Nice Map, JPL....
...there are,IMHO, quite a few things to be pointed out.
Architecture i quite nice and has a good sense of progression, with opening doors leading you back where you had been before, which is always nice, on the down side maybe it is a little too linear, a more complex choice of routes would have been welcome.
I don't like D3 texes in Q maps. Period. Just a matter of taste, really, but I think Rubicon or Wind tunnels texes, or maybe Q2 slime complex texes would have given a better touch t the overall feeling.
Fight is a little sparse, with intense fights interspersed with more reflexive moments, which, in my book is very nice.
In my opinion, the big let down of the map (I only played once on normal, 22 mins. 4/7 secrets) is the huge amount of ammo and weapons. On normal it's definitely too much. I've been quite surprised of inding the sng in the room right after the ng, and the rl, well, you could do without. Sure, the final fight is really bouncy this way, but then I would have left out the sng, you really don't need two weapons as powerful against grunts and flyers, basically.
Last, the secrets, two of the ones I found are almost the same, in the very same area and one of the other two, that gets unlocked from inside the other, is a bit useless, since you're likely to go get it after having killed everyone.
Did not find the way to the Big Blue Power, but, again, I did not need it anyway.
All in all, a fairly good map, with very nice architecture and good fights, that could have been better balanced. A much welcome surprise on a late Friday night of a very hard day.
That is about all for 1st impression, gonna play through again on harder skills and maybe write again.
For now, thanks a lot for having let me begin my weekend on a very pleasant note and keep up mapping, you're great!!!
Is the way to go!!!
This map loses all its flaws on skill 3. Ammo Balance is much more realistic and everything falls into place!
6/7 (I know where the 7th is, but can't figure how to open it)
25.38 mins
Big bravo, JPL!
#3 posted by
JPL on 2007/06/23 17:59:31 additional information: this map need Quoth to be played... I forget to mention it, could add the info in the thread title metlslime please ?
Thanks in advance ;)
Nice Shots..
#4 posted by ZBREAKER on 2007/06/23 22:04:15
Whoa..those shot look extremely nice...going for some action right now!
Pretty Good
#5 posted by
ijed on 2007/06/23 22:44:26
The fighting is a bit lumpy though; the bob hordes were a bit odd. I can understand it from this missing enemies though.
Also can't say I like the Doom3 textures too much - the resampling looks pretty rough.
Maybe an external TGA texture pack?
#6 posted by
nitin on 2007/06/24 02:24:37
is there a chance to get the tgas of the converted textures? The ones in game dont look so good.
Comments later, I'm a bit furstrated right now because its too dark and I died :(
Nitin / Ijed
#7 posted by
JPL on 2007/06/24 11:35:45
You can find all the tga files in one of the Doom3 .pk3 file... I extracted all the stuff last year, but I'not allowed to distribute copyrighted stuff as is... It was already "close to the limit s" to convert the textures downto Quake and distribute it... Anyway, open the .pk3 file, and look for tga files... you should find the stuff...
In anyway, I'm glad that the first players enjoyed globally the map. Thanks ;)
#8 posted by
nitin on 2007/06/24 12:11:31
could I please get an email with a list of what to look for :)
I dont want to extract everything.
#9 posted by
JPL on 2007/06/24 12:37:15
OK, I'll send you what to look for in the co,ing days: I'm not at home actually, I'm using a friend's labtop, so I don't have access to all my Doom3 stuff... Maybe tonight, or by monday...
Looks Fine...
#10 posted by
madfox on 2007/06/24 20:12:13
great you decided to release this map!
Ain't got quoth installed yet, but sureley will try it out.
Another load of good ol' Quake!
Another Worthy Diversion...
#11 posted by
generic on 2007/06/25 00:31:06
Great stuff, JPL. Linear, sure, but great nonetheless. The textures were good, although I would love a set of those 24-bit TGAs as well, and the gameplay was good and challenging. The ammo was bit sparse at first but I had plenty for the final encounter. I didn't like the swimming through the slime bits, however. Ultimately, though, it felt like a perfect Quake-Doom hybrid which is what, I hope, you were shooting for.
#12 posted by
Shambler on 2007/06/25 14:04:15
This is bloody hard on skill 2. Not Warpspasm hard, but hard nonetheless. It doesn't need ANY more of those sodding robot drones.
It's quite good and an interesting layout, but I didn't like the textures either. They're too OTT for Quake.