![](images/clear.gif) Tutorials On Triggering A Trigger_once
#14962 posted by Preach on 2015/05/24 19:54:46
https://tomeofpreach.wordpress.com/2012/11/18/mid-map-entity-spawning/ is the negke way of doing it.
If you need to be able to turn the trigger on and off multiple times, you need https://tomeofpreach.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/new-logic-gate-design/ plus the follow-up pingback in the comments.
#14963 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/05/24 20:45:23
How does one get around the precache issue for trigger_once or trigger_multiple? The first link from preach uses "trigger_multiple" as the example but I can't get it work without crashing out due to precaching ... what am I missing?
![](images/clear.gif) Did You Read The Article In Full?
#14964 posted by Preach on 2015/05/24 22:00:02
The first example is a monster_ogre, to illustrate the limits of the technique. Make sure you're actually using a trigger_once classname instead. If you're still getting crashes and there's no trace of monster_ogre then can you say which model causes the error?
#14965 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/05/24 23:09:06
Yep, it looks like it's something to do with trigger_multiple ...
I currently have a door entity targetting the info_notnull and when the door is activated, boom, it crashes.
I get the same crash using a trigger_once or triggering it from another actor other than the door.
It must be something simple but I don't see it yet...
#14966 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/05/24 23:10:54
Aaaaand never mind! I had a...
"sounds" "3"
...key on the info_notnull for some reason. Deleting that makes everything work.
Thanks a lot for the help! Excuse the derp...
![](images/clear.gif) Sounding Off
#14967 posted by Preach on 2015/05/25 00:52:29
That's good, I did wonder if it was that, but I thought missing sounds were just a warning not a crash.
![](images/clear.gif) Oh, Yeah
#14968 posted by Preach on 2015/05/25 00:55:22
Actually reading the error, it's the other way round, trying to precache something late, rather than trying to use something without caching it first. For models, both are fatal but for sounds the latter can be survived. It is possible to get sounds indirectly - set the noise keys with the paths to the desired sounds. Of course, you need some other entity to do the caching for you or you get warnings and no sounds...
![](images/clear.gif) Is There Really No Way To Group Brushes In Netradiant?
#14969 posted by momo on 2015/05/25 01:27:55
There is no func_group. It's a huge pain working without this.
#14970 posted by - on 2015/05/25 02:15:12
the .map format doesn't have native support for groups, so you have to hack it with func_group and a compatible compiler if you want it.
you can add func_group to your entities.ent file (usually hidden in something like E:\GtkRadiant\ 1.5.0\q1.game\id1)
<group name="func_group" color="0 .5 .8">
Used in editor to group structural brushes. Added to worldspawn by QBSP. Not a real entity.
stick that in with the other brush entities (find some other entity like func_wall or something, and add it after it's </group> tag). then you can make func_group like any other brush entity in Radiant, and select all their parts with ctrl+alt+e
you'll want a qbsp version that supports it, otherwise it will be compiled into a brush entity that Quake won't recognize. I know ericw's latest tyrlight will have support
![](images/clear.gif) ...
#14971 posted by - on 2015/05/25 02:16:48
ericw's latest tyrutils I meant! been fussing over tylight too much lately... :D
#14972 posted by momo on 2015/05/25 20:05:56
Thank you so much! It seems to be working fine with hmap2 and ezquake.
I'm curious though why Quake has to recognize it. Isn't it really just for convenience moving stuff around in the editor?
#14973 posted by ericw on 2015/05/25 20:13:04
To the editor, a func_group is just an entity with brushes attached (like a door, button, etc.) These are normally treated specially by qbsp (compiled as a bmodel) and the engine (looks for qc code with the classname to set up the entity behaviour).
But since func_group is a special thing just for mapper convenience, qbsp has special code to merge it into the world, and the engine never sees it.
![](images/clear.gif) Isn't There A White Fullbright In Quake Palette?
#14974 posted by momo on 2015/06/18 19:04:05
When I use 254 as seen here http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=4&start=14949 texmex turns it brown like 255, and that's how it appears on the map.
#14975 posted by momo on 2015/06/18 19:04:49
#14976 posted by metlslime on 2015/06/18 21:57:21
254 should work. Is it broken in all engines or just some engines?
#14977 posted by metlslime on 2015/06/18 21:58:02
oh wait, it sounds like it might be a texmex bug (if the error occurs inside texmex too)
#14978 posted by metlslime on 2015/06/18 21:59:53
btw i didn't write the code in http://quakewiki.org/wiki/Quake_palette even though it claims I did. That's not now i write single-line comments :)
![](images/clear.gif) My Favourite Part Of That Article...
#14979 posted by Preach on 2015/06/18 22:20:33
...is how they managed to name all 16 rows without repeating the word "brown"
![](images/clear.gif) LOL
#14980 posted by JPL on 2015/06/19 13:38:46
![](images/clear.gif) Get Q3map2 To Not Strip Lights?
Hey there, I've heard about the q3map2 option -keepLights that is supposed to stop the compiler from stripping out light entities. Though, it never seems to work for me whenever I try it, what's the most correct usage?
![](images/clear.gif) IIRF
That is a worldspawn switch
![](images/clear.gif) RE: Pyro
So what should I do to use it? What process do I stick this thing on?
![](images/clear.gif) Sunlight Color?
#14984 posted by adib on 2015/06/22 05:25:42
What about worldspawn's "_sunlight_color" key? I'm using tyrutils v0.15 qbsp, vis and light, getting only bland white sunlight. It seems to ignore that key. I tried 64 192 255 and it's still white. I'm on Worldcraft 3.3, but that shouldn't matter. What am I'm missing?
![](images/clear.gif) Console Output
#14985 posted by adib on 2015/06/22 05:30:41
Sorry, I'm mapping for Quake 1. Here's light.exe output:
---- light / TyrUtils v0.15 ----
running with 4 threads
BSP is version 29
Colored light entities detected: .lit output enabled.
4 entities read, 0 are lights.
Lighting Completed.
lightdatasize: 1989
0 switchable light styles
Writing BSP version 29
0.0 seconds elapsed
The level shows sunlight, but it's always white, no matter how I set _sunlight_color
#14986 posted by ericw on 2015/06/22 05:36:42
Make sure to copy the both the .lit and .bsp to your maps directory, if you're compiling in a different directory.
Does your engine have .lit support? Most do, except the original winquake/glquake.