walls / BSPs 
Hey guys!

I just started using Trenchbroom and I'm having some problems when I'm cooking/baking the map. Just for testing I created this one room with just an enemy some lighting and pickups as well as a player spawn. It cookes/bakes well and when I load it in-game the bsps seem to be invisible, so I can look out in the infinity. Yet I can still see the enemy and the pickups.

Anyone know how to solve this?


/ Stefan 
1) post a link to the .map because it could be a number of things

2) you don't need to sign your posts 
It's to do with navigation - they won't cross a gap they think they can't.

In order to make it invisible to the player you can put a func_illusionary in the gap. 
One You 2 Many 
That linked image confuses me a little. Wouldn't monsters try to cross using that thin bridges?
Maybe there is minimum floor size they can use for navigation?

The way monsters navigate is mostly by blindly moving towards their enemy, turning randomly whenever they hit a wall or cliff. So technically they could cross those narrow beams but it's very unlikely . So if you want 100% impassible you probably need an unbroken gap with a func illusionary to fill in if desired. 
Monster Clip 
I wrote an article on how to program monster clip here: 
Bonus Hack 
If you don't care that it won't work in COOP mode, you can hack monster clip by making a func_wall with clip brushes as described in the blog post above. Then add to that func_wall the key

"owner" "1" 
I don't think monsters could path over those thin beams as the monster would be considered partially in the air due to some corners of its bbox being off the floor. AI won't willingly move to this state. 
Ah, so it tests all 4 corners for ground contact? Then I agree 
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