#1490 posted by starbuck on 2004/10/19 06:00:19
Bal has missed that date on Bal3DM5.
Low blow! But one that had me laughing out loud, nice insultry, RPG.
/me Hugs
#1491 posted by pope on 2004/10/20 01:00:48
his blackmarket beta of bal3dm5
More Progress...
#1492 posted by Jago on 2004/10/20 15:58:46
And yes, I know that ladder has to be redone.
That celing on the right of the ladder looks like it needs more support, I'd whack in some poles or something there to look like they're holding it up. Its not a big deal but its a tad unrealistic as it is now.
#1494 posted by Vondur on 2004/10/21 03:55:28
jago that looks good and what mister fribbles said...
#1495 posted by JPL on 2004/10/21 06:28:37
It looks cool, and it's an interesting architecture... I just chave to omplain about the lack of light near the floor, whuch is a little bit too dark IMHO.. Anyway, it's rather good... Keep it up !
#1496 posted by cyBeAr on 2004/10/21 13:39:15
I win because I deleted my blackmarket copy because I thought it would be released soon...
Still Got Those Dark Floors...
#1497 posted by necros on 2004/10/21 13:48:55
still recommend putting some spots shinning upwards along the walls there. ;)
rest (besides the ladder) looks nice.
CyBeAr Is Teh Win!
#1498 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/10/21 16:21:19
I win because I deleted my blackmarket copy because I thought it would be released soon...
LOL kthx.
Worst Ladder Ever.
#1499 posted by Megazoid on 2004/10/21 17:30:57
Ten dollars? I laugh at you. Please to note that this is no ordinary comic book.
Progress Without Ladder...
#1500 posted by madfox on 2004/10/26 01:01:27
#1501 posted by nitin on 2004/10/26 01:05:12
actually look pretty ok. Break up the flat walls with some angles to avoid repetition.
#1502 posted by necros on 2004/10/26 12:03:35
it's a normal madfox map! cool!
is this a new map and not one of the older scraps?
#1503 posted by madfox on 2004/10/27 08:42:42
There's a bridge-walk in the middle, which I left out. Reason it looks rather flat.
...if you played the older scraps you might know...if it's worth mentioning.
#1504 posted by JPL on 2004/10/28 09:57:17
Rather nice screenshots with cool lightning effects... Perhaps you should use a different texture in the middle part of the walls to break its uniformity... Like nitin, I also think that some angles will increase the map design quality... anyway, it's a good work...
Carving Like A Piece Of Cake...
#1505 posted by madfox on 2004/10/29 14:33:24
It's my first attempt on working grid-attitude.
I wondered, how it would look like, if the texture design was carved out...and at the same time create decent "inner" textures.
Creating good carving tools, ie texture sides.
#1506 posted by Kinn on 2004/10/29 15:25:44
Don't use the carving tool. It will only cause grief. What editor are you using now btw?
#1507 posted by HeadThump on 2004/10/29 18:28:52
that is something you have to learn from experience ;}
#1508 posted by necros on 2004/10/30 00:58:23
we're talking about madfox here.
#1509 posted by Kinn on 2004/10/30 04:10:09
Because, MadFox, if you're using that piece-of-shit "Deathmatch Maker" non-editor, like you implied earlier, then no, you are NOT using the grid.
Deathmatch Maker doesn't use the grid, it uses it's own arbitrary decimal grid (i.e. increments of 10), with no way of changing it, because the creator obviously assumed that it's users would be too stupid to understand the concept of a binary grid system.
Deathmatch Maker is useless for mapping. Don't use it.
Oh Well...
#1510 posted by madfox on 2004/10/30 12:43:10
Thanks for your response.
I am making the best of the less. I bought this Deathmatch maker, because I thought it would comfort me in mapping. Now I worked some time with it, and it surely has a bunch of tricky errors in it. But I must admit it's more than the Qmap I was working with in that time.
So now I am gathering the goodies in it, like the bright textures, and the prefabs, which are realy worthwhile.
The carving tool, I was making, relates to Quark. I hope this editor uses the grid well.
I got some interesting results, with polygons
extracted from leaks.
Is it true that the carving tool only causes grief? I thought it works quicker carving a cube, than adding six walls.
Or are you reffering to the fact, they could cause microbrushes?
#1511 posted by Lunaran on 2004/10/30 12:48:42
We're all behind you!
/me waves a little flag
The First Rule Of Carving:
#1512 posted by necros on 2004/10/30 17:07:45
don't carve.
Don't Listen To Them!
#1513 posted by Mike Woodham on 2004/10/30 17:14:12
...nothing wrong with carving. Know your scale, know your shape, know your editor, and carve and be happy.
This is carving and NOT subtracting.
#1514 posted by metlslime on 2004/10/30 18:17:20
what's the distinction?