I personally think that everyone is a wuss for being afraid of the dark. People seem to have this obsession with high visibility, even though you really don't need to be able to see what you're shooting that well in Quake.
I really like what mfx is doing with their lighting, plenty of bright highlights that are well placed/used appropriately. I just feel like if I made my level as dark as I had originally wanted to...
1. The water would look even worse. Seriously, where is my lit water support?!
2. People would complain that they couldn't see well on their 17" 2003 matte TN panel that they use in direct sunlight
Things like hiding the floor in darkness (ala
https://i.imgur.com/U59qE2D.png) and only highlighting the edges with light are things that I would like to do, but my experience last time I posted my own screens has made me wary of trying...