Screenshots look great! Really liked your previous maps, so I hope this one gets released soon.
@15199: I'm guessing it's the same set of maps Kaiser released earlier as
Harvester of Chaos (
Func thread). I'm pretty sure I recognise at least some of those areas. Would be nice to see it finished, if it is the same project.
#15201 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/09/20 04:07:38
Nice screens, MissB. In Barnak's defense though, I would say he has some sort of point in that recent maps have kinda spoiled us of the wow factor for vanilla lack of detail. Still, you nailed the id1 look down to a T, and that's an achievement in itself that not too many mappers have managed to really pull off.
@Pritchard and he does the thing where there's a space before his punctuation
That's probably because he's not english/american. Typographical conventions differ from one country to the next. France, for that matter, does that very same space thing for punctuation marks other than simple points and commas.
Exactement !
#15203 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/09/20 04:36:33
(should be "ma baguette", though)
#15204 posted by
Barnak on 2017/09/20 12:38:38
J'enfonce ma baguette, tout doucement mais surement, dans le tendre cul de Drew ! De grands frissons de plaisir parcourent mon échine tandis que je vois suer ce grand connard !
Hé Drew, mouche ta prostate plus souvent mon gars, car elle est congestionnée !
La Pipe Du Papa Du Pape Pie Pue !
#15206 posted by
Barnak on 2017/09/20 13:24:40
Hé Drew, tu as des poils au nez. J'en ai dans le cul ! Et si on les attachait ensemble ?
Screenshot Jam
#15207 posted by Tronyn on 2017/09/21 01:06:20
whoever is not dead post a screenshot by friday even if its an editor shot
#15209 posted by
muk on 2017/09/21 07:56:28
Ohhhh Muk.
#15210 posted by
Shambler on 2017/09/21 10:20:38
Nice. WTF is that statue?
#15211 posted by
muk on 2017/09/21 16:32:14
Khreathor made it for skackys jam9 entry.
Really beautiful details there.
Why Not?
#15213 posted by
Cocerello on 2017/09/21 22:41:03
It is mostly boxed so there isn't much to show and i reached the limit of what Hammer can show some time ago (around 10000 brushes at a time), so there is lots missing in that shot.
How About A Textured Shot?
#15214 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2017/09/21 22:55:45
Not That Much Worked In That Regard
#15215 posted by
Cocerello on 2017/09/21 23:06:24
so it won't make much of a difference and will even look worse, but its the most advanced map i have right now, and the rest are mainly speedmaps, which aren't appetizing for screenshots. I'll see if i can get a decent textured shot of it.
With a bit of luck i'll have this one done before november and i can get to work on the Christmas jam one. It will depend on how much i can control myself on making the map grow.
I'm Limited To Editor Shots For Now But Not For Long
#15216 posted by Tronyn on 2017/09/22 00:33:13
Whoa. Polygon-Palooza! Looks great. I can imagine some insane shadows in there.
Looks Good Muk/ Tronyn.
#15219 posted by
Drew on 2017/09/22 04:05:57
Hard to tell coco
Very excited by the stained glass window there love your extrapolations of Hexen style shit
#15221 posted by
Cocerello on 2017/09/22 09:02:21
I got curious, are you doing on purpose because you know of this
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coco_(folklore) or it is accidental? I read it before here but not sure if it was from you.
Tronyn, those look good, with the first hard to tewll that it comes from Quake. But on the second shot there is something that puts me off, don't know what, maybe the colour of the water compared with the other textures or the scale of the stained glass.
#15222 posted by
Text_Fish on 2017/09/22 11:14:22
Final level of a short WIP episode I've resurrected to tinker with KEEP:
Some of the brushwork in the distance isn't compiling properly right now, so I need to figure that out pronto.
#15223 posted by Yhe1 on 2017/09/22 22:28:59
The scorpion looks really good madfox, does it have AI yet?
#15224 posted by
madfox on 2017/09/23 05:41:34
Though it is still in kinky way.
Fun game, though. Not that poor man's quake afterall. The monsters are quiet good textured, and act in a brutal way. Not sure how they managed the partial limbs scattered.
chasm rift/quake1