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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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@spy And @former_total_newbie 
@spy, thanks for your willingness to give the map a try!


Thanks for you quick look - I agree that there's more to be done. I often find that it takes quite a while and much experimentation to come up with interesting brush shapes - I guess I'll need a few more iterations until the boxy feel of some locations is fixed.

Yeah, I was foolish enough to not keep old screenshots around. So, I created new screenshots of beta1 and beta2 in areas with significant changes: 
here's the skill3 demo

i liked a lighting very much, the gameplay itself
was around the id maps 
Wow, your demo is very useful! You're certainly playing quite differently from how I approach things (great jumping skills!) and I now see that some encounters don't always work out as intended.

For instance, it never occurred to me that one can simply cheese out of the Shambler fight by leaving the arena, I always go in guns blazing. But then again I don't play on skill 3 ;-)

Also never noticed that the Shalrath doesn't trigger when staying in the elevator.

Seems the secrets are too obscore. They are marked visually and/or via geometry, but it appears it's too easy to miss them.

I wonder why you seem to dislike the lighting gun. Does it make things too easy?

Thanks four your kind remarks regarding the lighting. I spend quite some effort on tweaking lighting to my liking, and your comments enforce my impression that lighting is, indeed, very important. 
@ SavageX 
I'm a bit of a drrunkkk, to explain some thing prroperly, sorry

speaking of a secrets - i'm failed its plain and simple

about the shaft, it seems i have missed the super nailgun, but i'm strongly believing there ain't no need for a lighting fgun(Sorry for my broken engleesh)

overall , it is a great map to starting on (Sorry for my broken engleesh2) 
Shots Look Nice 
sparsity not always a bad thing. some good little touches here and there.
Reccomendations>>> maybe non wood crate texture? JF2 texture pack or whatever by Metl has some nice basey ones that might fit well. That one for the oblivion mod? Someone please clarify if you could

re shot 3 having some trim around the holes through which the big columns recede would be a bit more visually pleasing.

one other way to break up monotony, eg in shot 4, might be some recessed computers or vents in between the panels. Again could mine the aforementioned wad, or even rubicon2 for some that might work there.

can't comment as to gameplay, sorry! 
New Demon Model 
Personally I don't think a fiend would be so gaunt, specifically around the biceps. They need to look as though they're capable of smashing through armour with a single eviscerating blow. 
Where Are Eyes? 
Oh Lord... we go again 
its "bicep" could be bigger, but overall looks great. Also what about adding some blood to the ends of its claws? 
Claws Paws And Maw 
Need blood.

Then again it would explain why the poor feller is starving. Ya beef up the biceps a bit, and feed the poor guy and he'll be grand. I love fiends! Looks neat. 
Looks Perfect As Is 
... except yeah blood claws.
lil biceps work for me. 
The more gaunt appearance works for me, because it seems like the fiend hasn't eaten in a while, which in my mind makes it more wretched/dangerous. 
Chillo Fiend 
I don't think I like it as a fiend replacement, but it has the beginnings of an interesting monster -- maybe an additional variety on the fiend? The thinner claws make it look a little like a bird carcass or a Half-Life headcrab in-game, which is unsettling (in a good way). If it had a faster clawing animation than the fiend, I could see it becoming a nicely terrifying monster.

The whitish hooves look fine in the editor shot, but in-game it looks like the fiend is wearing white running shoes. The open mouth during the attack animation also doesn't work for me aesthetically. 
I can adjust the biceps, maybe adjust the coloring on the hooves. Adding blood will probably help as well.

I'll also see if I can adjust the mouth during the attack animations. Make it more subtle.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! 
I can adjust the biceps, maybe adjust the on the hooves. Adding blood will probably help as well.

I'll also see if I can adjust the mouth during the attwck animations. Make it more subtle.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! 
Can you adjust the eyes, to make them exist? 
Ban OTP. 
I Mean, He's Not Wrong 
Never understood the eyes vs no eyes Fiend argument myself. At least the Shambler's fuzziness is questionable enough to be worth arguing about (including two opposing official stances, A. Carmack saying it's flesh and Romero saying it's a shaggy yeti coat), but this isn't 1973, it's easy enough to open up the pak files and look at the Fiend's texture and gaze into its piercing yellow eyes. Yes, there's an extra bit at the top that, if applied, removes the eyes, but it's unused in-game (as everyone should damn well know because we're not barbarians playing with texture filtering enabled making the eyes impossible to distinguish anyway, right?). 
Those Aren't Eyes, 
they're turn signals. 
Shamblers Are Fleshy 
Fiends have eyes
Vores are called vores
Spawns are called spawns
Scrags are called scrags, have eyes, and are fleshy. 
The Shamblers Are Also Farting A Lot 
Dude, why not adding a spiky cock under your fiend model? That kind of long and thin spike that kills a butt! 
Again, I think I like the concept art more than the model. The texture is very clean/flat and I think the enemy design is kind of homogeneous so far. It's good to keep in mind the silhouettes when designing a character

Plus I think more colour variation would help make the different enemies stand out even more. :) 
@chillo - I agree with the advice given here so far. In-game his arms look small and awkward rather than intimidating. Otherwise, he's very cool and still a sweet model nonetheless!

@qmaster - I thought shamblers had matted fur?

@fifth - useful feedback, thanks! I think they can be pushed more in their shape and paint job as well. They're a bit bland atm. There will be much more diversity/stylization among the remaining ten enemies :D 
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