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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Final level of a short WIP episode I've resurrected to tinker with KEEP:

Some of the brushwork in the distance isn't compiling properly right now, so I need to figure that out pronto. 
The scorpion looks really good madfox, does it have AI yet? 
Though it is still in kinky way.

Fun game, though. Not that poor man's quake afterall. The monsters are quiet good textured, and act in a brutal way. Not sure how they managed the partial limbs scattered.

chasm rift/quake1 
You played all of it? using Panzerchasm or dosbox? 
I'm still on the second level, playing on win98.
So far I'm mostly impressed the way it has that quake "feeling" all the time. 
Shambler - Today at 10:01 PM
why has madfox's scorpion got breasts on the front? 
That's The Kinky Bit 
true, the original looks better.

@-Ipowell: your txt vanished.., that's the kinky part. 
*/madfox was googled by the talking head. 
Why is the scorpion green instead of brown tho? 
is my weakest skill. I spent some time to get it right, but the dimmed pal make my ears turn weird. 
Enter Sleepgate 
My first quake 1 based base map, some quirky unconventional way of progressing the level, infiltrate and operate the sleepgate.

Have done maps for the old but gold build engine with Duke3d but familar with 3d engines just never really finished a fully fledged 3d map.

uses a stack of quake 2 textures and requires quoth.

Based on the sleepgate, rather than a slipgate, send your physical being into the world of dreams nightmares, a slight spin on the slipgate tech.

My thoughts on the sleepgate

"Like Doom was based on a hellscape, I feel quake is based on nightmares and dreams

So what if they brang back the slipgate and made it something that can send your physical being into demensions that we explore passively with our minds with our sleep and refer to as dreams.

Its such an interesting cocept if they were to bring back quake and expand on that idea, you couuld really capitalize on all the bad dream tropes like running and feeling like you are getting no where, falling dreams.

I feel there could be so much gameplay in a world with no logic, walking on walls and ceilings, pure chaos demension that shifts around your emotions, your mind makes the world in a way but its subconcious and beyond your control."


I say its in a beta stage with mostly some texture cleanups required and smaller areas textured properly, but should be fully playable.

Infiltrate the facility and gain access to the sleepgate. 
Congrats on your first Quake map. 'm out tonight but you should get some feedback soon enough on this board. Good that you are taking the "lore" of Quake and adding a twist. I am intrigued. 
Cheers I have been pretty into mapping before, I used to use the build engine heaps made the "Duke Nukem Eternity" mod which had some pretty intense mapping, used to use the polymer lights kind of like quake maps and applied quake type techniques to my build maps, but alas they never bothered to fix performance and the editor was very clunky

trenchbroom is a blessing 
Looks Good! 
What skybox is that?

Looks cool, nifty details like the forklift. 
Oh just one of the skyboxes that came with quoth 
slight problems with that beta/alpha thing

- some monster at the start are supposed to spawn in later

- cant finish the map

ill put a new version up soon with that fixed and more texture work. 
k uploaded a new version, texturing is mostly finished, items and monsters

I think there is a bit too much health but i don't know because i know the map well.

requires quoth 
updated the .rar Basically complete now :)

Ran a final vis, no leaks, all texturing done, monsters and items too

Enter Sleepgate

90 Monsters
4 Secrets
Co-op support 4 players 
New Ogre Model 
Please check out my new Quake Ogre model.

You can download it here:

You're welcome to use it for your mods, just please give me credit.


Thats pretty good Chillio.

I like his hunched over stance

Do you have any other Quake models you are working on or plan to work on? 
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