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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Nice screenshots! 
Old School 
Bad news - haven't finished AD_Sepulcher.

Good news - mapping instead.

That looks fantastic! Great vibes with the red lighting 
Thanks! It's about a 10-15 minute playthrough map. I am very close to finishing it. Need to refine skill 2 and 3 then some cosmetic things. So close! 
They're looking good, yhe1!

I'm playing though the first levels, and it is quiet an atractive mod.
Looking at the packed file, I think I'm not the first one who wonders, how to get grip on these rather unusual bin files? 
#14887 @madfox 
What mod? Someone did Chasm The Rift mod? 
Chasm Mod For Quake 1? 
If you are talking about the models, I am not sure they can be extracted because they are in an unknown format.

The following link is the closes I found 
Thanx Yhe1! 
That's a hint in the good direction.
I didn't realize using dosbox had already created an extra map with further info about the game.

It looks as if this mod is more for win98, or better MSDOS. Most of the addons won't like winxp. The mapeditor looks like an early version of the first doom editors I remember. Rather kinky because there are no faq's.

Transferring all to my old computer, see how far I can get. I didn't know they made addons for this mods too. I wonder what I can extract. 
Maybe this link can help you as well 
That Looks Right. 
While trying to unzip the chasmmap editor I chunked on an error.
Just tinkering a bit with the ventilation shaft.
Hard to get the velocity right, as quake uses 0.1 sec /frame.
Not bad afterall, see what I can do.


The wad is just the start of the ventilation shaft.
It is slow, I know. 
If You Are Using Func_wall 
You can get 0.05s frames with this trick:

Nice vent. 
@your Vent 
I messed with it and the problem is there are too many blades. With less blades it would not be a big deal to make it go faster but, with so many tiny blades anything past this speed is either going to look like it's moving backwards or moving very slowly forward.

I also removed your "lump" in the spin. Well, as much as possible considering the center is not round.


If You Don't Want The Middle To Spin 
Properties Info 
If you want to make this yourself due to some anomaly or whatever that my version may contain but like the fan speed....

I rotated the blade from 0 to 50 degrees over 5 frames at 10 frames a second. Up to 53 degrees still looked pretty smooth. Anything less than 50 or more than 53 started creating problems. Trying to use less than 5 frames and capture only a blade width of spin was too obvious. Using more than 5 frames produced results that were no better than the 5 frame way. I'm pretty confident I got it about as good as you can expect considering the graphic and the FPS. 
work Gypsy. That is a lot better.

I used three animated pares of frames to influence the velocity, but with Qmaster's hint I'll try out Preach concept.

As I dived into the Chasm game further, I decided to redraw the whole texture file into a wad file.
Some textures become pale as the chasm pal is different to Quake, but the most come out good.
Another thing is quake hasn't transparant textures, or I have to change them to sprites which is ugly.
Better to fill them up to a better content.

The map editor is more stubborn, I never got Doom maps right. As the monsters they're quiet hard to purchase. But I like a challenge. 
I Only Used The First Vent File 
I then brought it into flash, drew 2 concentric circles to break out the blades and from there simply created a little 5 frame timeline with a motion tween. It was cake from there. I just kept adjusting the final frame rotation til it looked as good as I can get it.

I made some tiny edits to the non-moving parts of the image to get rid of some little white dots where my blade cutout wasn't elite and simply exported every frame of the tween.

This is why I am confident it is basically as good as it's going to get. All of the work was in adjusting the final rotation and I tried pretty much every number between 20 something and 360. I also tried a few numbers based on 360+(>50) after I nailed that 50 is basically the hotspot. I also tried more frames that attempted to edge the number past 50 a bit. What I gave you is the best results that all of those tests provided +/- a final degree or 2. Part of my goal was to do it in as little frames as possible. I tried between 3 and 10 frames. 5 frames seemed to be the hotspot.

I still have the project open. If you see something small you don't like I can probably fix it really fast. 
Strange how my first attempt with a screenshot just blew me out of sight. Then I took half the picture, tried to blend it mirrored/flipped on top and gave up.

Then I realized it was dosbox that screwed it up, so I took one printscreen, recovered the raindrops and gave it a three degrees turn.
In CorelDraw5 I can melt parts of them and after 27 degrees I had 10 frames. (max frames for animations dew to the zero).

I'm still amazed what you did with it, didn't expect to see the outcome so good.
Preach's method can work also, but I'm so ferocious when it comes to using entities for textures. 
Use A Hybrid Solution If You Want It Even Faster 
my results plus preach's method should result in a 2x speed version of my results.

@amazed what I did with it

Well, people can say whatever they want about flash but, these simple tweens is one of it's main purposes.

How much easier could you possibly get?

So I did a small compare, I'm not that good in hybrids. What I do no is I think your solution is still better compared to Preach. Or you should hussle in the funk model. I tried to speed it up, but it is locked to the 0.1 sec gate.

I think the best way to get it better is make it a static entity. 
I Checked Out Your Bsp... 
They all look wrong. I made a quick bsp with my wad version. I was blown away by how shitty it was. I kept tweaking my wad with new rotations and then testing in a map and it's garbage, bro. There is no way at such a super slow framerate to make the fan blow fast and smooth. I made numerous edits to the image to clean up a bunch of garbage that was way more visible at 256x256 quake units than at 256x256 pixels. I have the animation down to 3 frames but it is slow as shit.


You are more than welcome to use it but, IMO whereas this is probably my best one, on multiple levels, all of my attempts are less than desirable. Unfortunately, I don't see any way to make this better without using Preach's method. 
I saw that one coming. It's a tricky way to make it go. I did earlier animated textures and got blown away by the low frame rate, and the fact it only works on 10 frames.
Nevermind, it's only Quake and I like it.

I wondered if the Chasm already had a Quake wad file already?
All info on Quakaddicted seems vanished.

So I made a static of it, it needs only 15 frames and the velocity seems well. Another backdraw is the texture is screwed as it comes on 302x 108 size. Maybe if I hussle the skin file I can stretch it a little.

Thanks for the inspiration!

static fan 
That Fan Is Awesome 
The skin is terrible but, you hussled that fan like a true hussler ;). I like how you put a little bit of drag in the spin. Nice touch. 
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