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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Fuckin A, Daz 
excellent plot line, make sure you include a holodeck too. And fill it with virtual hookers. 
I just talked SleepwalkR into fixing pipeline, so now it's back up. 
Some Progres... 
I've made some slight progress on my Q1SP map, but please, stop asking me for release dates. The only release date I cannot possibly miss is "when it's done". 
The only release date I cannot possibly miss is "when it's done".

Bal has missed that date on Bal3DM5. 
Looks Nice! 
i think some small 32x32 (or 16x16) lights running along the edge of the floor where the trim is shining upwards would look good and help to equalize the lighting. right now, it's super bright up top and the floor is fairly dark which looks odd.
i like the detail on the trim on the ceiling. not many take the time to extrude trim like that and it really does make stuff look better. 
Bal has missed that date on Bal3DM5.

Now go away, you seely eenglish peeg dogs! 
Bal has missed that date on Bal3DM5.

Low blow! But one that had me laughing out loud, nice insultry, RPG. 
/me Hugs 
his blackmarket beta of bal3dm5 
More Progress...

And yes, I know that ladder has to be redone. 
That celing on the right of the ladder looks like it needs more support, I'd whack in some poles or something there to look like they're holding it up. Its not a big deal but its a tad unrealistic as it is now. 
jago that looks good and what mister fribbles said... 
It looks cool, and it's an interesting architecture... I just chave to omplain about the lack of light near the floor, whuch is a little bit too dark IMHO.. Anyway, it's rather good... Keep it up ! 
I win because I deleted my blackmarket copy because I thought it would be released soon... 
Still Got Those Dark Floors... 
still recommend putting some spots shinning upwards along the walls there. ;)

rest (besides the ladder) looks nice. 
CyBeAr Is Teh Win! 
I win because I deleted my blackmarket copy because I thought it would be released soon...

LOL kthx. 
Worst Ladder Ever. 
Ten dollars? I laugh at you. Please to note that this is no ordinary comic book. 
Progress Without Ladder... 
actually look pretty ok. Break up the flat walls with some angles to avoid repetition. 
it's a normal madfox map! cool!

is this a new map and not one of the older scraps? 
There's a bridge-walk in the middle, which I left out. Reason it looks rather flat.

...if you played the older scraps you might know...if it's worth mentioning. 
Rather nice screenshots with cool lightning effects... Perhaps you should use a different texture in the middle part of the walls to break its uniformity... Like nitin, I also think that some angles will increase the map design quality... anyway, it's a good work... 
Carving Like A Piece Of Cake... 
It's my first attempt on working grid-attitude.

I wondered, how it would look like, if the texture design was carved out...and at the same time create decent "inner" textures.

Creating good carving tools, ie texture sides. 
Don't use the carving tool. It will only cause grief. What editor are you using now btw? 
that is something you have to learn from experience ;} 
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